Chaos ensues

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Hello! Welcome to Chaos Ensues, a Fred and George Weasley fanfiction. This Harry Potter AU will hold similar events to the books/movies, but for maturity/content sake, Hogwarts years will be from the ages of 18-24. In this series, the main character is you! You're a fifth year Hufflepuff, good friends with the golden Trio (who are a year below you), and the apple of the twins' eyes. Many adventures, joy, love, tears, and chaos will follow for the next few years, and I hope you enjoy the ride. 

This fic IS 18+, as there will be smutty/sensual scenes. This is your first and only warning. Much love, and please enjoy. :) Also, I must remind you:  This. Is. A. Fred. AND. George fic. No matter what. No matter what's to come. (And no, that does not mean twincest).

It was a quarter past midnight, and you sat on the Weasley's couch, curled up by the fire with your favorite book. Molly and Arthur went to bed hours ago, as did Ginny. Ron and the twins retired to their rooms not long ago, but knowing them, they were likely still awake.

You were thankful that the Weasley's let you spend this summer with them. Your parents had spent the last three months in St. Mungo's hospital after receiving some nasty injuries chasing down rumors about The Dark Lord returning soon. 

Your parents were aurors. It was a risky job, but you admired them for it. Still, your heart ached knowing they were always within dangers' clutches. 

Off in the kitchen, you heard the rising whistle of the tea kettle you put on not long ago.

Not wanting to disturb the whole house, you quickly scuttled over and took the kettle off the stove. You poured the boiling water into your tea cup and left it there to steep.

When you turned around, your heart nearly jumped out of your chest.

"Christ almighty. Arseholes, the both of you."

Standing there was Fred and George. The two twins of the Weasley household. They were a year older than you and in Gryffindor house, like every single one of their siblings.

You hadn't heard them come downstairs or approach you in the kitchen. The pair of them had on their classic devilish grins. They were always brewing something in their mind.

You shifted awkwardly to your other foot. The silence was becoming uncomfortable.

"Can I help you?" you asked.

You were quite good friends with Ron and Ginny, but you never quite had the pleasure of getting to know Fred or George. All you knew was that they were the school's pranksters, always attached at the hip, and bloody good Quidditch beaters.

The closest you had ever really been to them was bumping around together on the Quidditch pitch.

"We heard the tea kettle go off," noted Fred.

"Didn't realize you were still up," added George.

You tucked a small piece of hair behind your ear. You weren't sure where they were going with this.

"Yeah, sorry if I woke you. I'm just a bit of a night owl. And it's kind of hard to sleep when I'm so excited about tomorrow."

Tomorrow you, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Arthur, Ginny, and the twins, would be going to the Quidditch world cup. You had dreamt of this opportunity since you were a child.

"We were still up," they both said in unison.

"Oh, okay," you said. You weren't sure how to answer that.

Fred and George exchanged looks. You swore they were speaking telepathically. 

"Right, so we have this spot," started Fred.

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