What Happened To Sam?

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Sam once again wasn't able to sleep. She looked at the clock and it was 9am, so she decided to get up. While she got ready for the day, Eddie had woken up as well.

"Good morning!" Sam smiled.
"Good morning!" Eddie yawned.
"How did you sleep?" Sam asked as she brushed her teeth.
"Wonderfully! I had never slept so well." Eddie smiled.
"Was it that boring?" Sam stopped brushing her teeth and looked at him sadly.
"Of course not! I had a lot of fun." Eddie patted Sam's head, "Thanks for inviting me!" Eddie smiled.
"It was actually TJ's plan but I'm glad you came!" Sam smiled and continued to brush her teeth.
"And how did YOU sleep?" Eddie asked taking out his toothbrush and toothpaste.
"I didn't sleep..." Sam spit out the foam.
"What? Why?" Eddie squeezed some toothpaste on the toothbrush.
"I still can't fall asleep." Sam shrugged and took a sip of water.
"This isn't good! You need some sleep!" Eddie put his hand on Sam's shoulder.
"I know but it's just so difficult. And about eating...I haven't ate anything of almost a week." Sam looked down.
"Are you feeling any weekness?" Eddie is worried.
"Absolutely! I can barely walk and get up." Sam looked at Eddie, "But please don't tell 3T!!!" Sam put her hands together.
"I won't unless it won't get worse!" Eddie smiled with a worried expression.
"Thanks!" Sam smiled brightly.

Sam went out of the bathroom and saw that everyone else is already up. She smiled and waved at them while going downstairs. Sam went to the kitchen and got a glass of water. Before she could start drinking, she felt someone tap her shoulder.

"Oh it's just you!" Sam sighed.
"Is seeing me really that disappointing?" Taj pouted.
"Of course not! You just scared me." Sam smiled and hit him with an elbow.
"Am I that ugly?" Taj jokingly got upset.
"Of course! You just noticed?" Sam laughed.
"Wow, thanks!" Taj pushed Sam out of the sink.
"It was sarcasm!" Sam pushed him too.
"Yeah sure!" Taj takes a whiskey glass.
"Are you really going to drink so early?" Sam hit him on the shoulder.
"I have to drink away my ugliness..." Taj shrugged.
"Taj, I was joking!" Sam hugged Taj.
"Don't touch me! I'm a taken man." Taj put his arms up not to touch Sam.
"You're taken? Hahaha By who?" Sam laughs.
"By my ugliness..." Taj pours water in the cup and goes away.
"...Taj..." Sam sighed followed by a laugh.

Sam was still in the kitchen and was fina able to drink her water...as she thought so. When she was about to touch the glass, someone rung the bell at her door. Sam walked over and opened them.

"Lisa?" Sam was shocked.
"Yes, so?" Lisa crossed her arms.
"N-nothing!" Sam let her in and closed the door, "Ummm... Why are you here?" Sam asked.
"Obviously not here for you!" Lisa rolled her eyes.
"Girl...I'm not in a mood for fighting so I'll be nice today...what do you want?" Sam asked her with a genuine smile.
"What a surprise! I want to talk with Elizabeth...I heard she's here." Lisa rested in between doors.
"Okay, I'll go call her!" Sam walked up the stairs, "Don't break anything!" Sam said loudly.
"Who's over?" Taryll asked Sam.
"Lisa..." Sam sighed.
"What does she want from you?" Taj stood up.
"I don't know, she said she wanted to talk to you, Liz!" Sam looked at Liz and shrugged.

Liz walked downstairs and both of them started talking.

Elizabeth's POV

~What again? She keeps on bothering me with her stupid question about Michael and Samantha...~

"Hey Liz!" Lisa smiled.
"Yeah, yeah! What do you want?" Liz crossed her arms.
"Just a few questions..." Lisa was still smiling.
"No, Michael hasn't been calling me and no he's not here." Liz rolled her eyes.
"It's not what I want to know...but thanks for telling." Lisa's smile disappeared.

Sam comes downstairs to get her glass of water, "Sorry! I'm thirsty..." Sam left.

