Chapter Twelve- Flatline

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!!play the song!!



After hours of waiting, we're finally aloud to go see George. He's in a medically induced coma for the time being to keep his pain away.. they say he should be up soon though.

They managed to stabilize him after many unsuccessful attempts..

My head feels like it's about to explode. Everything happened so fast.. it's like one second George was ok and right in front of me, and the next he's in the hospital about to die.

Me, Olivia, her parents, and Nick were all offered a cot to sleep in by the doctors in the room next door to George's.. there're all laying down right now..

They've had a stressful day.. they need as much rest as they can possibly get.

I decide to stay in George's hospital room and keep an eye on him while the others rest.

He looks.. horrible.

His leg and hip are wrapped up in a tight cast, his wrist is bandaged with blue gauze, and his mouth had an oxygen mask over it. There's a clip on his finger taking his pulse, and several needles poked in his arm giving him medicine.

I slowly slide my hand into his and sigh, laying my forehead on the side of the bed,

"I'm sorry George. For everything. I shouldn't have yelled.. I should've explained why I was angry. I was never angry at you.. I promise. I'll explain everything once you wake up. You have to wake up.."

I pause for a moment before continuing,

"I need to tell you something important when you wake up. But I can only tell you when you wake up.. that's the deal.."

I squeeze his hand and take a deep breath, listening to the steady beeping of the pulse oximeter telling me,

He's alive, don't worry. He's still alive.

After a few minutes, I fall into a shallow, uneasy sleep..


I wake up suddenly to the sound of a constant beeping noise, and realize it's the pulse machine saying George's heart stopped..

"George?? Help! Somebody!?"

A doctor from outside the room hears my calls and races in, shoving me out of the way and grabbing the shocking devices from off a nearby shelf. A few more doctors followed by Nick and Olivia rush in.

Nick grabs me by my arms and tries to pull me towards the door, but my feet wouldn't move. My eyes wouldn't leave George's body, and I nearly throw up at the sight of the doctors ripping his shirt open and shocking the life back into his small body..

"Cmon Clay! He'll be fine!"

Nick finally gets me out of the hospital room and tosses me into a chair.

I can't move.
I can't see.
I can't breath.
I can't think.

Everything moves in slow motion. I can't even hear Nick anymore. I glance towards the room again and watch as George's heart monitor steadily raises back to what it should be.

He's alive..
He's alive..
He's alive..

I chant to myself as I hold my face tightly in my hands. I peek over at Olivia and her parents and bite my lip.

They look so.. broken.. I wish there was something I could do, but there's not.. the only thing anyone can do to make things better is to help George get better..

Time Skip To The Middle Of The Night

were aloud to go back into George's room after hes stable again, but something still feels off..

Maybe it's the fact that the one person I care about just died in front of me and then came back to life..


Nick and Olivia sit on the couch, and George's parents stand outside talking to the doctors and nurses.

I slip my hand back into George's and sit with my back against the bed, again listening to his heartbeat, hoping it never stops again.

You can do it George.. you can pull through.

I rub circles against his bruised palm and smile at Nick, who's cradling a worn out Olivia.

This is officially the new worst day of my life.

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