Rehersals and shocking suprises

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Laura and jake are still good after everything that happene. Ross and Carly have been hanging out a lot lately. They are both going to the wedding. Ross totally forgot that laura was coming back so when she asked him out he said yes because he thought that he would never see laura again
So I wake up and imediatly start to get ready. I am only staying for 2 days but the wedding is tomarrow. I pack all my clothes then I wrap up my dress and drag everything downstairs
"Ok I'm off to Wyoming"I yell then everyone goes in the living room to say goodbye
"Stay safe"Rachel hugs me then Maggie and Finn run up to me
"Who's going to make us food and play with us until you get back?"Finn complains
"Awwww guys make will be here"they roll their eyes then I hug them. Then jake come over and we share a long hug until I pull off of him and walk into the taxi with all my bags. I'm coming ross
Tomarrow is the big day. My brother is getting married
"Hurry up ross we have to be at the rehearsal dinner in 10 minutes"riker says as he fixes his tie. I get up then text Carly to meet me there. We all pile into the car and drive to the rehearsal
"I am freaking out"my friend Morgan hands me a paper bag and I breathe in and out of it
"It's ok ness. You and riker love eachother and you will be happy"she rubs my back
"Not that. Ross is bringing Carly and laura is coming back. Ross forgot laura was coming back"I start breathing again
"Is she going to be at the rehearsal?"she asks
"She said she's going to try"I stand up and walk to the car
"Let's go"Morgan drives to the rehearsal
As Rocky is driving, I get so excited. I'm getting married tomarrow. I look over and see ross texting someone. I see that he's texting Carly. I roll my eyes. I don't like Carly. I want laura back. No one has been the same since she left. Ross changed the most. It's like he totally forgot about her. Anyway Rocky stops the car and we all get out. I search the room and see vanessa and Morgan standing in the lobby
"Hey girls"I walk up to vanessa and she hugs me
"Hey ok I need you to tell ross that laura is coming hopefully he will forget about Carly and go back to laura"I nod then walk away to find ross
"I hope he finds ross before its to late"Morgan says and I nod in agreement then someone walks through the door. We both look and see laura. I run up to her and give her a giant hug
"Oh my gosh laura your actually here. I didn't think you would make it in time"I say to her
"Yeah well I'm here anyway I'm going to go out my stuff downstairs"she leaves my arms and rolls her bags downstairs
As I roll my suitcase downstairs I was also searching around the room for ross. I finally make it downstairs so I open the room and put my suitcase in it. As I open the door, I hear laughter. I peak out and see ross. I try to listen
"Hey it turns out laura isn't coming"ross says
"Really?"Carly says then they lean in and kiss. I instantly close the door then slide down it letting tears fall down. After a while I knew it would be starting so I walked to the mirror and fixed my makeup
"Oh dude ross!"I yell and run to him and Carly
"Hey man what's up?"he asks confused
"Laura is here"I say then he stares at me then at Carly
"Oh and we're starting now"I say before running back upstairs
Lauras here. Like actually here? I know I'm dating Carly but maybe it was just a way of me saying that I would never see laura again but it's not. I need to break up with Carly and be with laura. Once I find her
"Carly um I think we need to break up"I say and she looks down
"Is it because of laura?"she asks looking into my eyes
"Yeah. I realize now that I have to be with laura. I'm sorry"we kiss one last time then she walks upstairs and I start looking for laura
"Laura!"I yell and she finally comes out of a room. I look at her for the first time in 2 months
"Hey"I say still pretty far away from her. She looks down then starts walking away. I run up to her and stop her
"Hey what's wrong?"I ask making her look at me
"You told me nothing happened between you and Carly"she whispers and I imediatly feel guilty
"Laura please. I thought that you were never going to come back"I put my hand on her cheek but she pulls away
"I can't. What if I go back in two days and you guys hook up again. This time for three more years. I saw you guys kissing. Do you know how embarrassed I was? I loved you ross"she says
"I love you to. That's why I broke up with Carly"I confidently say
"Only to date me for 2 days"she whispers
"No laura. I want to be with you. I'm so sorry that I hurt you"she nods then walks away. I sigh then walk upstairs. I see Carly talking to another guy on her designated table. Then I see Laura with her head down
I feel like dying. The one person I trust just killed me. Maybe if he knew that when jake came onto me, then he would actually care
"Laura?"I look up and see bridget. I imediatly stand up and hug her
"Oh my gosh I missed you"she says then we sit down
"Me to"I say
"So how have you been. Did you talk to ross yet?"once she asks that I look down
"Um yeah I caught him kissing Carly just now"I say trying not to cry. Bridget rubs my back
"It's fine maybe if he knew that when jake came into me, I pushed him off. I said no so why didn't he?"I look at her but she's looking at ross. She stands up and storms to ross. I run after her
"You know ross. You have a lot of nerve"bridget yells at him
"Did you know that laura turned jake down because she loved you? And what did you do. You kissed Carly in front of her"she yells again. I slightly look at ross and he looks at me in shock
"Whatever"bridget storms off leaving ross and I looking at each other
"Is that true laura?"he asks and I slowly nod. He starts walking closer but I back up
"Please. Laura I-"I cut him off
"You want to be is with me. But I can't be in a relationship for two days. What would happen if I leave and you go back to Carly?"I ask and he sighs
"I don't think I can do this again. It hurts now imagine in three years when I come back"I wipe a tear away then run past him and accidentally run into ratliff
"Oh sorry"I say
"Can I ask you something?"he asks and I nod
"Can someone like two different people at once?"I look at him
"No"I imediatly answer then ross runs up
"Laura can u talk to you in private?"he asks and I nod following him to a room downstairs
"What"I rudely ask he looks at me then smashes his lips into mine. I instantly kiss back. I run my hands through his hair and he lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist still kissing him only thinking about him not the future, not Yale, not jake. He walks into a room then lays me on the couch. I pull him down and I ask for entrance. He agrees and I slide my tongue in his mouth
"Aren't you excited ness?"I ask her and she nods looking around
"Where are ross and laura?"she asks and I shake my head
"Oh I'll go ask ratliff"I walk away to ratliff and Kelly
"Hey guys"I say and they both smile at me
"What's up?"ratliff asks me
"Have you seen ross and laura?"I ask and he nods
"Yeah he led her to a room downstairs"I nod then walk back to vanessa
"They are downstairs together"she sighs then gives me a hug
"I love you"she says
"I love you to"we kiss then sit down

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