Chapter Ten- Get Out

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It's been two long, boring days since Clays surprise party on Sunday.

(Aka two long hard days without George seeing his hubby am I right- jkjk.............👀)

Olivia made plans to hang out with Nick already, so that left George alone for the day. Of course, he's already downstairs eating his daily pancakes at the kitchen table.

"Hey George? Me and (insert George's foster dads name with whatever you want because my dumbass can't think of one) are heading out for the day. Olivias car will be here since Nick picked her up, so feel free to use it."

His foster parents smile, grab their coats, and leave the house. George sighs and finishes his food,

I wonder if Clay would want to hang out today? I just think he's a fun guy to hang around.

He pulls out his phone and clicks on Clays name in his contact list, quickly typing out a message.

George- I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today? 9:27

No response.

He tosses his phone aside and takes his dishes to the sink, rinsing them off and carefully putting them in the dishwasher. It's days like these when he wondered what his friends back in the UK where doing right now. Normally they'd be hanging out at a park not far from their school, and laughing and making jokes about the teachers or judging their own skateboarding contests.

I miss those days..

His phone dings and a message pops up on his lock screen.


Clay- sure. Have anything in mind?

George- hmm not really. I thought you might 😅

Clay- you want to come over to my place? It's just me right now.

George- sure, if you're alright with that.

Clay- yeah, it's no big deal.

George- Mk, see you in 15


George excitedly puts down his phone and runs upstairs to get dressed. He puts on a casual black t-shirt, blue jeans, and black tennis shoes. He brushes his teeth quickly and checks himself in the mirror before racing down the steps to the kitchen to grab his phone and the keys. 

I hate driving here.. it's so different from where I learned to drive.

After a few deep breaths he heads out to the car and tosses his phone into the passenger seat. After fixing the cars settings to match his needs, he heads off in the direction of Clays house.


The two boys sit quietly on the long white couch in Clays living room, trying to figure out something to do.

Clay seems awfully quiet today..

George thinks to himself while making side glances at his friend.

Maybe he's just not a morning person.

He tries to reassure himself that everything's fine, but something still seems off. In fact, it almost looks like he's about to cry.

"Hey Clay?"

He starts, laying his hand on Clays shoulder. He noticed how his shoulder shivered under his touch, and how he turned his face away..

"Are you ok?"

Before Clay could answer, his phone dings and a text notification pops up on the screen. It looks like whoever's texting him is mad, since the message is in all caps.

"Clay..? If you want to talk.. I'm-"

Clay shoves his hand off his shoulder and shakes his head, standing up suddenly and starting the smaller boy.

"I don't need to talk."

Clays eyes darted around the room before he grabs his phone away from George's prying eyes.

I'm coming for you? That's all I could read before he took the phone...

"Who's coming for you Clay?"

He asks, unsure about how he would answer. His pupils grow big and he runs a hand through his dirty blond hair.


George sits there in shock at the sudden outburst, his gaze dropping from Clays. He clears his throat and stands up,

"I-I'm uhm.. I'm sorry for interrupting.."

The two stand in silence once again before George leaves through the front door.


Clay collapses on the couch, throwing his phone across the room and holding his face in his hands.

"Goddamn it .."

He whispers, his shoulder still shaking from where George once laid his hand.


George sits in the car with his hands lingering on the steering wheel, trying to gather his racing thoughts.

"Nice going George.. you snooped and now he hates you.."

He groans and lays his head on the steering wheel,

"I thought today would go great.. I thought we'd hand out like we did on Sunday.. guess I was wrong.."

He slowly pulls out of the driveway, his eyes tearing up at the memories of everything that's happened to him. It's like everything just slammed into him once. Like he's being buried under tons and tons of concrete, never to escape. His parents, his old home, everything.

As he tried to fight back the tears that sting his eyes, he pulls onto a busier street near the empty school. His eyes drift away from the road as he gets too overwhelmed by everything, and he doesn't notice how he starts drifting into the opposite lane.. and the truck coming straight at him..


I had to I'm sorry! I have a plan >:3
Prepare your DNF hearts ;-;
Also I didn't proof read this I'm sorrryyyy
Word count- 880

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