Kris Got Arrested

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"His name is Kris. He was also my best friend. He was 5 years older than me. We met when I was in second grande and he was in 7th. We got along really well so one day I decided to ask if he would be in my freand group.
All of my friends were guys. I couldn't make girl friends because I was a tomboy. Our friend group contained from me and 7 other people. There was Kris, Scott, Aden, Sai, Luke, Kai, Bill and me.
I don't talk to any of them anymore except Scott and Aden. Everyone else were just as worse as Kris. They all were some pervy maniacs." Sam said and stopped to take a sip of her coffee.

Everyone was sitting in silance and carefully listening to Sam's story.

"Why pervy maniacs? Because when I was 15, they would get horny and follow girls at night if they got laid that night, it was great because if not, they would come to me and ask me to do things I didn't want to.
They would ask me to rub their D's, kiss them, have $ex with them. Of course I said no, so they would hit me and hurt me. They would pull me by my hair and kick me in my V because they knew that it hurts getting hit there.
They were all about 4-5 years older than me. So I was underage. But they didn't care about it. They would even tie me up to a chair and make me watch them ma$$turb@te. It was disgusting I don't want to remember it..." Sam explained and started to get emotional.

"How could they do this to my baby?" Karen was crying.

"You don't have to talk about it anymore!" Aden patted Sam's head.
"No, no...I can do this!" Sam smiled with tears flowing down her face.

"Sadly that was when Aden and Scott moved out if the apartment. They were the ones I could always go to and talk about my feelings and pain. But this time they weren't there.
I could have just told my parents that and we would move somewhere else but they threatened to kill me. Kris and Kai owned guns.
I was there just a thing they would ma$$turb@te to and use me. I would have to go to their apartment whenever they were horny.
One time they told me not to come because they found a different girl. I was free for about a week. After a week the girl stopped having $ex with them, so Kris shot her to death and do her dead body. And when I had to go there again... *sniff* they would point at the body and say if I didn't do what they tell me to, I will end up just like her.
The next night they asked me to have a group $ex with all of them. Of course I said no so all of them came at me and...
*short pause* And they all raped me!" Sam was crying so hard she couldn't talk anymore.

"Samantha...why didn't you tell us that earlier? You wouldn't have gone through all of that!" Sam's mom said as she and dad were both hugging and crying.

"I COULDN'T!!!" Sam screamed.

"The next day I called the cops and explained everything that has happened to me and that other girl. They took Kris, Kai, Bill, Sai and Luke the same day.
After a year when Aden and Scott moved to the other side of Britain, Kris got out. He still hasn't been caught till this day.
I'm was scared to go out of our house because I he could come up behind me and do something to me. He even sent thread messages to me about killing me and my friends.
I hope I never see him again. I think I would break down if I see him again. I don't even know how to defend myself." Sam was still crying and twitching," TJ told me to get a body guard but don't need someone to be around and protect me all day." Sam sniffed.

"TJ knows about this?" Michael was surprised.
"Yes, I told him about Kris when he came over two days ago." Sam explained.
"Mom, you let her have a boy over?" Nick looked at her.
"Why not? I know he wouldn't do anything nasty to her!" Karen shrugged while wiping her tears.

Michael was sitting there and holding Sam's hand. He would have never imagined something like this could happen to anyone he's close with. He pulled out his phone and called someone. They talked for a couple of minutes.

"Who did you call, Applehead?" Sam looked at him still crying.
"It's not important!" Michael smiled at Sam and wiped her tears.

After some time a car stopped by the house. Sam got nervous because that reminded her of Kris' car that he had, so she squeezed Michael's hand that was still holding Sam's hand. There was a man that came in. He came over to Michael and they whispered something.

"Who is this?" Sam whispered to Michael after they were done whispering.
"My bodyguard." Michael whispered.
"He kinda cute!" Sam teased Michael.
"*caugh* *caugh* I'm still here!" Michael said pointing at his face.
"So?" Sam smirked.
"He has a wife." Michael said pushing Sam away from his ear, "Anyway! Since it's your birthday next week, I want you to come to tour with me!" Michael announced smiling.

Everyone gasped in shock.

"Hehehe Don't you "LOVE" touring?" Sam laughed at Michael.
"Oh my God... But for real though! Will you go on a tour with me?" Michael face palmed himself and asked.
"Of course I'll go! Hahaha" Sam laughed.
"If we'll allow you to!" Bob said and Michael looked at him with puppy dog eyes, "Of course you can! Hahaha" Sam's dad laughed.

Sam and Michael with a big smile on their face, looked at each other but them Sam remembered what TJ told her, so she stopped smiling and looked away from Michael.

Suddenly TJ swung open the back door and run to the kitchen.

"Sam! *panting* your ex in the front of the house!" TJ said while panting.
"What? What is he doing here? How did he find me?" Sam gasped and was scared so she grabbed Michael's and Aden's arms.
"I don't know but *panting* he has a gun, so everyone, follow me!" TJ said and pointed to the door.

Everyone got scared and run out of the door. They all run to the Jackson's house.

"Wait! I forgot my phone!" Sam said and turned around.
"I'll get you a new one!" TJ turned Sam around and pushed her to go faster.

Everyone got in the house safely without Kris seeing them. Joe straight up called the police and explained everything about the guy. The police arrived after a couple of minutes and without the sirens on, right as Kris stated shooting at the windows. Somehow he shot right into the kitchen window where they were sitting at. The police put him into the car. An officer interviewed Sam and her family. They said everything that Sam had just told them about Kris and the other guys. San went over to the police car where Kris was sitting at and showed him the middle finger as they drove away.

To be continued...

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