Time To Testify

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Sam woke up. She was really nervous about today. She's not only nervous about is she will be able to tell them everything without crying bt also, what if he attacks her again. She got out of her bed and quietly walked downstairs. She put the water to boil and made herself some coffee. She was so nervous she was shaking. Sam looked out of the window and saw Taj coming towards her house. Sam rushed over to open the door before he could. Sam pulled him in to the kitchen by the neck of his shirt.

"What ae you doing?" Taj put his hand on Sam's.
"I'm sorry! I'm just nervous..." Sam let go of his shirt and picked up her cup.
"So you grabbed me?" Taj laughed.
"No...yes... I just wanted to talk to you quickly." Sam looked at him nervously.
"Okay... What's up?" Taj rested against the counter.
"I'm just really nervous about today because I need to testify what happened." Sam sighed.
"Don't be nervous!" Taj hugged her, "Just tell them the truth and everything will be okay!" he broke the hug and smiled.
"But do I have to say everything?" Sam looked down.
"Umm...obviously? They won't be able to do anything unless you tell them everything, including your childhood." Taj shrugged and took a sip of Sam's coffee.
"But what if I say something wrong? Or maybe I start crying again and won't be able to say anything?" Sam started to panic.
"Don't worry! You won't say anything wrong. Also...they will wait for you. They have to be patient with stuff like this. You have all their time until you tell everything." Taj smiled.
"What if dad attacks me again?" Sam stared to tear up.
"Aaaw!" Taj hugged Sam, "They won't have him on the same room with you. If you want, you will be able to see him after." Taj comforted Sam.

They talked for a while. Sam was still nervous but not as much because Taj comforted her.

"Anyway, why were you coming?" Sam asked.
"We kinda run out salt." Taj laughed.
"Oh!" Sam laughed and the cabinet and gave him the salt.
"Thanks a lot! I'm too lazy to go to the store." Taj scratched his head.
"You're always welcome!" Sam smiled.
"I'll bring it back when I don't need it anymore." Taj raised the bag of salt.
"Meh! Keep it. I'll buy more after I'm done." Sam shook her head.
"Okay! But you're invited to dinner though!" Taj pointed at her.
"If I will be still here. I'm going back to Vegas today." Sam smiled sadly and shrugged.
"Then I'll give it to you to take with you and eat it in the hotel." Taj smiled, "I'll go home now. And don't worry about your dad." Taj hugged Sam and walked outside.

As he was going back to his house, he almost dropped the bag of salt. After he caught it, he looked at the window to see if Sam saw it. Sam shook her head while laughing. Sam sighed and went back upstairs. She quietly opened the door to her room, not to wake up Michael. Although he was already up. The bed was empty so he's in the bathroom. Sam closed the door after her and sat down on her bed. She picked up her phone to look at the time and it was almost time for her to go. She quickly stood up and opened her closet. She picked up a simple white T, red hoodie and black jeans. She began by changing her pants. Then, as she was changing her shirt and was just in her bra, Michael came out of the bathroom. Michael turned around and moonwalked back to his bed and sat down facing away from her.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know you were changing." Michael apologized.
"It's okay. I have no time to be embarrassed right now." Sam put on her socks and shoes.
"Is it already 9am?" Michael yawned.
"Yes. I have just 15 minutes before I need to start driving." Sam unplugged her phone from the charger.
"Who's gonna drive you there?" Michael asked.
"I'll drive myself." Sam answered.
"You can drive?" Michael was surprised.
"Of course! I just don't have my own car." Sam answered and turned around, "Love your outfit!" Sam smiled while pointing at Michael who has dressed exactly like her.
"Thanks! Let's go, I'll drive you there." Michael picked up his phone and keys.
"I'm scared of you driving but let's go!" Sam laughed and shook her head.
"Come on! Just because I got my license later doesn't mean I'm bad at driving!" Michael sighed.

Both of them run outside to his car. They got in and started driving. It was a 20 minute ride, so they had time to talk.

"Damn, he looks hot while driving..." Sam whispered to herself.
"..." Michael as he didn't hear it but bit his lip and smiled.
"It's the first time I have seen you in normal human clothes." Sam said quietly.
"Aren't I a normal human?" Michael smiled.
"Did I say that out loud?" Sam laughed nervously.
"Pretty much so!" Michael nodded.
"What I meant was that you're always in either something with sparkles or too celebrity like." Sam explained.
"Well, I'm at home, so why would I wear something like that?" Michael asked while looking at the road.
"I don't know!" Sam said in quiet but shaky voice.
"Are you okay?" Michael looked at her.
"Just nervous." Sam looked outside the window.
"It's going to be okay!" Michael patted her knee.
"..." Sam cleared her throat.
"Oh...sorry!" Michael apologized for touching her leg.
"It's okay." Sam blushed and shook her head.
"It's kind of quiet here..." Michael swallowed his saliva.
"Can I put on some music?" Sam asked.
"Sure!" he passed Sam the AUX.

Sam obviously put on his songs. Michael looked at her and smiled. His car had a screen that showed the lyrics. They were singing along to his songs.

"Do you like that song?" Michael asked.
"I love it!" Sam nodded.
"I appreciate it!" Michael smiled.
"I'm ready to cry now!" Sam took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Oh God! You're really crying?!" Michael looked at Sam.
"Maybe!" Sam sniffed wiped her tears.
"Put something happy now." Michael poked her with his elbow.
"Okay!" Sam nodded.

"That's better!" Michael smiled.
"Yeah! I love this song." Sam nodded.
"Really?" Michael looked at her.
"How can you not? The dance, the beat, the rhythm, the lyrics...it's just perfect!" Sam smiled.
"I should teach you the moonwalk and we can perform when you're bored." Michael laughed.
"Who told you that I can't moonwalk?" Sam looked at him while holding her heart.
"You can?" Michael was surprised.
"Of course I can!!!" Sam laughed.
"Then you'll have to prove it later." Michael turned into a parking plot next to the jail.

Sam took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Want me to go with you?" Michael asked.
"No, no. You can go home, I'll call you when I'm done." Sam smiled.
"Are you sure?" Michael made a o_o face.
"Yeah!" Sam nodded and closed the door.

She started walking and when she got to a big staircase, she heard him lock his car. Michael run up to her.

"I'm going with you." Michael smiled.
"You can go home..." Sam kindly smiled.
"No! I know that you will need me." Michael nodded.
"Where?" Sam laughed.
"Who's gonna comfort you of you'll begin to cry?" Michael shrugged.
"Maybe I'll get a hot male cop and he will hold my hand?" Sam smiled.
"Now I'm going 100%!" Michael got jealous.

They walked in and Sam talked to the guy at the front desk. He guided her to the room where two people were already waiting for her. On the way cam kept checking him out to see Michael jealous. As they walked in the room, they saw that the people who were gonna write everything down were hot men. She looked at Michael and smirked. He sighed and shook his head...

To be continued...

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