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"y/n l/n will also be an addition to your squad, she's a strong soldier and has a fierce sense of justice." guren announced to the others before you. you nodded your head in a greeting.

"she looks a bit older than us." a boy with soft eyes observed, leaning towards another brunette boy, who was studying you intensely. you didn't mind.

"she is.." guren paused, tilting his head. "how old are you brats?"

"we're sixteen, guren! i'd expect you to know that." the green eyed boy spoke up, tearing his eyes away from you to glare daggers at the lieutenant colonel.

"ri-ight." guren responded, turned back to you, and gave you a strong clap on the back. "y/n is eighteen, barely a difference. get along well, and don't make her mad." with that one warning, guren spun on his heel and began to take his leave, ignoring the feisty boys' yells as he left.

"it's been a while, y/n." the squad leader, shinoa grinned, reaching out for your hands. instantaneously, you broke out into a smile similar to her own, grasping her hands in return.

"i've missed you." you beamed, squeezing shinoa's fingers gently.

"uh- shinoa, you know this girl?" the boy with glasses and hot pink hair finally speaks up, a quizzical expression taking over his sharp features. shinoa nods.

"of course! she's only one of my closest friends." shinoa stated matter of factly. she turned to face her comrades, and then you as she released your hands from her gentle grasp.

"so y/n, this is yoichi, kimizuki, and our resident sourpuss, yuuichiro. but we all call him yuu." shinoa introduced, pointing at each boy as she spoke.

"i'm excited to fight with all of you." you said, offering them all a smile, to which they each returned with their own.

"we're excited to fight with you, too."

end flashback*

you open your eyes, waking from your nostalgic dream as you realize you're still on the road with your friends. everyone was continuing to talk to each other as you napped peacefully.

"you're finally awake, y/n." shinoa giggles, turning to you with a bright grin, clearly still in a good mood after destroying both yuu and kimizuki for making fun of her height.

"you're still self satisfied." you comment, yawning and stretching out your arms. shinoa sighs, her ecstatic grin becoming a satisfied smirk.

"of course, i'm always happy to put little boys in their place." she responds, staring back out the car window at the passing scenery, observing the world as it slips by.


"no, don't slow down kimizuki! he's a noble. hit him!" yuu shouts over kimizuki, drawing everyone else's attention to the vampire standing at the end of the road.

"prepare to jump!" shinoa exclaims, reaching for the handle of the car door. you turn to jump out of the vehicle right behind her with the rest of the group following, where the car goes barreling into the nobles outstretched hand.

"fuck." you curse, quickly getting to your feet and pulling shinoa up with you.

the noble takes the force of the speeding car, raising it above his head. you gasp, jumping out of the way as he tossed the car back to where you stood, just nearly missing you as you dodged.

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