chapter 18: ship sailed

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- - the next day - -

I walked to school happier than ever. I was going to get there early to see Adrien. Last night went better than I ever could have planned.

My transformation wore off and Chat stood there, in awe. He never thought I would reveal my identity, but I did. When he saw I was Marinette, he hugged me. 

We stayed there for a while and talked. We talked about all our times as superheroes and as normal people. it was amazing.

I got to school and waited for Adrien to arrive. As soon as he arrived he came up and hugged me. Oh right, forgot to tell you that yesterday we also talked about our crushes. I admitted that I had a crush on Adrien and Adrien admitted (even though he had said it many times) that he like Ladybug. He also mentioned how he had a little thing for Marinette just how I had a little thing for Chat. We decided to date. It was way easier than any confession I had previously planned.

"OH MY GOSH!!!" 

Alya came running towards us, babbling with questions.

"What happened? Why are you guys hugging? Are you guys a thing now? When's your first date? I want ALL the details!!!"

"Alya.." I sighed. This would be hard to explain.

After coming up with a decent story, we convinced her that I just finally confessed and he felt the same way but he was just in denial. That story is kind of  true...

That day was great. Everyone congratulated us, except Lila, and we went on our first date! It was one of many happy days to come.

thank you for reading my book!

sorry for how long this chapter took me, i just stopped writing and lost interest. (see next part of book for explanations)

anyways, again, thanks for reading! it means a lot to me. this chapter was kind of short, but at least it's an ending, right? hope you enjoyed and happy holidays!

(book finished: 12/24/2020)

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