Chapter Eight- Party Time

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"Alright, George you're on balloon duty. Nick you're on streamers and stickers. I already brought the snacks and drinks over earlier. Remember, this isn't a big party so no need to go overboard."

The two boys look at Olivia with an obviously annoyed look on their faces.

"We're the ones you're worried about going overboard?"

George rolls his eyes and smiles as he stars blowing up colorful balloons with the helium pump.

"So how was hanging out with Clay this afternoon?"

Nick asks curiously, pinning up some bright green streamers on the wall. George thinks for a moment before tying a knot in the balloon he was filling up.

"It was actually pretty fun. He's a super nice guy. Though, he sucks at mini golf! He kept hitting the ball into the fountain and at one point he nearly fell on. I won, but he stole the score sheet so technically I have no proof-"

The new balloon he was filling up explodes loudly, making everyone in the house jump and stare at him with wide eyes.

"Sorry- I was distracted.."

Nick smirks and nods his head,

"Distracted because you were thinking of a certain someone~"

He mumbles, barely loud enough for George to hear. George glares firstly at Nick, then moves his face to Olivia.

"You told him what I told you earlier?"

Olivia drops the plastic cup she was holding and clears her throat,

"Well.. yeah. I didn't think it was a big deal AND I told him to shut up about it."

She spits those last words at Nick and he looks down in mock shame.

"Nick did she forget to mention that I'm not even sure about my feelings for Clay? For all I know I could just see him as a super good friend! Plus, I'm sure he doesn't feel the same way. Not that I feel a certain way towards him, you know what I mean."

He pauses and looks at the smirking people around him.

"Oh shut up"

He continues blowing up like green balloons and sticking the smiley face stickers on them.

"We need some music. You guys are too quiet"

Olivia pulls out her phone and scrolls through some music. She plays the song "18" by One Direction and turns it all the way up.

"Yessss! One Direction is my JAM!"

She throws her hands int the air and starts to dance, completely forgetting about the decorations she was hanging up. Nick laughs at her silly dance moves and George chuckles as she spins around the kitchen counter and outstretches her hand towards Nick.

"Dance with me Nicky!"

Nick turns a light shade of pink and grabs her hand. She pulls him in circles and spins around him, laughing and smiling like she was a 5 year old.

George couldn't help but smile at them. He keeps blowing up balloons as the song comes to an end and Nick and Olivia finally settle down. Olivia pulls out of Nicks grasp and taps the repeat button on her phone.

"We're going to listen to this all night!"

Nick groans and tries to press the pause button, but Olivia snatches the device away from him.

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