The Sleepover

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Sam saw the guests that have came over. Her smile grew when she saw that TJ has even invited Elizabeth and Brooke.
TJ walked in first and introduced everyone.

"So...where do I even start? Let's start with the ladies. I invited Elizabeth, Brooke, Tatian and Diana(not the dirty one). Now the guys. Welcome Eddie, Chris(Tucker)." TJ introduced every one, one by one, "And you already know these idiots!" TJ pushes Taj and Taryll in.
"That wasn't nice!" Tatiana patted Taj.
"Welcome everyone! I hope you will have fun. I don't know what to do because I have never had a sleepover." Sam smiled nervously.
"Happy birthday, Sam!" everyone screamed.
"Thanks! Hahaha" Sam smiled.
"Thanks for having us!" Diana Ross smiled at Sam.
"I'm sure we will think of fun things to do!" Tatiana winked at Sam which made her smile.

Everyone went I to the rooms and bathrooms to change into their pajamas. Sam was already dressed so she didn't have anything to do for those five minutes so she went to look on TJ. She walked next to the bathrooms because guys dressed there.

"TJ, are you in here?" Sam asked.
"Naah, I'm Eddie!" Eddie said as he walked out.
"Oh, sorry! Hahaha" Sam nervously laughed and walked over to the next bathroom.
"Are you in here, TJ?" Sam knocked on the door.
"Guess." someone said that clearly sounded like Chris.
"Oh, sorry Chris!" Sam apologized.
"Is my voice really that recognizable?" Chris walked out.
"It is. Hahaha. Have you seen TJ?" Sam laughed and asked for TJ.
"Yeah, I think he was in the bathroom that's in your room." Chris smiled.
"OK, thanks!" Sam smiled and run to her room.
"TJ? Can we talk?" Sam asked.
"Sure, come in!" TJ said unlocking the door.
"Oh..." Sam put her hand in front of her eyes, "I can talk to you later!" Sam opened the door.
"No! Hahaha" TJ laughed and put on a shirt "What's up?" he rested on the counter.
"I'm just really nervous about all of this. I have never had a sleepover sin e I had no real friends except Aden and Scott." Sam looked down.
"Don't worry about anything! I have already thought about everything before coming." TJ smirked and walked out.
"I.... What?" Sam made a o_o face and walked out too.

Everyone decided to push all three of the two people beds in Sam's room together into one big bed since the floor doesn't have heating turned on yet. Tur s out TJ has took a projector with him. It came in handy since there's one  TV in front of every bed the room which would work but the beds were together, so it would be uncomfortable to watch.

Everyone took their spot in the bed. Diana was sleeping next to Elizabeth, Eddie was between Elizabeth and Chris, Taj and Tayll were next to Chris and Tatiana, and finally Sam Was between Tatiana and TJ. They had to take some pillows and blankets from the other rooms.

They started by watching some comedies and talking about their childhood. They were laughing their asses off while watching, especially Chris. Eddie was already sleeping so the girls had to kick him to wake him up.

Then followed horror movies because it was already CLOSE TO MIIIIDNIIIIGHT WHEN SOMETHING EVIL- sorry... The girls were all scared. They were watching 'Scream' and right at 12am Sam's phone rung.

"Aaaaaagh!!!" Sam screamed waking Eddie up again.
"What happened?" Eddie asked sleepy.
"Nothing, Michael just called me." Sam smiled and stepped out of the bed going out of her room.
"Oh, ok!" Eddie said and fall back asleep.
"EDDIE!!!" everyone screamed so Eddie wakes up.

The phone call:

S "Hey, Michael!"

M "Hey! I hope I didn't wake you up."

S "Not at all!"

M "I just wanted to wish you happy birthday! I know it's already 12am so...happy belated birthday."

S "Hahaha Thanks!"

M "So? What cool did you get as a present?"

S "TJ got me a house. I'm his neighbor now."

M "Oh that's cool! But why exactly? I know you're 18 now but..."

S "He just knows that I can't eat or sleep because I miss you guys."

M " miss us that bad?"

S "Yeah! I haven't slept for the past three days except yesterday when I drunk too much and...blacked out."

M "You got drunk yesterday?"

S "Yeah! I didn't want to, I just wanted to talk to TJ but he was really drunk so I drunk too."

M "So you remember everything now? Hope you didn't do anything stupid."

S "I think I remember everything. If I had done anything stupid, Eddie and Tatiana would have really told me everything."

M "Oh they were there too?"

S "Yeah! But they left soon after I started drinking which was almost as I came over.

M "Okay... Was your birthday fun? And what is that noise?"

S "It was like a regular day until TJ asked some people to come over for a sleepover."

M "Oh, that's ni-"

S "I wanted a sleepover with you guys or my birthday but this is nice too!"

M "I'm sorry Sam! I swear we will have one this Christmas!"

S "I hope!"

M "We will! Also, the guys are wishing you happy birthday!"

S "Tell them I said thanks!"

M "I will! I will go to sleep now...goodnight and have fun!"

S "Thanks! Goodnight!"

Sam went back in and saw that everyone was watching romance movies now.

"Did a serial killer call you?" Diana laughed.
"Yes! Hahaha" Sam laughed and got back into the bed.
"What did Michael want?" Elizabeth asked and smirked.
"Nothing, just wished happy birthday." Sam smiled.
"Oh, that's not fun!" Diana sighed.
"I know right? He could have asked her out or something..." Elizabeth whispered to Diana.
"Hahaha" Sam laughed and made a o_o face at the end and looked at TJ who was chatting with someone on the phone.
"Texting your secret girlfriend?" Sam smiled and poked TJ's knee.
"What? No! I have none..." TJ sighed.
"Take Sam! She's single as hell!" Eddie said loudly.
Sam and TJ looked at each other and both said "EW!".
"Haaahahahahaha" everyone started laughing at the top of their lungs.

~I was funny buy ouch!~

After some more romantic movies and more talking and laughing, everyone fall asleep. Everyone but Sam and TJ. TJ was almost falling asleep but couldn't because he doesn't want Sam to stay awake all night again even though it was almost 7am.

"Go to sleep, Sam!" TJ whispered barely being awake.
"No, you! You're sleepy already!" Sam played with TJ's hair.
"You too!" were TJ's last words before he fall asleep.
"I will!" Sam said and lied on her back.

~I had a lot of fun tonight. I was feeling upset and depressed since the guys flew away. It's a bummer that they weren't at my birthday. I really miss them even though it has been only four days since they left. I wonder what Michael is thinking about...~

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