Chapter Eleven- Thoughts and Feelings

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Darkness. That's all I see. Pitch black darkness..

I've never been afraid of the dark, not even now.

I can feel myself getting lifted into the air and placed on something flat and uncomfortable.

I can faintly smell the tangy scent of.. smoke?

Yeah, smoke.

I try to open my eyes, but they won't budge.

It's like I'm frozen..

The sound of sirens rings throughout my head, sending pulses of pain through my aching skull.

This is a weird feeling.. it's like I'm awake but I'm not? It's hard to explain..

Like a fever dream! I can hear everything perfectly, but I can't see. I'm not even sure any of this is real..

Maybe just another nightmare? Hopefully..

I hear hurried voices around me, and a breathing mask is placed on my face, pushing oxygen into my bruised and battered lungs.

Pain.. the throbbing pain coursing throughout my body.. I can feel it..

I try to yell out and say,

"Make it stop!"

But nothing comes out. Just mumbles..

I can see! Sort of.. blinding lights hang from the ceiling, and blurs of people race around me.

I can make out a kind looking face of a woman with dark brown hair and amber eyes looking at me from a seat in the back of the ambulance?

I think it's an ambulance..

I try to lean up to get a better view of my surroundings, and scream in pain. The nice looking nurse speeds over to me and presses me gently to the stretcher, sticking an iv in my arm and smiling gently.

She looks... familiar. Like I've seen her before...


I gasp out, the sharp taste of blood flooding my taste buds. The nurse just smiles and lays her arm on my shoulder, her eyes never leaving mine.

The world around me starts to fade, and the last thing I see is the face of my mother fading away once again.. and leaving me to a world of that horrible darkness..


I'm awake again, this time I can feel and see everything. I'm laying on a stretcher, nurses and doctors wearing blue scrubs rush me through the hallways of the hospital?


The lights above me speed past in one big blur, and time seems to slow down..

My vision blurs, but I keep myself awake.

Where am I?
What's happening?
Why am I here?
Who are these people?
Where's Olivia?
Am I ok?

Too many thoughts fill my head..

The oxygen mask on my face pushes cold air down my burning throat, releasing me from some pain.

My leg hurts.. my chest stings..

One of the doctors opens up a swinging door as the rest of the people surrounding me push me inside a room covered in plastic and sharp utensils laying on a pan.

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