chapter 6: was it deserved?

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We got back to class and came up with a fairly good excuse: Chloe came to check that I was ok after the akuma since I still wasn't in the classroom (hey, it's better than the 'my dog ate my wool sweater so i brought him to the vet'. i don't HAVE a dog)

We somehow made it through the rest of the day and went home. 

I sat down at my desk and went through my homework, saving math and physics for last because I found them a bit more difficult. After I finished my piles of homework, I went downstairs for dinner. My mom was making some chinese food, yum. My dad had just closed the bakery for the day, so while she cooked we played some UMS. 

After eating, playing some more UMS, and watching a movie, I waved my parents goodnight and went back to my room. I worked on designs until it was an unreasonable time and went to sleep.

- - -

The next morning I woke up (obviously) because I fell out of my bed. My parents called upstairs to check that I was okay and I yelled that I was fine. I got up and changed. I decided to be a little more risky today by wearing my ladybug sweatshirt with some jeans. 

On the walk to school I slipped a cookie that was supposed to be my breakfast into my bag for Tikki. She needed it more. There had been akumas every day for weeks and we've been so tired that we've canceled patrol every day for a week in a row, not just for us but for our kwamis. 

When I got into my classroom I was actually early--by thirty seconds--but it's better than being late! 

I sat down and got out my stuff. Everything was normal, except for the few glares I got from fellow classmates. They probably didn't get scolded by Alya for believing Lila's lies.... yet.

Alya saw that I looked a little uneasy and looked around. She saw Alix and Kim glaring at me and stood up. Oh no... She walked over to them and I don't even remember what she said. Something about how if you believe that liar of a girl then you can leave or face her wrath. They scrunched up; You do not want to be on Alya's bad side. 

- - -

Alya, Chloe, and I were walking back from the bakery when we heard more whispers. Everyone was looking at us--- no, glaring at us. What now? They were perfectly fine with me this morning! Alya to the rescue! She walked right up to one of the larger groups of students and asked them why the heck they were looking at us like that.

"What do you mean? You're the one hanging out with the devil."

Alya stopped for a second... "W-what? Who are you talking about?"

"Marinette. S-she"

They leaned into Alya's ear and whispered the rest of their sentence. Alya stopped in her tracks and looked back at me. She whispered it to Chloe and this was her response:

"You believe that? That's just another one of Lila's lies. Marinette is an absolute angel, she would never work for Hawkmoth!"

I looked up from the ground and I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped. Lila told everyone I work for Hawkmoth, are you SERIOUS? I'm Ladybug dude, I would never! Lila's the one working for Hawkmoth, stupid. (Not calling Alya stupid, just the students in general). 

Did Alya believe that? I couldn't tell as she marched up to my face. I was really scared that she believed it-- until she looped her arm through mine. Chloe did the same with my other arm and they walked with me into school proudly. I was so happy Alya believed in me, even if barely anyone else did. 

On the way into class I saw Lila sneering at me. Chloe was right, not all second chances are deserved. The rest of the day I had Chloe and/or Alya by my side at all times. It was nice but also a little embarrassing. I can defend myself, Chloe knows that more than anyone.

- - -

The next day I went to school and I asked them not to follow me everywhere, because I'll be fine, right? They agreed and went to class. I had a different class than them anyways, I wouldn't want them to be late because of me. I started to class and right as I was turning into the hallway, someone shoved me to the ground.

"Ha! She's working for Hawkmoth and she can't even fight!"

I got up and continued to class remembering something Alya had said once: They aren't worth it. They caught up to me rather quickly though and kicked me to the ground again. I stood up and saw that I was cornered; they had blocked me from getting to class. Are you serious?? I tried to get past but they just moved again to keep me trapped. I decided to just jump over them. 

There was a random  chair near me that i could reach to get high enough. I got a running start, ran up the chair and jumped over the shortest person blocking me. The chair tipped over right as I jumped but I miraculously (get it?) landed on my feet. I ran the rest of the way to class so I would be on time.

Unluckily, this class had Lila in it and she decided to talk to me after class.

"Hi Marinette. I've heard that you've taken up a new hobby of visiting a certain villain."

"Lila," I tried to keep a friendly tone, but I still seethed a little "Why did you spread more rumors about me?"

"You know something don't you?"

"I know you lie."

"Exactly! You also like my Adrien, so I need to remove you from the equation."

"By spreading rumors about me?"

"Well less blame is put on me if someone else gets rid of you first, right? I saw that small quarrel out there..."

"Why can't you be yourself?"


"You lie about yourself too, you don't just lie about me. You haven't been to Hollywood or the Kingdom of Achu." (i hope that's how you spell it) "Why? To make people like you?"

Lila looked at the ground. I had never seen her look so... guilty?

"People will like you if you act like yourself. You don't need to know all the celebrities or anything, you can just be you."

Lila looked at me. Before, I thought she looked guilty, no, she was angry, VERY angry. She stormed out of the classroom. When she reached the door, she turned around.

"You don't know what my life is like Dupain-Cheng. You can 'bE YoUrsELf' all you want. I'm continuing on my path and you continue on yours and I assure you. Our paths will cross again and yours won't continue in the same direction ever again."

WOW! Did you like the evil monologue? This is a chapter made of like 60% dialogue or something, so i'm sorry if you don't really like dialogue, but LILA HAS DEVELOPMENT NOW! Not much, but a little. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Have a good day! 

word count (approximate): 1147

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