Brooke Is Paid?

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⚠ Disclaimer: just like with Lisa, I have absolutely nothing against her. The way Sam and everyone else will act with her and how she acts is just a fiction! ⚠

Michael was shocked hearing Brooke's question.

"No! Why?" Michael crossed his arms.
"I was just wondering..." Brooke shrugged, "You just look really close." Brooke smiled.
"Don't get jealous!" Michael laughed, "We're just best friends." Michael looked at Sam.
"Okay good!" Brooke smiled.
"What does that mean?" Michael raised an eyebrow.
"Nothing." Brooke smiled and went to the others.

Michael joined them too. Sam was sitting between Jackie and Tito on the bed. They were just chatting about the concert that's later that day.

"So... Sam, was it? How did you met Michael? I heard you're best friends." Brooke smiled.
"Well..." Sam looked at Michael who was shaking his head, "I run into him at park." Sam smiled seeing Michael nod.
"Oh that's cute!" Brooke smiled switching a glance between Michael and Sam.
"Yeah..." Michael smiled which was kind of forced.

Michael's brothers understood that they were lying and why, so they played along with it. They sat there and talked about how Sam met everyone. Everyone was lying to Brooke but she didn't know that. They even left out the parts of Sam and Michael being really close like the cuddling, her suffering after he left ect.

"I'll go buy myself coffee. Anyone needs anything?" Marlon stood up.
"I'll go with you!" Brooke smiled at stood up too, both walked away.
"Why are we laying?" Sam asked.
"She doesn't have to know the truth..." Tito answered.
"Why?" Sam looks at Michael.
"Becaose she's Lisa's best friend." Michael looked sad, "We don't want her to tell Lisa everything." Michael looked down.
"But doesn't Lisa already know?" Sam looked at Michael and his brothers.
"Yes, but I have a feeling that Lisa and Brooke made some deal with each other." Michael looks up.
"What do you mean?" Sam sits down next to Michael.
"I think Lisa paid Brooke to try to get me date her." Michael sighs.
"What? But doesn't Lisa hate everyone who's around you?" Sam isn't sure.
"Yes, but now instead of wanting me back, she wants me away from her." Michael looks at Sam.
"Oh..." Sam looks down.
"It's going to be alright, Sam!" Michael petted Sam's head.
"Yeah! Mikey will be yours." Jackie smiled.
"Huh?" Sam looked up at Jackie and shook her head.
"For now while she's here, can you do me a favor and act as if we're not that close?" Michael asked Sam a favor.
"Okay, I guess..." Sam shrugged, "But what do I do? Not talk to you?" Sam tilted her head.
"You can obviously talk with me, just not like we usually do. You can talk and joke with my brothers more. Overall just be really close with them, but don't get too touchy!" Michael said and pointed to the guys.
"Who's here talking about touching?" Sam stood up and walked behind Tito, and put her hands around his neck.
"Seriously?" Michael face-palmed himself, "I'm warning you!!!" he pointed a finger at her.
"And what are ya gonna do about it?" Sam smirked.
"This!" Michael smiled and got up quickly.

He was ready to run at Sam but Brooke and Marlon came back. Michael saw them and sat back down while looking at Sam sadly. Brooke sat down next to Michael with a smile and gave him coffee. Michael took it and smiled. Marlon gave everyone else coffee. Sam got a black coffee without sugar which isn't what she drinks but oh well!

"Thanks Marlon!" Sam smiled taking the coffee.
"I hope I got you the right one!" Marlon smiled nervously.
"Yeah! It's perfect!" Sam smiled after taking a sip of it and cringing a bit.

Marlon laughed after her cringing face. Sam sat down next to Tito and rested her back against Jackie without looking at Michael.

"What did you all talked while we were away?" Brooke smiled at Michael.
"About how Jackie hurt Sam." Michael said seriously.
"What? Why?" Brooke looked at him.
"I... Uuhh.." Jackie was speechless.
"That idiot thought he could make fun of my brothers." Sam crossed her arms and poked Jackie with her head.
"Yeah because he doesn't go to gym!" Jackie said.
"You don't make fun of Michael! He's skinny as hell!" Sam pointed at him.
"Yeah but that's different! He's my brother." Jackie shrugged.
"You're not better anyway!" Sam said quietly.
"What are you talking about? I'm perfect!" Jackie raised up arm and flexed his muscles.
"You're too buff for me!" Sam said sassily making Michael smile.
"Don't smile! Not that skinny either!" Sam looked Michael up and down with a disgust on her face.
"Ey! That's rude!" Michael crossed his arms.
"Don't worry! I love skinny men." Brooke hugged Michael's arm and put her head on his shoulder.
"Good for you!" Sam smiled at her.
"Then who has the body of your style?" Brooke asked.
"3T..." Sam smiled and gained attention from Tito and Michael.
"My boys?" Tito was acted surprised.
"Yes! They aren't skinny nor they're super buff" Sam shrugged.

Michael gave Sam a proud look. They spent a while sitting at the hotel and talking. Sam and Michael were acting as they almost hate each other. Then it came time for Michael to get ready to go back to the concert hall.

"Are you coming?" Michael asked Brooke.
"Of course I am!" Brooke smiled, "Sam, you're coming too?" Brooke asked Sam.
"I don't know... Guys, you're going?" Sam asked the guys.
"We're all kind of busy tonight!" Tito smiled sadly.
"I'm free!" Jackie raised his arm and smiled.
"Great! I'm going then!" Sam nodded looking at Brooke and Michael.
"Good! Get ready then! I'll go pack my clothes." Michael patted Brooke's shoulder.
"Okay, Applehead!" Brooke smiled.

Everyone got ready. They got to the hall with Jackie's car since he changes it every day month. That way Noone would know that someone else is with Michael...

To be continued...

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