Chapter 1

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It was sleeting outside. Last night the whole pack snuggled up in a huge dog pile to keep warm.

I, of course, was the first one awake. The runt of the litter needs to learn how to hunt so she can keep up with his siblings.


"Miyla, it's still dark out. Do we have to go out." Says Tala, still half a sleep.

I start to rush into the dark woods where most of the prey hides. "This is not the safest place, maybe I should go back and get Tala." I whisper under my breath. "No! I don't need anyone to come with me! I am perfectly fine!" Start to get louder as I talk. I hear a hungry growl to my right. I spin around so fast I almost fall on my butt. I see a flash of golden brown.

It's a cougar!

I start running as fast as my little feet can take me. I see it running after me. I see my pack and howl for my step-father to come and protect me, but no one comes. I howl and this time louder. I see my mother in the distance. I howl again, but now I'm running out of breath.

I'm starting to slow my pace, the cougar is catching up! I can feel her painting on the edge of my feet. I'm slowing down even more now and I can smell my parents. I only have enough breath to howl once more.

I do a sharp turn so I can cut her off for a little bit. I howl, I finally caught one of my pack members attention. He howls a fierce and loud howl that sends a message that someone is in trouble. He howls back to me that they will be there as soon as possible. I don't know how much longer I can run.

The cougar knows where I will go and when I look back again, she's right on my tail! I know it won't be long now. I will be a perfect midday snack for the ferocious cougar. I look back one last time, I don't see her behind me.

I head back to the den. I find my step-father standing strong and fierce in the opening. I slowly creep over to him. My head down, tail between my legs, and my body so close to the ground I could feel the morning dew on my belly.

He starts to snarl at me, I rollover on my back with my tail pressing on my stomach so hard it hurt. I reach my head up to lick his nose to show that I surrender to him.

"Get in the den! NOW!" He says to the pack.

The hunting party does not come back till the next day. They come back empty-handed and some are hurt, but not bad.

"Axel." A hunting wolf says as he bows his head low to the dirt of the den. "We have run the cougar out of the area, but we have returned to you empty-handed. We have started to treat the wounded, but I'm afraid Cano is not looking like he will pull through."

"Make sure the medics do all they can." My step-father says.

Tonight we have no food and I am punished for my actions. I am to stay inside the den for three days. I also have two bodyguards to make sure I do not leave.

Finally, those three dreadful days pass and I am able to leave the den once more.I rush out to play, but none of my siblings would notice. The look at me in doubt and despair. One even and growls at me. It's as if I was a burden or vile creature that had no place among this pack. They even talk about me behind my back.

I stay in the den for at least three years. I am no longer a puppy anymore. I could do what I wanted, go where I please and no one would care because no one likes me. No one would care if I left. So I left the pack and became a lone wolf. Of course no one wondered where I was going except for my only friend, Tala.

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