Sam Got Wet (YA NASTY!!!)

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Sam hugged everyone while still crying and sniffing. Everyone was worried about Sam and wanted to know what happened.

"What happened again?" Tito asked pulling Sam to sit down.
"Ask him!" Sam pointed to Michael with her chin.
"I didn't do anything!" Michael said loudly still sitting on the bed.
"Then why the hell is she crying?" Jackie yelled at Michael.
"Why the hell are you yelling at your brother?" Michael stood up.
"Because I hate people who make woman cry...doesn't matter who you are. Now tell me! What did you do?" Jackie crossed his arms angrily.
"I yelled at her again..." Michael sighed.
"Michael, that wasn't yelling! You legit screamed my ears of with "I'm okay" and "it's none of your business"..." Sam said loudly while lying in bed, resting against Jermaine and Tito.
"I'm sorry! It's just that Lisa took Brooke and I don't want her to do anything to her!" Michael explained.
"You could have just normally told me what happened instead of screaming at the top of your lungs!" Sam said loudly and sadly, "I'm surprised the driver didn't get scared and kill us all..." she murmured.
"I was stressed!!!" Michael came up to Sam and dropped to his knees, "I'm truly sorry, Samantha!!!" Michael put his hands together and begged Sam for forgiveness.
"I won't forgive you that easily!" Sam said and sniffed.
"I understand..." Michael dropped his head and sighed.
"Why the hell are you still here? Go help Brooke!" Sam pushed him with her leg.
"But you will be mad at me for yelling at you and now I'll leave you..." Michael looked at Sam who's makeup is ruined by tears.
"It doesn't matter anymore at this point." Sam sighed, "Just go!!!" Sam pushed him harder.
"We will talk after this!" Michael got up, bowed to Sam and run out of the hotel room.

Sam sighed loudly and lied down on the pillow. She closed her eyes and a tear rolled down again. Everyone came around her and sighed.

"He broke your heart again, huh?" Marlon asked.
"Yeah..." Sam sighed quietly.
"Will you forgive him for this?" Tito asked patting Sam's head.
"I don't know. My dumb heart always forgives even after the strongest heart breaks." Sam looked at Tito.
"It's not a bad thing that you forgive them. It just shows how kind and pure is your heart!" Jackie smiled at Sam.
"Yeah but I don't forgive everyone!" Sam looked at him.
"Is there anyone you hate with all your heart?" Jermaine asked.
"Lisa, my perverted and abusive ex and his friends..." Sam breathed out a deep breath.
"Yeah, I wouldn't forgive them either!" Jermaine nods his head and looks away, "But didn't you have a sleepover with Lisa?" he looks back at her.
"You're bringing back another fight with Michael... Yeah I did. We were joking around about our partners and he said his girlfriend was Lisa. So I invited her too to see how far would hey go to make me jealous." Sam explaines.
"And?" Tito wants to hear more.
"It all went so far I had to ask your son to kiss me... *silance* But it wasn't with feelings! He didn't wanna do it." Sam smiled nervously.
"Which son?" Tito was excited to hear her answer.
"Taryll..." Sam made a o_o face.
"Oh!" Tito seemed disappointed.
"What? Are you disappointed in us?" Sam poked him.
"No, no! Hahaha He must be so disappointed right now!" Tito laughs.
"Why?" Sam asks.
"His first kiss and without feeling...damn!" Tito laughs and stands up.
"I was his first kiss?" Sam is shocked.
"You didn't know?" Tito asks.
"How would I know that?" Sam answered.
"You didn't ask him?" Jackie laughs.
"No!" Sam said loudly.
"I thought you did..." Tito looked away.
"Why the hell would I?" Sam laughs.
"I don't know... Don't you need to know that?" Toto looks at Sam.
"What for?" she cringes.
"Don't you like them?" Tito asks happily.
"I- I can't answer that to you." Sam's answer's.
"Why not?" Tito scratched his head.
"Because you're their father..." Sam smiled nervously.
"So?" Tito shrugs.
"So? It would be awkward if I say that I do and if I don't!" Sam laugs and closes her eyes.
"Aaaaaaanyway~ What do you think Lisa will do to Brooke?" Jackie changes the subject and lies down next to Sam.
"I don't know. Probably everything that will get him as far away from me as possible!" Sam looks at her feet, "Hope she won't hurt her though!" Sam says quietly.
"How did she even get here before us?" Jermaine asks.
"Probably like a couple of days ago!" Sam shrugs.

They were sitting and talking for a couple of minutes untill the door swunk open.

"Randy?" Sam sits up.
"Sam?" Randy drops the key card.
"Weren't you somewhere writing or composing?" Sam asks and gets out of the bed.
"I don't know who told you that but I was on tour with them..." Randy goes over and hugs Sam.
"Your parents told me that!" Sam explains.
"Well, they lied!" Randy laughs.
"Either way, your bed is so comfortable!" Sam laugs.
"You're still living in my room?" Randy asks.
  "Not really! Now I have my own house thanks to TJ who got it for my 18th birthday." Sam smiled.
"TJ? My TJ got you a house?" Tito is shocked.
"Yes, your TJ!" Sam laughs.
"He can't even buy me McDonald's..." Tito murmured.

Everyone sat back down and talked for a while. They looked in the clock at it was already 9pm and Michael still hasn't come home.

"Yo, guys! Where's the closest McDonald's? I'm kinda hungry and I don't want any fancy hotel food." Sam asks.
"It's about a block or two from here. Need me to drive you there?" Jackie asks.
"No, thanks! I want to go for a quick walk anyway." Sam smiled.

She put on her shoes and a jacket. Luckily it didn't rain outside, so she didn't need an umbrella. Sam was hungry but it really the reason why she went out. She just couldn't wait for Michael to come back, so she wanted to look for him. Sam walked around some clubs whick made some men to look at her creepy. When she was tired of walking, she finally decided to go to the McDonald's to get everyone food. Hot the food and walked back home. As she walked out of the McDonald's building, it started to rain. She regretted not bringing an umbrella. Sam was almost running home nit to get drenched in rain but it had no effect anymore because a car drove through a big puddle making Sam wet. Sam got home soaking wet.

"What happened?" Tito asks.
"Just took a shower!" Sam walks in the room making the floor wet.
"What took you so long?" Tito looked at his watch, "It's almost 12 am!" Tito laughs.
"I decided to go for a walk." Sam gives him the food and takes of her shoes and jacket.
"You were looking for Michael, huh?" Tito smiles and Michael looks behind the door.
Sam didn't say anything and just walked past both of them until she got to her suitcases, "If I *cough* *cough* get sick, it's all your fault, Michael!" Sam pointed at him.
"I didn't ask you to go out so late and for that long!" Michael crosses his arms.
"I didn't ask you to not come home for so long without a single text where you are." Sam murms quietly buy loud enough for him to hear.
"I'm sorry, Sam!" Michael comes behind and back-hugs her.
"Don't!" Sam pushes him away, "May I take a shower first? I'm freezing!" Sam asks.
"Of course!" Jackie smiled at pointed to the bathroom door.
"Thanks!" Sam smiled.

She took her clothes and a towel. She went in the bathroom without locking the door. She was showering until someone walks in...

To be continued...

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