Chapter Thirteen- Together

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Olivia shouts from George's hospital room. Clay, Nick, and Olivias parents dart up from the waiting room and rush into the room,


His foster parents ask, running over to his side.

The nurses around him pull the oxygen mask off his face and writes stuff down on a note pad.

"He'll be groggy for a while, but just be patient. We gave him an extra dose of pain medicine too."

The nurses leave the room, and George's tired eyes slowly move from person to person.

"Georgy? Can you hear us?"

Olivia asks, laying her hand on his shoulder.

His eyes meet hers and he quietly answers,

"Y-yeah... so-orry bout y-your car.."

Everyone starts laughing as Nick says between giggles,

"Even in a hospital bed you don't lose your sense of humor"

Clay and George make eye contact as the others talk to each other about getting George home. Clay smiles, but George looks away.

"Olivia and Nick, could you two go to our house and grab some of George's clothes? He's going to be staying here for about a week. Me and (insert fathers name here ;-;) are going to talk to the doctors and car shop. Clay could you stay with him and keep him company? If you need something just hit the button next to the bed."

With that, everybody except George and Clay leave the room..

An awkward silence fills the empty space, and Clay clears his throat.

"H-How do you feel?"

George plays with the hem of the blanket on his lap.


He mumbles.

"Listen.. I wanted to tell you something when you woke up..-"

"I know. I heard you."


"I heard you.. I heard everything anyone said. I couldn't move, but I could hear."

Clay scoffs and leans against the wall, completely in awe.

"You heard.. everything??"

"Yes.. so what did you want to tell me?"

Clay pauses and rubs his neck.

"Uhm.. well for starters I'm sorry about yelling at you.. I was never mad at you.. I promise. Something happened right before you came over that made me.. well, scared. I didn't know how to react, and I took it out on you.. and.."

Clay takes a deep breath and looks into George's eyes.

For once, George doesn't look like his usual bright self, that probably has to do with the fact that he was in a fucking car crash Clay. Idiot

Clay stands up and checks to make sure nobody's listening in outside. He hesitates before taking George's hand again,

"At first when I met you, you were like no one I've ever met before. Youre somebody I can trust. I don't make friends easily.. You're smart, brave, and.. I really like you. Maybe even more than a friend.."

He awkwardly rubs his neck and waits for his friends response..


George laughs quietly and squeezes Clays hand.

"I've liked you since the first week I met you..."

The two sit in an aching silence for a minute before Clay says,

"If you're willing.... would you want to be my.. boyfriend? I-I understand if you don't, I know I fucked up-"

"I would love to"

Clay freezes at the answer coming from the British boys mouth,

"Wh-What? R-Really?"

"Yeah.. r-really"

"Could we keep this down low for a while? Maybe tell the others when you're feeling better?"

George nods,

"Yeah, we can."

•••Le Time Skip•••

It's been four months since the crash.. since the pain.. since the confessions.

George healed nicely, although he still has minor issues such as muscle pain, and a few scars from surgery scattered throughout his body.


"George I swear to God give me my phone!"

Olivia chases George around the kitchen, jogging instead of full on sprinting to make sure he doesn't get hurt again.

"Stop playing the song Payphone! I'm going to go insane!"

Olivia catches up to the smaller boy easily and snatched the phone from his hands.

Nick and Clay come into the house together and find their "friends",

"Heya guys"

Nick says, giving Olivia a knowing glance. George glances at Clay then looks back at his feet, a light blush creeping over his face. Olivia pretends not to notice and strikes up a conversation with Nick.

Clay makes his way over to George and stands next to him, nudging him in the shoulder.


He says, his blond hair falling slightly over his green eyes. George smiles and combs back the fallen locks,


Clay finally told George about his past relationship, and the things that happened. He explained why he was so scared and angry on the day George crashed. George understood completely, and now the two are in a healthy relationship.. that nobody knows about.

"You wanna come over later? We can watch a movie or something."

George smiles and nods his head.

"Yeah, but there better be popcorn."

Clay snickers,

"Of course there'll be popcorn"

"What are you two laughing about over there?"

Olivia asks, smirking at the two boys.

"Ohhhh nothing."

Clay says, winking at his friend.

"Me and Clay have to go now. We're technically supposed to be getting stuff for his football party on Saturday."

Clay leans down and verrrry quietly whispers something in George's ear,

"See ya later baby~"

George flushes a deep shade of red as the tall man beside him walks out of the house with Nick.


FINALLY DONE. geez this shit took me three days ;-;

so this stories gotten kinda weird I KNOW- I had some writers block, buuuuut it's fine now.

This story is nearing its end, but we have to get to the bottom of Clays evil ex -.-

This is like a roller coaster of emotions lol

There may or may not be something special next chapter.........

Also I was lazy and didn't want to proof read this I'll do it tomorrow—


Word Count-961

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