The Day The Two Families Meet

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The day when both family meet. Sam is really nervous because she doesn't know how they're going to act. Also she knows that her family will ask her why she didn't tell them that the Jackson family are their neighbors.

Sam stepped out of her bed and made it. Then she took a shower and blow dried her hair, then did them in 2 big braids. Sam also did her make up. Then she opened her closet and picked out a outfit to wear. Sam chose a white crop top, black skirt and black sandals.

Sam went downstairs and saw her family was already ready to go to neighbor's house.

"Where are you all going? It's too early!" Sam yawned half asleep.
"Were going to meet our new neighbors" Sam's mom looked really happy and excited.
"But it's probably just 8 am" Sam made herself a cup of coffee, "Kathe- they're probably still sleeping!" Sam almost said Katherine's name.
" know it's almost 1pm, right?" Josh laughed.
"Whaaat? Why didn't you wake me up?" Sam stared shouting.
"I didn't know that you wanted to Com since you have been there already." Sam's dad explained.
"Why wouldn't I want to come? I would love to meet them again!" Sam said as she chugged down her coffee, "Wait for me, I need to go do something firstly!" Sam was about to run out of the house.
"No! You'll do it when we will be back home." Karen cached Sam by the collar of Sam's crop top.

Sam and her family went outside and locked tho door. When they all got closer to the road, Sam saw that Michael was getting closer to his house too. When Michael got out of his car, he waved to Sam and her family.

"Oh...My...God! It's Michael Jackson!!!" Josh shouted.
"Calm down Josh!" Karen smacked on the back of Josh's head.
"What are you doing at our neighbor's house?" Bob asked Michael.
"Well I.... Me and my family live here!" Michael said with a bright smile.
"What? Why didn't Sam tell me that?" Sam's mom looked at Sam.
"We told her not to because we wanted to take a break from fans. But now Billie Jean told everyone where we live." Michael scratched his head.
"But Sam is a huge fan..." Sam's dad said to Michael.
"Yes! But in fact, she is so down to earth that you would not even tell that she was our fan." Michael said with a big smile on his face and put his hand on Sam's head.

Then Joe and Katherine came outside. Sam run up to them and hugged them. As Katherine and Joe saw Karen and Bob, they started crying and went over to greet Sam's parents with a hug.

"Where have you been all this time?" Katherine asked them.
"We were in Britain."Bob said and did a handshake that he and Joe made up in high school.
"Why didn't you call us?" Joe asked.
"Becaose you guys changed your numbers! I would have loved to talk to you both in a lot of occasions." Karen explain.
"Wait...Joe, you're not mad at my parents? I saw your smile disappear when I said my parent's names." Sam was confused.
"Of course not! I was just shocked that they have a daughter! I would never hate anyone...even my biggest bully!" Joe answered as he bumped Bob's elbow.
"Come on dude! It all was in the past! Hahaha" Bob laughed.
"Why are we standing outside? Let's go in!" Katherine gestured, "I got some snacks for you kids! I hope you like popcorn..." Katherine said as she looked at Michael and Sam.

Sam and Mike made a eye contact and rushed to the dining room without waiting for their parents. Sam got there before Michael and took the whole bowl with popcorn. The parents laughed.

"I was first!" Sam showed Michael her tongue.
"Yeah whatever!" Michael turned around crossing his arms and pouting.
"M-Michael...w-we can share!" Sam offered Michael popcorn bowl.
"I don't share my food with anyone!" Michael was still pouting.
"T-Then have it all, I don't want it!" Sam gave Michael the whole bowl.
"Well, I'll make a exception. I'll share only with you! Hehehe" Michael giggled and sat down with the bowl in his lap.

Sam sat down too. Then came in their parents. They saw Michael and Sam laughing and throwing popcorn at each other.

"It's the first time Michael/Sam shares food with someone!" Katherine and Karen said at the same time.
"It truly is something I don't see everyday! Hahaha" Bob laughed.
"Sit down and feel like at home! I'll go make something to eat!" Katherine said and went to the kitchen.
"No, no! Let me help you!" Karen went to the kitchen to help Katherine.

After about 20 minutes everyone else came downstairs from their rooms. The first one that Sam made eye contact with was Jackie. Sam saw that he gestured her to go and talk with him. Sam told Michael that she will come right back and to keep her some more popcorn. Sam greeted everyone and went in another room with Jackie. TJ and Michael looked at Sam leaving and then looked at each other with confusion.

"What?" Sam looked at Jackie.
"I need to ask YOU what." Jackie crossed his arms.
"What do you mean?" Sam is confused.
"Why did you tell Brandi and TJ that I was mad at you and your parents?" Jackie seemed mad.
"W-well... Once I told you what are my parent's names, you started to be cold to me and sometimes ignored me when I asked you something." Sam said and looked down.
"Of course not! Being cold to you wasn't my intention! It's just that me and my vife got in a fight again, so I wasn't in a good mood for the rest of the day!" Jackie said and patted your head.
"You scared the crap out of me! I thought you hated me..." Sam looked at Jackie with puppy dog eyes.
"I would never! You're one of the nicest people I know, no joke!" Jackie said and hugged Sam.

Then Sam and Jackie walked out of the room they were talking in back into the dining room. Sam went to sit down next to Michael and she was disappointed about what she saw.

"Where did all of the popcorn go?" Sam asked pointing at the empty bowl which was almost full a minute ago.
"I- I'm sorry! Hehehe I ate it all..." Michael laughed even tho he was scared of Sam because he doesn't know what she will do to him.
"B-but I asked you to keep me some!" Sam pouted and sat down crossing her arms.
Michael saw that Sam was sad and gave her a smaller bowl with popcorn that he kept her, "Here!".
"I hate you!" Sam hit Michael in the arm.
"No you don't! Hahahaha" Josh laughed.
"Yeah, you would never hate him. You love him!" Nick teased Sam.
"Shut up!" Sam blushed and stuffed her mouth with popcorn.
"Hehehe everyone loves me!" Michael giggled.
"No but like...Sam REALLY loves you! She even says your name while sleeping." Nick said as he took a sip of hot tea while everyone started laughing.

Sam got even more red and got mad. She hit the table with her bowl of popcorn and stood up and left the dining room.

To be continued...

A/n: I just now realized that some things don't match up. Let's just say that Lisa was with Michael when he was in his 20s and Michael is like 10-15 years younger than he should be(because in that picture I put 2 chapters back he was a lot younger) because his brothers already have kids and he still doesn't.

It makes so sence....just forget it 😂

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