Chapter Five- Just Friends

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"I'll see you guys tomorrow at 7. Don't be there too early or else Clay might not of left for football lessons. This is his last weekend practice so we can't mess this up."

Nick waves goodbye to George and Olivia and heads out to his car. George glances over at Olivia and smiles,

"You like him"

Olivia slaps George on the shoulder as a light blush floods her cheeks.

"Shut up! We're just.. friends."

George raises his eye brows and rubs his shoulder where Olivia slapped him.

"I don't believe you~"

He taunts her, dodging another incoming slap.

"Fine- maybe I like him a little. I don't know, I've known him since first grade and he's never shown any interest in me.."

George drops his jaw and looks at her with the face of pure annoyance.

"Are you being serious Liv? He- I can't even with you-"

George throws his hands in the air and grabs an apple out of the bowl on the counter. Olivia pulls the band out of her blond hair and lets it fall over her shoulders.

"Look, Nick had a girlfriend when we were freshman's.. they broke up last year but I'm not sure he's over her yet. Maybe he likes me, me he doesn't. I don't want to push him into a relationship if he's not ready yet.. even if I am"

George smiles and takes a bites of his apple,

"You're right, I completely get it."

He pauses for a moment and sets his apple down on the counter again, taking a deep breath.

"If I tell you something will you promise not to tell anyone? Even Nick."

Olivia nods and leans against the refrigerator, crossing her arms and pulling her sweater tighter against her body.

"I think I might.. have feelings for Clay? I'm not sure yet- I've only known him for about a week, and I'm not sure if he's even gay, but.. I don't know.. you've known him a lot longer than me, so I thought you might help kind of figure out what he likes?"

Olivia bites her lip and thinks for a moment before responding,

"Clays the kind of guy who doesn't care about what past you've had, or what you look like on the outside, or what kind of clothes you were or buy. He thinks about the personality you have. Sure, to him looks are a plus, but it's all about the personality."

George smiles and nods his head, grabbing his apple again and looking at Olivia.

"Thanks Liv, that helped a lot."

He heads upstairs to his room and sits on his bed, tossing the rest of his snack in the trash can across his room.

"I hope Clay likes his present.."

He stands back up and takes the hoodie out of his closet, holding it tight to his chest.

George you're being so weird about this- it's just a hoodie.

He sighs, hangs it back up, and grabs his pajamas out instead. He quickly changes then jumps into his bed and snuggles under his covers.

"I might as well go ahead and go to sleep"

He closes his eyes and takes a deep content breath, stretching himself out under the covers and clearing his mind of the events from the past week. Within a few minutes, he falls asleep..

Yes yes I know I said I wouldn't post if the chapter was under 1000 words, but how could I make this seem longer ;-;
Word count- 583

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