Chapter 7~Triangle

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Delilah P.O.V.
The door opened to reveal Tiffany, the impatient secratary. "Ms.Carter? I was sent to take you to the lunch room. You are to eat at least a few crackers or something." She finished with a look of disgust. "Well, I'm not hungry. I'm never hungry. I am sorry for your inconvenience, but your time has expired." She rolled her eyes. "I tried at least. And you, quiet boy, you gonna speak today?" She said towards Ashton. He looks down at his feet, ashamed. "Exactly, you need to at least say a word. Like please? Or thank you? That is very rude not to talk. And another thing-" I cut her off. "Excuse me, you did your job, checking up on me. Now you can go and not insult him! He's just standing here! Nothing should be towards him!" She got up in my face, I could have sworn I lifted my fist. "Listen here you little brat, your rude friend here hasn't said a word since he got here. AND HE ARRIVED ON THAT DAMN DOOR STEP 3 YEARS AGO!!" "No, my 'rude' friend here, is actually my boyfriend." Ashton shot his head up. "He has talked to me, and that is enough for me. You don't know his past, so don't you dare judge him. Or I swear, I don't care if I am put in that damn straight jacket room, I will kick your ass! So get out of here, Tiffany. Your company isn't needed." "Delilah, enjoy your 'boyfriend'. And next time I see you, I will be your ticket to that 'straight jacket room'." Then she left, with not a trace that she was even near us.
"B-boyfriend?" Ashton asked. "Oh, yeah. I said that to shut her up. I'm sorry I took that too far." I look down, and start to leave. The bell rang, signaling that therapy has ended. "Delilah. Please don't be sorry." He said, without stuttering. I gave him a weak smile and went to my room. Em was out, as usual. I sat on my bed and cried. I'm pretty sure that he doesn't like me back, he seems like the type that doesn't have crushes. He is just so intriguing, and mysterious. I shouldn't even like him though.
Ashton's P.O.V.
When Delilah left the room, I felt total guilt. Though, I was confused. Boyfriend? Why boyfriend?
I went back to my room and thought about it all. Does Delilah really like me? Or does she feel bad for me? Just then, my roommate came in. "Hey Ashton, where's your girlfriend?" He asks. "S-she isn't my girlfriend." I say, turning my head away from him. He is a tall blonde, lip piercing, and has a punk rock look. He has a deep voice, and is good looking. I had to admit it. But I wouldn't date him. "Oh, sorry mate." He sat down on my bed, and I joined him. "Well, do you have a plan to make her your girlfriend? No stuttering please. Just speak like I taught you too, the way without sounding shy." I nod, and get ready for my plan.
"Well, I have just been quiet and shy, like normal. And she pretty much just did the rest. She said I was cute and mysterious. I think I should just be myself. Though, if I do that, she might find out all my secrets. I am just afraid that she will find out what else I am about and she will run. A-and-" "I'm gonna stop you right there before you keep stuttering. That is good that you are being yourself, but girls like confident guys. But not too confident. Talk to her like your talking to me right now. Ask to spend more time with her, get to know more about her. You have to want the relationship more than she will ever know. Got it?" He asks. I let everything process, then nod. "Thanks Luke. Coming from a gay guy like you, you sure know a lot." He laughs. "That's a secret! We don't need that to be everywhere!" "I know, but your boyfriend might know your secret." "You're real cute, Ashton. Real cute." He gets a little closer. I start to move away, though he grabs my wrist and I flinch. "Ashton, you don't need to move away. I'm not gonna hurt you." He looks into my eyes, very deeply. He has a HUGE crush on this other guy, and I am as straight as an arrow. What the fuck does he think he's doing? "Luke, you have a strong crush on one guy. And we are just friends. Why are you all flirty with me?" He smiles. "Ashton, you may like this one girl, but you aren't taken yet!" He gets closer. I go to the door and open it, but Luke turns me around and tries to kiss me. I try to stop him from kissing me but he won't stop. I hear a gasp and Luke stops. Delilah is at the door. "Shit." Luke curses under his breath.
I thought it would be kind of different to make Luke gay in this and him to like Ashton. Was it too much? I have writers block right now and I just thought this would make the story a little bit better. What I thought was, "If we make. Luke gay and all flirty with Ashton, what would happen between Ashton and Delilah? Would this make Delilah think that Ashton was gay? Or would this make Delilah think that Ashton was somehow playing her this whole time?" Comment if this was a good idea or if I should redo this entire chapter. Thank you guys for reading! Bai.~Sarah xx

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