Michael Trips Over A Chair

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Sam realized that he's mad at Karen. She also knew that there's nothing she can so except try to calm him down.

"Michael?" Sam looked at him.
"..." Michael just sighed with anger.
"It's okay...she doesn't mean it." Sam patted his hand and smiled.
"How doesn't she mean it? You said she tells you that often." Michael looked at her with anger.
"I don't know! After her anger is gone, she's the same loving mother." Sam sighed and smiled.

Michael sat back down. It was obvious that he wasn't gonna just forget about it that easily. He sat there and kept moving his tongue around his cheeks.

"Where did she even go?" Eddie asked.
"Back to his parents house. There's no other place she would go." Sam pointed at angry Michael.
"Aiiight! Anyway, it's getting late. I'll go now." Eddie stood up.
"Byeeeee~" Sam waved at him.
"See ya!" Eddie waved and went out the door.
"I'll go too." Taryll nodded.
"Bye!" Sam hugged him, "Thanks again..." Sam thanked him.
"For what?" Taryll hugged her back.
"For looking after my mom." Sam broke the hug.
"Oh! It's nothing." Taryll smiled, "See ya later!" he waved and walked out.
"Take care!" Sam yelled.
"You too!" Taryll yelled back.
"And you?" Sam turned to Michael.
"What about me?" Michael looked at her.
"Are you gonna leave or do I need to make you a bed?" Sam turned her head.
"What do you want?" Michael bit his bottom lip.
"When you leave, lock the door!" Sam stood up.
"Ey!!!" Michael was surprised.

Sam shrugged and went upstairs. On her way up, she turned off the lights in the kitchen leaving Michael alone in the dark. He stood up and started running. He tripped over a chair that Eddie left out. Sam run back down and turned on the lights. She saw Michael lying on the ground and holding his leg. She tried to keep a straight face but failed. She stared giggling. Sam helped him to get up the stairs and to her room. Sam sat him down in one of the beds in her room.

"I think it's broken." Michael whined.
"Don't be silly! Of course it's not!" Sam laughed and shook her head,
"But it hurts! A lot!" Michael kept whining.
"All you did was hit it against the tiled floor." Sam laughed.
"So? It's easy to break it that way!" Michael pouted.
"I'll get a wet towel." she went to the bathroom.
"I need a nurse to help me." Michael said in a deep voice and bit his lip.
"You're alive, so help yourself." Sam threw the wet towel at him.
"I was just playin'. No need to be so mean." Michael pouted.
"Do you have any clothes here?" Sam asked.
"No, why?" Michael looked at her.
"For pajamas.... Fine I'll give you mine." Sam turned to her closet,
"You know that nothing is going to fit me, right?" Michael laughed.
"This should fit!" Sam threw a shirt at him.
"Wait...isn't that mine?" Michael picked up the shirt.
"You were away so I asked Taryll to give me one of your shirts to put it on a pillow...just like you said." Sam shrugged and got herself a pajama too.

Sam went in the bathroom to change. She also quickly washed her hair and brushed her teeth. She came out and put saw Michael shirtless. He didn't see her, so she went back in and wet her hand. She quietly came back out and went behind him. She slapped his back with the cold, wet hand.

"Ooooooooouh" Michael screamed and turned around.
"Feels nice, doesn't it?" Sam smirked.
"Is that also my shirt?" he pointed at Sam who was wearing another one of his shirts.
"As you can see, I have more than one pillow!" Sam shrugged.

Sam got in her bed. Michael tried to get in too but she kicked him out. Instead of going to the one next to hers, he went to the furthest one. He wanted to see if Sam stays anything but she just smiled and nodded. She plucked her phone to the projector that 3T left from the sleepovers. She went on YouTube. She looked at Michael and smirked. Michael was scared of what she was going to search. Sam searched MICHAEL JACKSON CUTE EDITS BAD ERA. Michael sighed of relief.

"If only he was here..." Sam sighed.
"What in the shamona are you talking about? I'm right here!" Michael pointed to himself.
"Oh? I'm even hallucinating about him." Sam shook her head.

Sam put on another video.

"Oh fuck!" Sam bit her lip.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Michael cringed.
"I'm starting to hear things..." Sam shrugged.

Sam opened the search bar again. She began writing.

"Mike...zilla." Sam said it out loud.
"Samantha!" Michael screamed.
"Hahaha Sorry!" Sam started laughing.
"What does mikezilla even mean?" Michael asked.
"Umm...." Sam blushed, "Your pet snake." Sam smiled awkwardly.
"Oh...you can search it then." Michael smiled.
"NO, I DON'T WANNA!" Sam screamed and turned around.
"Okay..." Michael shrugged.
"Want to watch something?" Sam looked at him.
"Why not?!" Michael got in the bed that's next to Sam's.
"What do you want to watch?" Sam asked.
"You..." Michael made Sam roll her eyes, "...choose." Michael smiled.
"Wanna watch more edits of you?" Sam smiled.
"I haven't seen any so...sure!" Michael shrugged.

Sam put on a video.

"They're talanted!" Michael smiled.
"Hell yeah, they are!" Sam agreed.

"I- This is... NEXT!!!" Sam said while blushing.
"You're blushing?" Michael laughed.
"Naah, I'm hot." Sam shook her head.

"This should be illegal." Sam nervously laughed.
"Why? Falling in love?" Michael smirked.
"No. Nothing will make me fall in love with you!" Sam smiled.
"What?" Michael pouted.
"I'm tired. I'll go to sleep since I have to go to the jail tomorrow." Sam turned off the projector.

She turned around facing Michael. Michael also lied down on his side, facing Sam. They didn't look at each other and straight up fall asleep.

To be continued...

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