Chapter Twenty- Permanent

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Nick pulls quietly next to his friends car and takes a quick glance around the empty parking lot. He looks at the message again, taking deep breaths.


The old cabin near the park. Get George out and I'll take care of the rest.

He exits the car and walks into the woods using his phone as a flashlight.

He knew Fundy way before he and Clay ever got together. He used to be this sweet boy who never had a care in the world. He grew up lonely.. that's why it's so hard for him to let Clay go. He grew up in a household that treated evilly.. they would call him a faggot and lock him in his room with nothing but glass of water every few hours over the weekend, and his dad would always come home from work drunk. No matter what Fundy did, he couldn't escape. He even tried running away at one point, but the police found him and just brought him back home. The only thing Fundy cared about before meeting Clay was the little fox that met him at the park in the dead of night. On the days when he was able to get out of the house, that's always where he went. That's where he met Clay. To him, Clay was the only person who understood him. He was the only person who didn't make fun of him because of his slim body, or his bright hair and face full of freckles. But that one day.. everything changed. Clay walked in on Fundy kissing another boy... and when Clay confronted him about it, he got hurt.. Nicks never forgiven Fundy for that. Never. Every time Clay flinches when someone touches him he just wants to find Fundy and strangle every bit of life out of his stupid little body. He ruined his best friends life..

Nick follows the dirt trail through the woods for about thirty minutes until he reaches the cabin. In the driveway, is Fundys car, and inside there's one single light on.

You can do this Nick.. just get George and let Clay take care of the rest.

What Nick didn't know, is that Clay has a brilliant plan..

Nick heads to the side of the cabin quietly and peeks in through the window. Inside, he sees Clay and Fundy sitting on the couch. Clay looks.. oddly calm, while Fundy looks mad. Nick takes a deep breath and sneaks underneath the window and slides across the wooden logs to the back door, where he grabs the handle and ever so slowly pulls it down. It didn't make a single sound. He takes another long breath and opens the door as slowly as possible. It squeaks a little, but luckily no one noticed. Inside, he hears two familiar voices talking in even tones, although he couldn't make out what they're saying. He steps inside and tries to quiet his racing heart, looking at the back of his friends heads. As he tiptoes across the wooden floor, it creaks, and Fundy and Clay go quiet. Luckily, Clay quickly starts talking about something else, keeping Fundy distracted for the time being. He notices the basement doors open and steps into the dark stairwell. As he quietly steps down the stairs, his eyes adjust to the dark and he can see a shape in the center of the room.


He whispers, so quietly he wasn't sure his friend heard it. George's head snaps up and looks around frantically, but Nick shushes him.

"George you have to stay quiet. Me and Clay are getting you out of here."

He quickly takes the blindfold off George, who looks at him with relieved eyes. He takes the gag out of his friends mouth,

"How's Clay?"

Was the first thing he said, his throat sounding hoarse and dry from lack of water. Nick chuckles in relief,

"He's upstairs keeping Fundy occupied. He says he has a plan, but I don't know what it is. We need to get out of here"

He looks around for the key to the chains and finds it hanging on a hook near a shelf in the back corner.

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