Chapter Nineteen-Us

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Clay parks his car in an empty lot near a park dimly lit up by two small street lights. He takes deep breaths and taps his fingers on the steering wheel.

I'm coming Georgy.. don't worry.

He looks around and notices another familiar looking car, but no ones inside. Clay slowly opens the car door and keeps his hand on his phone just in case..


He calls out, somewhat quiet. When no one answers, he try's again.

"Hello? Fundy?"


Clay whips around, his heart beating so hard that he felt it was going to break free of his heaving chest. His green eyes meet his ex's hazel ones, burning with anger.

"Where is he?"

Fundy chuckles and shakes his head,

"Clay, baby, I'm not going to give him up just like that, no no. We have to talk first."

"At least tell me he's ok. If you hurt him-"

"He's fine. I haven't touched a hair on his head."

Clay takes a breath of relief and asks,

"What do you want to talk about?"

Fundy eyes him for a moment before chuckling.

"I want to talk about us."


"Yes, us."

Fundy takes a few steps forward until he's only a foot away from the tall blond. Clay wants to back up, but he can't risk George's safety. He needs to do what Fundy says for now..

"I want to know where George is, then we can talk. That's a promise."

Fundy bites his lip and narrows his eyes and says,

"Fine. He's at the place we had our first date. Remember? You set everything up then brought me blindfolded to a fancy setup with candles and-"

"I remember. Just get to the point.

Fundy scowls at him and rolls his eyes.

"I want you back."

"Not happening."

"It is happening if you want George back safely."

Clay glares daggers at Fundy and shoves his hand in his pocket.

I have to so this.. we can figure everything else out later.. but I need to get George home safe.

"Deal. Let him go and we can be together."

Fundy smirks evilly,


"Bring me to George."

Fundy groans and shakes his head.

"You have to prove what you said to me. I'm not just going to release him so you can go right back together. You can see him, sure, but he stays at the cabin."


"Watch your words Clay. You wouldn't want me to do something to George that you might not like.."

Clay bites his tongue as Fundy lays a hand on his cheek.

"I still remember that night. The night you left me. The night you tried to run.."

Clays eyes drop as he too remembers..

"The worst and best night of my life.."

"No baby.. thats not true. You don't mean that.. that was the night I got to touch you.. the night you gave yourself to me-"

"I didn't give myself to you! You.. you forced yourself on me.."

Fundy shrugs and pulls his hand away.

"That's not what happened.. I would never hurt you like that.."

"..but you did.."

Clay squeaks out, trying to fight back tears that threatened to flow out of his eyes.

Fundy steps so close to Clay that he could feel his breath on him.

"I want to see George.."

He mumbles, keeping his gaze steady. Fundy sighs and leads him to his car.

"Fine. I'll take you."


"He's down there."

Clay runs down the basement steps and freezes when he reaches the bottom. Tied to a chair in the center of the room, was George. He had a blind fold over his eyes and a gag in his mouth. He didn't even look like himself..


Clay yells, trying to run forward to get to George. Fundy holds him back and steps between the two of them. George, hearing his lovers voice, cry's through the gag and weakly fights against the restraints.

"Now look what you've done. He was being so quiet.."

Clay ignores Fundy and steps closer to George.


Fundy warns.

"Just let me touch him.. please.."

Fundy rolls his eyes and steps aside, letting Clay run past and crouch down next to George.


He leans his head on George's and combs a few locks of fallen hair out of his face.

He leans close to his ear and whispers ever so quietly,

Don't worry.. help is on the way. Just hang in there. I'm right here baby..

George let's his tired head rest on Clays hair and he takes soft breaths through his nose, instantly calmed by the feeling of his boyfriend being so close once again.

"Cmon. Times up. We have things to do."

George feels the once calming presence disappear, leaving him all alone in the darkness again..

As Fundy exits the basement, Clay pulls out his phone and sends a quick message to Nick..


Welp- this escalated quickly 😅

Word count- 827

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