Chapter Eighteen- Come Alone

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Clays P.O.V

Nick runs up to me and high fives me, while Olivia cheers behind him. We won our game!

"Nice job man!"

One of my teammates says while slapping my shoulder. I smile and raise my arms victoriously. Something seems off though.

I thought George came to the game?

"Hey guys where's George?"

Nick gives me a confused face and turns around,

"Uhm.. well he was right here- I dunno where he went."

"Maybe the bathroom?"

Olivia asks, already making her way there. Me and Nick follow her and knock on the door. No answer.

"Maybe he went to the car."

Nick suggests. We all nod and start making our way towards the car, but nobody's there.

"That's weird.. Liv try calling him."

Olivia dials his number and puts her phone up to her ear. Me and Nick listen closely for his iconic British accent come through the phone, but there's nothing except the voicemail box.

"Well... maybe he took a walk?"

I shake my head and sigh.

There's no way he went for a walk at 10 pm. He's not stupid-

(It's funny cause that's what he did- except he was going after a shadowy figure SMFH)

"What if something happened to him again? His body still isn't fully recovered from the accident. Too much stress can be bad for him. What if he got stressed from the crowds of people, took a walk to cool down, then fainted or something?? What if-"

"Olivia calm down. Don't jump to conclusions ok? We're going to find him. Let's call the police and report him missing ok?"

Olivia nods and dials 911. As she and Nick explain the situation, I feel a vibration from my own phone in my pocket.


The police won't be able to do anything Clay. I have George,

There's a picture of George chained to the chair attached to the message..

My heart starts racing and my hand can barely hold onto the phone.

"Hey what's wrong man?"

Nick asks. My mouth drops as I try to say something, anything, but I just shake my head and stare at the message. Nick grabs the phone and looks at the picture, gasping and running a hand through his hair.

"Uhm... who sent you this??"

I stay silent and look at him with that look of "you know who". His face drops and he clicks the phone off before Olivia could see. He whispers in my ear,

"Don't let her see that fucking picture. We know where Fundy is, all we have to do is get there and take him down."

I shake my head and groan into my hands as another message lights up the screen.


Don't bring the police into this. I might do something to your little boy toy that you won't like.. come alone to our old spot tonight, meet me under the oak tree by the cabin. If you bring ANYONE, you'll never get George back.

I hide the message from Nick and take a deep breath.

Just do what he says and no one gets hurt. You can do this Clay.. you can do this for George. He needs you more than ever. I won't let him hurt you. I won't let ANYONE hurt you.


Ahhh sorry if this story is moving at a weird pace. Like I said, I just write and see where it leads. I HAD NO IDEA FUNDY WOULD KIDNAP GEORGE IN THIS STORY IT JUST HAPPENED-

Anyway thanks for reading XD y'all mean the world to me :3

This weeks been long and hard *cough*😏 but you guys help with your sweet comments :) see you guys in le next chapter!

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