"Anyway... Do you know, is Sam together with Michael?" Lisa smiled again.
"Why does that matter to you? He won't be with you again anyway!" Liz sighed and put her arms on her hips.
"It does. I just hate seeing that bitch being next to Michael." Lisa crossed her arms.
"So? What about all of the fangirls that are around him right now?" Liz asked.
"I don't care about them because they don't stand a chance." Lisa laughed.
"And why is Sam special that she has a chance?" Liz asked with a smile.
"Becaose she is clinging on Michael and doesn't let him go?" Lisa answered.
"You're talking about yourself right now..." Liz laughs, "Let me tell you why she's and everyone else is special. It's because they don't fight over some girls being around their man. They are nice enough to share theor favorite person with everyone. And about Sam, she has never been as bad as you are describing her as. She's most down to earth fan I have ever met. Even though have met only once before today, she is still the same calm person I saw at the dinner." Liz smiled with love.
"They have had dinner together?" Lisa's eyes grew.
"Lisa... Are you really going to that jealous ex wife that will ruin the life of her ex husband that wasn't the reason they had to divorce?" Liz asked her with anger.
"I'm not ruining his life, it's Sam that's suffering." Lisa shrugged.
"You're ruining his life as well by being hateful against Sam." Liz tries to explain.
"It's not problem. All I want is her being far away from Michael or the Jacksons." Lisa smirked.
"It's better if YOU get away from Jackson and anyone close to them." Liz pushes Lisa out of the house making her fall and hit her knee against the concrete stairs.
"All of you will regret this!" Lisa yelled while having door closed in her face.

Sam's POV

Sam is sitting in her room surrounded by everybody. She was telling everyone about how she started to like The Jacksons. After a few minutes Elizabeth came back up.

"What did she want?" Tatiana asked.
"She was being a jealous bitch again." Liz sighed which made everyone gasp.
"Language!" Diana laughed.
"With her...I can't watch the language." Liz said as she sat in the bed against the wall.
"Did she talk about me again?" Sam looked at Liz and drunk her last sip of water.
"Yes... She wants to ruin your life." Liz sighed again.
"She's already ruining it, what else can she do?" Sam looked at her lap.
"Don't worry! We will try to protect you from any danger!" Liz smiled at patted Sam's back.
"Thanks!" Sam smiled with tears in her eyes.

They continued to talk about their life and what they like to do in their free time. When suddenly Sam started to feel weird. She started coughing and getting cramps in her arms.

"Sam, are you okay?" TJ asked putting his hand on Sam's arm.
"Yeah, I'm fine! *cough*" Sam smiled but was obviously scared.
"It doesn't look like it!" Eddie looked at Sam.
"I'm FINE!" Sam started breathing heavily making an eye contact with Eddie.
"I'm a tell them!" Eddie said quietly.
"Don't!" Sam shook her head.
"Tell us what?" Diana asked Eddie and everyone looked at Sam with fear.
"She hasn't slept for a week except yesterday when she got drunk. And she hasn't ate anything as well!" Eddie looked at Sam and then at 3T, "Her body must be getting weaker and weaker. It isn't used to fasting." Eddie sighed.
"Samantha! Why aren't you eating anything? I get that you miss my uncles but not eating and sleeping won't get them back." Taryll is worried.
"I know it's just that *cough* whenever I see food, I get sick. And when I try to sleep, my mind is full of "What if..."s that are going for the whole night." Sam said while getting watery eyes.
"That's it! We'll go make something to eat!" Taj jumped out of the bed.
"I don't want to..." Sam said quietly.
"I don't care! Get up now!" Taj walked over to Sam and picked her up like a kid.
"Ok but...you weren't this tiny when I meant you. You have lost a ton of weight!" Taj is seriously worried.
"Was I that fat? *cough*" Sam laughed but could barely make a noise.
"Sam, this is serious!" Taj put Sam down and she fall backwards.
"Sam! Never mind the cooking, we're going to the hospital!" TJ picked Sam up in a bridal style and runned to his car, "Taj, you drive!" TJ gave him the keys.

Taj was the driver, TJ and Eddie was in the back with Sam and Elizabeth was next to Taj. Tatiana and Diana had to drive with Taryll because there wasn't enaugh space for them...

To be continued...

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