Chapter Four- Hoodie

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"I swear to GOD Nick if you play that song one more time I'm finna throw hands with you!"

George fights back laughter in the back seat as Olivia sits up tall and stares down Nick.

"I'd listen to her man, she's scary when she's mad."

Olivia zips around to meet George's eyes and raises her eye brows.

"What was that Georgy?"

George slides up against the side door and yells out in fear as Olivia reaches back to smack him.


Olivia smirks victoriously and turns back to Nick, who's on the verge of playing the song "Beautiful" by One D for the fifth time in a row. She snatched his phone out of his hand and tucks it under her arm. Nick couldn't even try to get it back because he was trying to avoid hitting the cars and people around them.

"Liv I swear to God-"

She laughs evilly and switches the song to something else, grinning at him and running her hand through her blond hair. He smirks and and rolls his eyes,

"I should never of told you my password"


"Hey Liv? I was wondering if you could tell me a little about Clay. I've only known him for a week, and I want to go out shopping for a birthday present, but I have no idea what he likes."

Olivia smiles and puts down the book of cake pictures on the table they were sitting at.

"Hmm, well his favorite animals a lion, his favorite colors green, his favorite-"

Before she could continue, he says,

"I meant like something that might have value in his life? Does he wear any jewelry? What about a hoodie or jacket? I've noticed he really only wears the green one with the smiley face on it."

Olivia glances at Nick with a small smile and clears her throat.

"Well, he does really like hoodies. He's never taken the time to buy himself a new one, so maybe that would be a good gift. What do you think Nick?"

Nick nods and grabs the cake book off the table in front of Olivia.

"Sounds good to me."

George smiles and stands up, gaining the attention of his friend and sister.

"I'm heading over to that clothing shop across the street. I should be back before you get done ordering the cake."

He walks to the door and heads outside, the cool fall air smacking him in the face like a baseball. He pulls his own teal hoodie tighter around his thin body and crosses the street.

"Alright, his favorite color is green, but not the ugly dark color. Maybe I should find a hoodie that kinda reminds him of me? That sounds weird- I meant like when he puts it on he thinks of me as the BUYER of the hoodie."

He internally face palms and heads inside the shop. It's practically empty, with only a few employees here and there and an elderly lady in the front talking to the cashier. He walks slowly around the shop, looking carefully at all the different colored shirts, sweatpants, jeans, jackets, and hoodies. He runs his hand along the soft fabrics and sighs contently,

It's been a while since I've bought someone a birthday present

He thinks to himself. Suddenly, his eye catches a bright blue hoodie in the back corner of the store hanging on a display rack. Instantly he knew-

That's the one!

He jogs over to it and removes it from the shelf carefully, holding it in his hands and smiling a little bigger than he probably should be. He takes his finding up to the cashier and waits patiently for the elderly lady to finish her conversation. When it's finally his turn, he gently places the hoodie on the counter and pulls his wallet out of his pants pocket. He hands the cashier money for the gift and watches excitedly as she put it into a plastic bag and hands it back to him. He waves goodbye and heads back outside, clutching the bag close to his chest and taking deep breaths of the cool air.

Inside the cake shop, he sees Olivia and Nick standing close together in the back near the table they were sitting at. Nick moves a looses strand of Olivias hair behind her ear and lingers his hand over her cheek. George couldn't help but smile to himself at the sight. Nicks eyes suddenly meet his and he pulls away from Olivia, his face Redding by the second. Olivia turns and pulls Nick over to George with her, nearly tripping him.

"Hey George! What did you get?"

He pulls the hoodie out of the bag and hands it to Olivia, who finally releases her grip on Nick to take the fabric from George.

"Wow- this is actually pretty sweet. I didn't expect you to go with blue"

He shrugs and takes the hoodie back, carefully placing it back in the bag. He looks at his feet and says,

"I want to give him something that reminds him of me. Not in a weird way, but like when he puts it on and he thinks, "oh this was the hoodie that weird  British kid gave me on my birthday!" Ya know?"

Olivia giggles and Nick laughs,

"Yeah yeah weird British kid, I get it. Let's head back home and see what we still need to get. We might have it all already, so maybe we'll have some extra time to hang out this evening."

George, Nick, and Olivia head outside and find Nicks car. Of course, Olivia gets the front seat and control over the music (Nicks still a little afraid of her .-.) and George sits in the back. He smiles to himself and clutches the hoodie close to his chest,

I hope he likes it.. what if he thinks it's weird? Don't think like that George. He's going to like it :)

I'm falling in love with this story 🥺 I'm actually trying to make it make sense and flow smoothly. Each chapter has to have AT LEAST 1000 words or I REFUSE to post it

Word count-1029

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