chapter 15: mari's problem

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My head felt groggy and I felt weird as I woke up. I turned off my alarm and saw Tikki flying in front of me.

"You're awake! I was starting to think you weren't gonna wake up until this afternoon!"

I could feel my heart pounding in my head and i shook but still managed to sit up in my bed. I had a bit of a headache and my right leg was asleep but otherwise I felt decent.

"What happened?"

Tikki looked kind of sad when I asked this,

"You don't remember anything?"


Suddenly a ton of memories came rushing to my head: the akuma, Princess Justice, Queen Bee, the past Ladybugs and the white light...

"Oh... I got akumatized?"


"And Chloe saved me all by herself?"

"No silly! You saved yourself!"


"I reminded you that the akuma can't solve your problems!"

"But that means you saved me, not me saving myself."

"No. Mari I could only talk to you, you fought the akuma and decided to listen to me. You were the one in control. If you hadn't done that, the world would've ended by now."


"But if you're feeling okay, you should get ready for school!"


I got off of my bed and went into the bathroom. I changed into a loose chat noir themed shirt with some comfortable leggings. I grabbed my bag and Tikki followed me into the kitchen. I ate some breakfast while Tikki ate a cookie. I was going to be late to school anyway, so may as well take my time. I made sure I had everything (including Tikki) and left for school. I still had a headache and my muscles were pretty sore, but otherwise I was fine. 

I got to school and everyone was still in class so I got to a seemingly empty school. I headed up the back-right set of stairs and rounded the corner, heading to Mme. Bustier's classroom. I opened the door and headed towards the back seat as I didn't want to sit next to Alya yet and Sabrina wasn't absent today.

(just to clarify, lila is sitting in her normal seat in the back and not next to alya)

As I made my way up to the back seat (the bench next to Lila's) I felt everyone's eyes on me. They knew that I was akumatized yesterday and that Ladybug didn't show up. I hope that they didn't connect the dots. 

I sat down and put my bag on my desk. After grabbing my things, I moved my bag underneath the desk and looked at the board. Mme. Bustier welcomed me and continued with the lesson. 

Throughout the lesson I felt some people looking behind them at me. I didn't know why but it was probably because of yesterday. However, I just focused on what Mme. Bustier was teaching because I didn't really care. 

After the lesson I walked out of the classroom to my next class. I got to class on time and everything went well, until lunch.

Lila came up to me and started talking about how rude I was to her when I was akumatized and how rash it was to call her a liar because she thought I didn't remember anything.

"Well Lila, I don't think you know this but, Hawkmoth chose my powers and therefore HE was the one who called you a liar."

"W-what!? No. I'm the victim here, you're the liar!"

"Look who's talking, you were the one with the 0 good and 10 bad above your head."

"How do you rememb-"

"Don't think I forgot about what you said. You actually complimented me!"

Everyone was crowding around us now.

"N-no I didn't!"

"Yes you did! You said it yourself 'You're still Marinette. You're thinking of others before yourself! You said you're going to get the miraculous and then get your revenge. Tell me, what do you get if you get the miraculous?'"

"I... I did say that. But how do you remember all of this! Once you're deakumatized you aren't supposed to remember anything! Everyone in here knows that!"

"Well, I did expel my own akuma didn't I? Don't you think I would remember everything?"

"I- How did you do that?"

"Well, I simply reminded myself why I got akumatized and how the akuma is doing nothing to fix my problem."

"What's your problem?"

I made sure I was facing Lila and looked her right in the eye as I said:


Then I turned around and walked towards the bakery for lunch. That felt great!

YAY! mari is standing up for herself! i'm going to be posting a bit more next week because I don't have school. also! only 3 more chapters! get ready for the next chapter: 'claws out'! hope you enjoyed and as always: have a great day/night wherever you are in the world. write to you later!

also: THANK YOU FOR 200 READS! it means a lot to me! =^. ̫ .^=

word count: 820

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