Another Kiss?

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As they walked into the airport, Michael grabbed Sam by her arm and pulled her to the side.

"As you can see, we don't have much time...out private plane is going to leave in about ten minutes." Michael looked Sam in the eyes.
"But didn't you say that it leaves at 8?" Sam tilted her head.
"Yes, but turns out we leave early so the other planes can lend." Michael scratched his head.
"Oh...guess I need to say goodbye to everyone then!" Sam said turning away so she can go to the others
"Wait!" Michael stopped her by putting his hand in front of her.
"Yeah?" Sam asked looking at his eyes and then at the floor.
"I heard what you and Jackie talked about earlier today. Of course I will miss you. And I'm pretty sure that I will talk about you everyday." Michael smiled.
"..." Sam didn't say anything, she was still looking at the ground.
"And about the day you were drunk..." Michael stared to talk.
"Let's not talk about that! I was too drunk and didn't think what I'm talking about." Sam looked at Michael and then back down.
"Was it because I said I didn't love you like the way you thought?" Michael sadly asked.
"" Sam sighed and looked at the others but felt Michael looking at her.
"The truth is that I do love you...but I can't say that because you're still underage." Michael put his hand on Sam's shoulder.
"I- Yeah but didn't doesn't mean you couldn't have told me that!" Sam softly hit him in the stomach.
"I'm sorry! But, do you still feel the same?" Michael asked Sam.
"I don't know...after telling myself that I hate you and I should stop loving you, I kinda lost my feelings." Sam answered.
"I can tell you're lying!" Michael smiled.
"I'm not!" Sam looked at the floor.
"Well...our kiss said something different!" Michael laughed.
"What? What kiss?" Sam got surprised and looked at Michael.
"Oh, don't you remember? The night that you were drunk and didn't recognize me?" Michael said laughing, "You said that I looked like me but wasn't me, so you kissed me." Michael put the other hand on Sam's shoulder.
"I... Was I... Why didn't you..." Sam was speechless.
"We have five more minutes till the plane leaves! Go say goodbye to others!" Michael pushed Sam to the others.

Sam hugged everyone and said goodbye to everyone while crying. When she was done with everyone, they went to the plane. She didn't say goodbye to only Michael yet.

"Guess see you in two years!" Michael said.
"Mhm..." Sam was crying and looked at the floor again.
"Are you not gonna say goodbye to me?" Michael joked.
"I don't want to!" Sam whispered.
"Why? You're gonna upset me!" Michael teased Sam.
"I'm not saying goodbye because I don't want you to leave yet..." Sam said looking down.
"I swear I will try to come home and visit you when I'll have time! Just don't forget that all of us will miss you!" Michael tried to brighten Sam.
"I know..." Sam was still crying and looking at the ground.
"Will you look up finally?" Michael said as he grabbed Sam by her chin.
"..." Sam didn't say anything just looking Michael in the eyes.
"I have to go now! I'll text you when we'll land!" Michael said and kissed Sam on the lips.

Sam was standing there still. Michael broke the kiss and hugged Sam. After the hug he smiled and waved and went to the plane. Sam was standing there frozen till the van driver walked up to Sam and took her home.

As you may imagine, Sam was sad and cried all day. She didn't eat anything the whole day. Sam was waiting for Michael's call or a text and she couldn't fall asleep. She received a text message at 4 in the morning.

The conversation:

M "Hey! I'm sorry if I woke you up. I just wanted to tell you that we just landed and now are going to the hotel."

S "Don't worry about it 😴! Did you sleep on the plane?"

M "No, I wasn't able to fall asleep!"

S "Yeah, me neither!"

M "Mom told me that you haven't ate anything today...go eat something!"

S "I'm not hungry."

M "I know but eat at least an apple!"

S "Maybe tomorrow!"

M "Not 'maybe'. You can't just sleep and not eat anything at all. I know that you're sad because we left but starving won't solve that, it was Sony's idea for us to go."

S "Yeah I know! OK, I'll eat tomorrow! 😒👌"

M "I hope! Okay, I have to go now. I'll text you later!"

S "Yeah, bye!"

M "Goodnight!"

After talking with Michael for a little bit, Sam still couldn't sleep even tho it's already late. She went over to TJ's room.

"TJ? Are you sleeping?" Sam asked poking her head into his room.
"Yeah, what's up?" TJ turned around on his office chair.
"I can't fall asleep..." Sam looked down.
"Becaose Michael is gone?" TJ asked.
"Yeah and everyone else too!" Sam shook her head.
"Come in, why are you standing in the hall?" TJ told Sam to come in.

Sam and TJ spent the rest of the night talking about the tour the guys are going and if they will be home on Christmas. TJ was calm about it because he's used to not seeing his father and uncles for multiple years in a row but Sam was still sad about it.

While talking, Sam remembered that in two days is her birthday. She started thinking about how bad it will be, because the Jackson 5 was on tour and Randy was doing his thing away too.

Sam decided to go back to her room. She said goodnight to TJ and went to the bathroom. In the bathroom she saw that she was still wearing Michael's jacket. She smiled and went to bed. She rolled up in a borito and tried to sleep...

To be continued...

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