The First Fight

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Sam felt that someone was touching her hand. She was 100% sure that it wasn't Lisa because she was holding Sam's hair with one hand and in the other was her phone with the picture still on the screen. Sam was to angry to look at the person who had her hand in a grasp. After few seconds the person spoke, it was a man and he sounded angry.

"What are the two of you doing?" the man asked.
"Just dealing with a evil bi*ch..." Sam is furious at Lisa.
"I'm not the evil one! Don't you see what she's doing to me, Michael?" Lisa was playing the victim.

As Sam heard Lisa say Michael's name, she let her go. Sam was still mad, so she didn't even glance at Michael.

"Sam, explain!" Michael turned to Sam with crossed arms.
"I'm not the one who needs to explain anything." Sam looked at Michael with tears in her eyes.
"That devil hates me so much she just tried to kill me!" Lisa was still playing the victim.
"HE DIDN'T ASK YOU ANYTHING!!!" Sam shouted at Lisa and hit the phone out of Lisa's hand.

After Sam hit Lisa's phone it of her hand, it fell on the ground facing up. It was still on and Michael's photoshoped picture was there. Michael had enough time to see the picture on Lisa's phone.

"What is this?" Michael pointed at Lisa's phone.
"Nothing, what are you talking about?" Lisa picked up her phone and put it back in her purse.
"She took a picture of you at the accident and photoshoped it to look like you wanted to kill me." Sam is still furious at Lisa and has her hands in fists.
"What?" Michael is shocked and turns to Lisa, "Is that true, Lisa?".
"Of course not! Why would I ever do that to you?" Lisa wined as she went to hug Michael.
"Knowing you, you're capable of anything." Michael said as he pushed away Lisa.
"You don't believe me?" Lisa started pretending to cry.
"Of course he doesn't. Your acting skills are the worst." Sam said as she pushed Michael to the side.

Sam walked to the closet and took out her backpack. She started to pack her backpack because today is the day she can go home. As Sam packs her bag, she can hear Lisa and Michael still talking.

Michael POV

"Why?" Michael asks.
"Why what?" Lisa is playing dumb.
"Why do you have those pictures?" Michael is getting mad, which isn't something that you can see very often.
"What? It's not even my phone!" Lisa looked hurt.
"Who's is it then?" Michael ceossed his arms.
"It's Sam's. She got them from the security camera and photoshoped them!" Lisa pointed at Sam.

~I can't believe it. I know Sam for only a day but I believe she wouldn't do this. Especially because she's a fan. But if it's true...I'll be really disappointed~

Michael goes over to Sam and hands over her the phone.

"Did you do this?" Michael shows Sam the photos again.
"Of course not, I was just hit by the car!" Sam shrugged.
"Lisa said that you took them from the security camera and photoshoped them." Michael was mad and seeing that, Sam was hurt.
"Oh you believe in your evil ex instead of your fan?" Sam looked back at her bag and Michael saw the tear drop fall down.
"What fan wants their idol to be in the prison? Hahaha" Lisa laughed.
"Shut up Lisa!" Sam shouted, "What ex wife does this to their ex husband? Didn't you say that you love Michael? You shouldn't have a photoshoped pictures of him, and why especially you want him in prison? And not saying that he was driving at the accident but YOU WANT TO LIE ABOUT HIM WANTING TO KILL ME? Did he do something to you?" Sam screams.
"hahaha look how she's trying to be innocent!" Lisa giggles.
"Ugh, I have had enough!" Sam sighs.

~Ugh, what do I do now? Sam is clearly hurt but I don't know what to do.~


She picks up her bag and goes out the door. She's crying as she walks out. Sam doesn't look back not even one time. She is having a hard time seeing anything because of tears. Not long after she walked out of the hospital, she feels someone grabbed her arm. She knew that it's Michael because of his big hands. As she looked back at his, she started screaming.

"What do you want? I know that you don't believe me." Sam screamed as she pushed away Michael's hand.
"Of course I believe in you! It's just that I have never been in this position so I don't know what to do! And I don't want to get arrested." Michael tries to hug Sam to comfort her but she pushed him away.
"Lisa said that she won't show the pictures to the police if you don't disobey her." Sam looked at Michael's eyes, "And about that choking...I'm sorry, I was just so furious at her." Sam looks down and starts tearing up again.
"I will surely not obey her at all. She is one of the biggest snakes ever
And if she shows the pictures to police, you don't have to worry about it. My lawyer will defend me at all costs." Michael smiled even tho he was scared to get arrested.
"H-how can I not worry about you? She can lie about what happened and they could arrest you for life!" Sam sniffed and wiped her tears in her sweatshirt.
"If it happenes, you and my family know the truth. You all know that I'm not a criminal...especially not a smooth one." Michael makes a joke in hopes of Sam stopping to cry.
"It's not funny Applehead!" Sam sighs but with a slight smile.

Michael tries to hug Sam again and this time she agrees to hug. After a hug Michael realized that Sam was about to go home but the hospital is about 5 kilometers from her house.

"How were you going to get home?" Michael breaks the hug.
"I was gonna take the bus..." Sam shows to the nearby bus stop.
"Do you need me to drive you home?" Michael shows to his car.
"Sure know that you can't drive, right? You suck at driving. Hahaha" Sam laughed.
"I'm not THAT bad!" Michael giggled.
"Alright, let's go! Hahaha" Michael and Sam goes to his car, "Wait, what about Lisa?" Sam asked Michael.

"She can take the bus! Heehee" Michael said his first Heehee in front of Sam and Sam's heart melted hearing that.

When they get to the car, Michael looks for his keys and as he puts his hand in his back pocket, he feels something.

To be continued...

Author's note: once again, I don't hate Lisa. It's all just for this story!

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