Chapter 26~Plot Twist

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Ashton's P.O.V.

"-but I have something to say..........." I take a deep breath. Her emotions could be anything when I say this. But the guilt is going to eat me alive like it just did to Delilah. When she was crying and screaming, it showed me from her perspective what it's like to find your lover hurting that much. But that was a few minutes ago, I need to tell her. "Luke-isn't dead." The weight was off of my shoulders. Her eyes widened and she began to tear up. "I know, it doesn't make sense. But, when we were in the hospital..."

~~~~~FLASH BACK~~~~~
I make sure that everyone is sleeping to go and see Luke. The doctor quietly stepped in and closed the door behind the actual Luke so the others couldn't hear us. "I haven't looked at the mahican this close up. So Luke? Why did you want to do this?" "Because, I want Calum to move on from me. And I met this girl, and I realized I was bisexual. I guessed I never tried kissing a girl, it has just as much spark as it would to a guy. Also, I wanted a fresh start. You can only tell the boys, and then tell the girls sometime when you are in Australia before you go to the mental hospital. I know it is a wicked plan, but I just needed this. For some reason, I did. And Calum better be expecting me to kiss him one last time."

Delilah was crying once I was done telling her. "D-Do the other girls know?" "The boys should be telling them right about now." Suddenly we heard Corrine scream, "WHAT THE HELL?!" And we heard a door slam. Delilah and I get up and open our hotel room door and see Em slide down the wall and cry. Delilah was about to go to her, but I told her to stay.

I walk over to Em. "WHAT THE FUCKING BLOODY HELL?! WHY?!" Em stood up and hit me in the chest. "How the hell could you do that to us?!" I grab her wrists and she flinches, as a reflex because I knew she hasn't cut in a long while. "Em. Save some anger and questions for Luke when we get to the mental hospital. But I am sorry, it was all his plan." She slapped me, and I fully deserved it. I heard Delilah laugh and I turn around to see her in the door way dying of laughter. "Why don't we all discuss this with Luke tomorrow, okay?" I ask calmly. Em nods and hugs me. "I'm sorry. Have a good night, asshole." She smirks playfully and I return it.

I walk back into the hotel room and see Delilah in bed, looking at me. She scoffs and laughs again. I roll my eyes and climb into bed. "I'm sorry I kept it from you, but you will thank me later." I wink. "Sure I will." I turn out the light and pull her into my body and wrap my arm around her waist so we are spooning. What an exotic day.

Sorry, but I needed to let Luke back into the story for THE BIGGEST PLOT TWIST IN HISTORY!! But you will thank me later. *looks up or the book quote* WHAT UP STORY REFERENCE?! Lol, okay, I will let you decide if it was a good plot twist. If the majority of you guys don't like it, then I can change it. But if you are shocked and you like it, then I will keep it. And I also have a say in this if I want to keep it, so, yeah. Well, thanks for reading to this point and please continue reading! See you all in the next chapter, BAI!
~Sarah xx

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