The Last Day In Vegas

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Randy stopped walking and looked at Sam with confusion.

"What do you mean, you're not sure you're safe? What else can happen to you since everyone is prison?" Randy asked.
"I don't know! Maybe I'm just overthinking everything." Sam shrugged.
"Don't worry, Sam! We will protect you." Randy raised his arm and flexed his muscles.
"Thanks!" Sam smiled, "But don't think I'm week and can't protect myself!" Sam pointed at Randy.
"I didn't say anything! Also a woman needs a man to protect you got seven! " Randy smiled proudly.
"Seven?" Sam was confused.
"Yeah! Me, Michael, Jackie, Marlon, Tito, Jermaine and your brother, Luke." Rady explained.
"Oh yeah! I forgot about him." Sam laughed.
"Since he is almost always around Michael, he can protect you as well." Randy shrugged.
"Yeah, that's true." Sam nodded.
"Let's hurry back. They're probably thinking where we went." Randy started walking faster.

Both of them started speed walking. Randy opened the door and Michael was at the door.

"Where were you two?" Michael sighed of relief.
"We got coffee and talked a bit." Sam put her hand on Randy's shoulder.
"But you can't drink caffeine yet." Michael said quietly.
"I know! I got it for you." Sam handed him the coffee.
"Oh... Thanks!" Michael took the coffee and smiled.
"But you took a few sips while talking..." Randy whispered.
"Shut up!" Sam smiled.
"Anyway, I'm going to sleep now! See ya!" Randy finished his coffee and went to bed.
"Aren't you going to sleep?" Sam asked.
"Can't! I have to finish this." Michael raised up the cup of coffee.
"Oh! Sorry! I didn't think you would want to go to bed already." Sam smiled awkwardly.
"It's okay!" Michael patted her head.

Sam went to the bathroom to take a shower while Michael drunk the coffee. Michael finished it and waited Sam by the bed.

"Do you want to sleep here or the other room?" Michael asked.
"Umm..." Sam creased her chin, "Here." Sam answered.
"Okay, then I'll go there." Michael stared walking away.
"Wait what? Why can't we both sleep here?" Sam was confused.
"It's uncomfortable when we're just friends." Michael shrugged.
"Michael! Best friends can sleep together too!" Sam run to him and pulled his arm.
"Sorry!" Michael walked out and closed the door.

Sam was hurt. She slowly walked to the bed. She lied down on her back and started sobbing.

~What the hell is wrong with him? Us being just friends wasn't an obstacles for us to sleep in one bed. We even cuddled! Did the guys tell him something? Noo...they wouldn't have. They want us to be together, not apart. Did I really hurt him that badly with rejecting him?~

Randy woke up because he heard Sam sniffing. He got out of the bed and went over to her and sat down.

"What's wrong?" Randy asked.
"I don't know!" Sam sighed.
"Where's Michael?" Randy asked as he looked at the other side of the bed.
"He's in the other room." Sam answered as another tear rolled down.
"What happened?" Randy put his arm on Sam's knees that she has bent up.
"I don't know! He aske me which room inwnat to sleep in. I said here and he went to the other one." Sam sniffed.
"Why couldn't both of you sleep here?" Randy scratched his head.
"I asked him and he said that it's uncomfortable when we're just friends." Sam shrugged.
"But best friends sleep together as well!" he was confused.
"I know, right? I told him that but he said sorry and walked out." Sam started to cry again.
"Aaaw, don't cry! I'm sure he just wanted some alone time tonight." Randy smiled.
"Maybe!" Sam nodded.
"I'll go to sleep now but if you can't fall asleep, wake me up and we can talk." Randy smiled and stood up.
"Thanks!" Sam smiled as well.

Sam had trouble of falling asleep but eventually did. Sam woke up before everyone else. She took a shower and got changed. Sam decided to get herself some tea since she can't drink coffee. Sam walked over the door and opened it. She was surprised to see a girl walk out of Michael's room but tried to hide it.  The girl turned around and turned out that it was Naomi.

