Paul Visits Sam

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The guys stood up from their chairs and walked towards the door.

"How are you, man?" Taj went for a hug.
"I'm fantastic! What about yourself?" the man asked hugging Taj.
"I'm good! Whay are you here?" Taj asked.
"Michael told me his friend is in the hospital so I thought, I gotta visit!" he explains and walks over to Sam.
"H-h-hey!" Sam greeted him while being speechless.
"What? Surprised to see me?" he asked.
"Of course! Not everyone gets to meet Paul McCartney himself!" Sam smiled.
"Oh come on! I'm not that special!" Paul laughed.
"Trust me, you are!" Sam smiled.

Paul smiled at Sam and nodded in agreement. He put some flowers in a wase that was on the nightstands next to her bed. Then he sat down on a chair. 3T sat down too.

"So... I heard you're Michael's friend?" Paul asked with a smile.
"Let me correct you a bit... Crush!" Taryll corrected Paul.
"Oh!" Paul nodded.
"No! If I was his crush, he would have already made a move." Sam shrugged.
"He still hasn't?" TJ asked surprised.
"Of course not! All we do is just joke around and fight from jealousy. He did say that he liked me at the airport before going away." Sam looked at the ceiling.
"But you guys kissed once!" Taryll said and everyone looked at him.
"So did we!" Sam laughed and Paul was looking at both of them with confusion, "But it didn't mean anything between us! Anyway... We kissed twice actually!" Sam made a o_o face.
"Ooooh! That's something!" Paul smiled.
"Yeah right! First one was while I didn't recognize him while being drunk as hell. Other one was at the airport which I don't know how I feel I about it..." Sam pouted, "And there was one almost-kiss few days ago but as I closed my eyes, he blew in my face." Sam was annoyed.
"That doesn't seem so 'I like you' like." Paul sighed and looked down, "But is there any body language? Like touching..." Paul looked back up.
"Uhhh... Naah! He does pet my head and held my hand yesterday after my surgery but these guys do the same." Sam shrugged, "Well, we did cuddle though!" Sam looked at Paul.
"Yeah but we were all 4 cuddling." TJ explains.
"Yes, but about 2 days ago only both of us cuddled!" says Sam.
"Then that's something else!" Paul smiles.
"Don't friends cuddle?" Sam asks.
"Yes, but not when you're alone in a hotel room!" Taj laughs.
"Oh..." Sam blushed, "I don't care! I won't take those as a sign until he mans up and asks me out like a man." Sam crossed her arms.
"Can we change the subject now?" Taryll smiled nervously.
"Why? Getting jealous?" Sam laughed.
"What? Not at all!" Taryll looks away.

They sat there and talked about the few days Sam has been on tour with Michael. She also told Paul how she met and got along with everyone from the Jackson family. The time passed by so fast that Michael was already done with his schedule of the day. He came in Sam's room to find her sleeping. Paul had already went home and the guys were sleeping on the chairs in the hall. He walked in and sat down on the left from Sam. He looked at the flowers Paul gave her and Sawa nite that said TO MICHAEL...

The note:

"Man! Why did you tell me to come visit just now? She's like the sweetest person ever! I would have loved to meet her earlier. Anyway, we had a great time! Thank you!

P.S. Make a proper move on her! Are you a man or a boy?"

Michael smiled and put the note back. He was kind of confused about the last part though. He looked at Sam and she was sleeping peacefuly. He rested his head on her legs but he woke her up.

"Oh... Sorry! I didn't mean to wake you up!" Michael raised his head up.
"Don't worry! How was your day?" Sam smiled.
"It was okay." Michael shrugged.
"You look really tired." Sam said seriously.
"You don't say! I haven't been this tired in a long time! I had to wake up at 4am and performed all day!" Michael put his head back on her legs.
"I can imagine!" Sam smiled and patted his head, "Come sleep!" Sam moved to one side.
"Don't move! What if the stitches break?" Michael got worried.
"Don't worry! Doctor told me that I'm healing really well and he will remove them tomorrow. And he said I can sleep on this side!" Sam explained.
"But will there be enough space for both of us? It's a single person bed..." Michael stood up and went to the other side of the bed.
"Of course! You're not that fat!" Sam smiled.
"What to you mean by "not that fat", Sam?" Michael crossed his arms.
"Just get in!" Sam laughed.

Michael got in the bed and lied on his side. He put his arm under Sam's head and bent his arm to hold her so she doesn't fall out of the bed. By the time, Paul had came back to the hospital. He looked through the window and saw Sam and Michael sleeping.

Paul's POV

~So he shows no signs? Maybe she is the one showing them? I mean... She looks like she's more comfortable with flirting and skinship(touching) than he is.~

Paul smiled while looking at them. He sat down next to the guys who were still sleeping.

"Sam's dead!" Paul woke up them.
"What? How? When?" all 3 of them screamed.
"Dead asleep..." Paul laughed.
"Man, don't joke around like that!" Taj sighed of relief.
"I almost got a heart attack!" Taryll hit him.
"I thought what the hell are you talking about because I just saw them talking." TJ laughed.
"Anyway, I see they're cuddling again!" Paul smirked.
"Yeah! It's not really a sign though. She cuddled with us too. And... It wasn't just a hand over. It was a face to chest." Taj shrugged.
"And by "us" he means Taryll. I was sleeping with Taj." TJ poked Taryll.
"Yeah but you guys were there too, so we ALL cuddled!" Tryll looked at TJ and Taj.
"But did we kiss? It's all you, man!" Taj teased his brother.
"Guys! It was just an acting! It didn't mean anything!" Tayll explained while blushing.
"It probably didn't mean anything to her...but did it to you?" Paul asked while smiling.
"Obviously not!" Tayll looked away and smiled.
"It sure did, if I say so myself!" Taj teased him.
"It didn't! Even though it was my first kiss, it meant nothing!" Tayll tried to hide his blushing cheeks(I know he's darker skinned, but he can still blush).
"My boy is disappointed?" Taj smirked.
"No!" Taryll sighed angrily.

Okay, okay! We're done teasing you...for now!" Paul laughed.
"By the way... Where's our cousins? Lately I have only spoke to Jafaar." TJ asked.
"I'm not sure! I think they are with their mother at home." Taryll shrugged.
"We should invite them over." Taj looked at his brothers.
"I think they will be here for Christmas. Because like...why wouldn't they come if we will all be there." Taj explained.
"Yeah! I just hope they don't catch an eye on Samantha. Knowing them, they will try to take her from Michael." TJ laughed.
"From him or from you?" Paul smirked.
"From...all of us!" TJ put his arms around his brothers.
"Okay! I see that Sam already has a great company, I better get going. Take care guys!" Paul said goodbye and went back home...

To be continued...

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