remember me please

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i open my door and peek out. since ross isnt around, i sneek down to the basement to finish my school for the day. i close the door then set my computer on the desk. i open it and type in my password but the computer keeps moving. i lift it up and grab a folded piece of paper from under it. i set it aside then continue doing my homework.

a few hours later, i close my laptop then sit in the chair for a while. maybe ross really never loved me? but then why would he go in a coma? how come carly was his other half? i turn my head to the folded up piece of paper. i pick it up and see writing in it so i fully open it and i read the title

"remember me laura. Please"i read out loud then start reading the words and realize that its a song. He wrote me a song? i smile a little then figure everything out. i was the one who put him in a coma. i yelled that i wish i never meet him. but then why not erase my memory? i walk upstairs holding the song n my hand and i see stormie in the kitchen

"can i talk to you?"i ask and she turns around

"sure whats up?"she takes off her apron and we sit down

"ok this is going to sound strange but yesturday, i yelled that i wish i never meet ross. and now hes in a coma"i play with the paper in my hand

"thats not strange. ross loves you. the universe just hates you"she explains

"but why?"i ask frustrated

"you and ross were destined to be together so when you told him to move on by going to Yale, the universe has been trying to punish you"i slam my head on the counter then look up at her

"ok so why didnt the universe just erase my memory why his and how do you know this?"i ask confused

"well i know because before i had riker, i had a misscarrige. it happened because i left mark. him and i were destined to be together so since i left him, thats what happened. and for the memory, this is part of your punishment. if they erased your memory, then you would go searching to get it back. ross has no idea. therefore you lose"she explains and i nod in understanding

"is he still here?"she nods then i run upstairs and knock on his door

"who is it?"he says through the closed door

"its laura can i come in its important"i say then he opens the door and i walk in

"whats up?"he asks sitting on his bed

"um i want you actually need you to read this"i hand him the note then walk out and back into the basement


i unfold the note that laura gave me and i read the title

"remember me laura. Please"at first i look at it confused but i keep reading

i can take the rain on the roof of this empty house

that dont bother me


dear ross,
i got your messages and im fine. I stopped texting because you told me that you didnt know if you wanted this kid. The truth is. I do want it. This baby is all i have left. My dad hates me. My mom betrayed me. My sister stabbed my back. And you broke my heart. But it doesnt matter anymore. I do still love you to but i cant be with someone who doesnt wqnt the same things i want. Im having this baby wether your there or not. Besides im not totally alone. I made new friends at school on monday. And im sorry for ignoring you but i thought that if we talked that you would breakup with me. Anyway please stay away. I need some alone time for a whils. Now considering that ally is my best friend.
love, Laura

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