"Good morning, Naomi!" Sam smiled and greeted her.
"Good morning!" Naomi smiled back.
"It's a surprise to see you here!" Sam closed the door.
"Yeah, I was just visiting M- my friend." Naomi pointed to the door.
"So you're good friends with Michael?" Sam asked as both of them walked down the stairs.
"How do you know I was with Michael?" Naomi asked and Sam pressed the bottom on coffee machine to get tea.
"He said that he will be in the other room. He didn't want to sleep with his brothers and me last night." Sam explained
"Oh? You're Sam, right?" Naomi asked.
"Yes!" Sam nodded as she took out the cup of tea.
"I thought you were one of those crazy fans that are following him." Naomi sighed of relief.
"Really?" Sam laughed.
"Sorry!" Naomi laughed.
"Are you coming to the show today?" Sam asked.
"Of course!" Naomi smiled.
"Great, me too." Sam nodded.
"I have to go to the nail salon now, I'll talk to you later than!" Naomi waved.
"See you!" Sam waved back.

Sam sighed and went back to the room. Randy was already up.

"Where were you?" Randy asked.
"I got tea." Sam raised it, "Also I saw Naomi." Sam bit her lip.
"Really? What is she doing here?" Randy asked.
"She came out of Michael's room." Sam put down the cop of tea.
"Damn! Why was she there?" Randy was curious.
"I don't know and I don't wanna know." Sam lied down back in the bed.
"Probably not what you think!" Randy comforted her.
"Then why was she in his room and came out at 6am?" Sam sat up.
"She probably wasn't there for the whole night! Maybe they just talked." Randy shrugged.
"Probably!" Sam got out of the bed.

As she was walking to the table to get her tea, Michael opened the door. Sam rolled her eyes and turned facing Randy. She got her tea and drunk it.

"Good morning!" Michael smiled.
"Good morning, Mike!" Randy greeted him.
"Good morning, Sam!" Michael got closer to her.
"Mhm" Sam nodded.
"Whats wrong?" Michael touched her shoulder.
"..." Sam didn't answer and drunk her tea.
"Didn't I tell you that you can't drink coffee yet?" Michael grabbed the cup out of Sam's hands.

Sam looked at Michael with teary eyes and went to the bathroom.

"What's wrong with her?" Michael asked Randy.
"That's not coffee, bro." Randy pointed at the paper cup.
"What?" Michael opened the lid and saw that there's tea in it, "Oh..." Michael put the lid back on and put it on the table.
"..." Randy nodded.
"Was that really why she started to cry?" Michael asked.
"No. Think about it...." Randy pit his finger to his head.
"I don't know! What did I do?" Michael asked.
"..." Randy shrugged.
"Hey, Randy! Can you pass me my clothes? They are folded on a hoodie." Sam opened the door slightly.
"Of course!" Randy got up and gave Sam her clothes.

Sam got out changed. She wore black pants, black shirt and a black hoodie with The Jackson photo on it.

"Do you like it?" Sam smiled turned around.
"I love it!" Randy showed her a thumbs up.
"Why is everything black?" Michael asked.
"Because it's how I feel today." Sam answered with a straight face.
"What the hell?" Michael is confused.

Randy looked at the time and began waking up his brothers. Sam helped him wake up Jackie and Jermaine because they stayed in the bed while everyone else was already dressed.

"Jackie, Jermaine! The car is already waiting for us!" Randy lied.
"Yeah right!" Jermaine pushed him away.
"..." Sam thought for a moment of a way how to wake them up, "I like ya cut G!" Sam said loudly and slapped Jackie's head that even Jermaine got up.
"Ouch! That hurt!" Jackie covered his head.
"It was the only way!" Sam laughed.
"Not it's Jermaine's turn." Randy lifted his hand.
"No, no, no! I'm awake!" Jermaine got out of the bed.
"Now dress up because they are really waiting for us!" Randy said loudly.

To be continued...

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