Chapter Two- Home Sweet...Home?

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Finally- the mornings over.

George groans and finds his way out out of the school. The entire morning consisted of people staring, snickering, and whispering. He didn't make any friends, well, except for Clay and Nick. The only class he had with them was lunch, and that's not even a class.

George finds his way to the bus and sees Nick and Olivia sitting in the back chatting. They see him and wave him over. George plops his stuff down on the ground and collapses in the empty seat across from them.

"Sooo how was your first day?"

Olivia asks, crawling over Nick to the isle seat to talk to him better.

"Ow Liv you literally just kicked me in my face-"

Olivia ignores him and taps her feet on the bus floor, staring excitedly at George. He simply shrugs and sighs, sinking down in his seat and closing his eyes.

"It went about as well as I expected it to."

Olivias smile fades and she lays her hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I'm sure it'll get better. The first few weeks are always hard, but I know you'll get through it."

George smiles and cuddles deeper into his hoodie.

"Hey Pissbaby"

George's eyes pop open and he raises his eyebrows questioningly at Nick. Olivia rolls her eyes and nods towards the person walking down the isle.

"Dude when are you gonna let that go? I only peed the bed like once-"

"Hmm never."

Nick cuts him off and smiles innocently. He sees George's confused face and says,

"Last year he was sleeping next to his ex girlfriend and pissed the bed in his sleep. She still doesn't know."

Clay punches Nick in the shoulder and rolls his eyes. George giggles and scoots over on the seat to give Clay room to sit. He takes his seat and throws his stuff next to George's, sighing loudly and leaning his head back on the seat.

"I hate first days back at school"

Everybody agrees with him, nodding their heads. He turns towards George and asks,

"How was your first day? I saw you at lunch earlier and meant to say hey but I had to talk to my football coach about how I can't make weekend practices anymore."

George shrugs and looks out the window, his warm breath fogging the cooled glass slightly.

"It went.. ok."

Clay was about to say something, when Nick pulls his attention away and brings him into a conversation with Olivia.

Within a few more minutes, Olivia and George's stop arrive and they quietly exit the bus after dating a quick goodbye to their friends. The two teens enter the quiet house and George instantly goes upstairs to his bedroom. He throws his books on the floor, not caring if he broke something, and collapses on his bed. He fights back tears and buries his face in his pillow, squeezing it between his arms.

I want to go home.. I want my mom.. I want my dad.. I miss my old friends.. I even miss my strict principal.. i want everything to go back to the way it was last year.. I want to go home.. I want to go home..

He repeats that last part over and over again in his brain until he couldn't stand the phrase anymore. His face is already red and puffy from crying, as he lost the "battle of tears" easier than expected. His pillow was soaked and he flips it over to hide the evidence that he cried. Suddenly, he hears a knock at his door and he quickly pulls his blankets over his face.

"George? How did your first day go?"

His foster dad walks in and sits on the edge of his bed. George clears his throat and says,

"Good.. it was good.."

There was a loud silence then his foster dad stands up.

"I know this year has been rough for you George, but you don't have to go through it alone. You can talk to me and you're mother whenever you need to."

George flinches when he says the word mother and nods his head under the covers.

"I know-"

His voice cracks and he gulps down more tears. He waits until he hears his bedroom door close again and screams into his pillow, releasing his feelings in various forms of cursing, crying, yelling, and whispers.

After hours of this, he finally gets up and grabs his almost empty water bottle off his gaming desk. His head was throbbing in pain from the constant mood changes and he gulps down the remaining water and tosses the bottle in the trash. He slides into his chair and closes his eyes, thinking back on the highlights of his day.

Nick and Clay are super nice. I wonder if Olivia will ever invite me to hangout with all of them at some point.

He smiles as he thinks about Clay and his cute bouncy hair and bright eyes.

You've only met the dude once and you're already simping over his hair? Wow George, real mature. But it is super adorable..

He shakes his head and sighs, rubbing his sore eyes with the balls of his fist.

Don't do this again George. Don't fall for someone who won't like you back. It's too soon. You don't even know tis guy. You're just exhausted out of your mind.

He stands back up, strips down to his boxers, and hops into bed, sighing contently into his pillow. Before he has the chance to think about anything else, he falls into a deep sleep.

Dang he's really going to bed at like 8 pm lmao who can blame him though- I would too if I had a day like that.

Anyway, au revior my friends. I didn't proof read this cause I'm tired and I need to sleep. If I remember tomorrow to do it than I will, but as of now this is what you get lol :/
Word count- 1000

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