Chapter 1 - Ask you

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The day I have been dreaming about for as long as I can remember is finally here. I pictured it since I was nine and it is even better than I could ever imagined.


I couldn't be happier. The school's golden boy Jake Mcgommery has asked me, Alex Matisse to prom. As I descend the long staircase in my beautiful dress; a rose long chiffon dress, the crowd stares at me. 

Jake is waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs in a beautiful black tux. His eyes are filled with love as if I am the most beautiful girl in the world. Everybody starts to sing happy birthday. Aria and Lori are standing in a corner mopping because nobody is paying attention to them.

Jake holds his arm out for me to take it and I smile at him. He guides me over towards a beautiful birthday cake. As I stand next to him, he whispers in my ear about the hotel room he has arranged for us tonight. I can't believe that tonight is finally the night where I will give myself to him. He is telling me something about rose petals and candlelight. 

"Make a wish Alex." He softly whispers in my ear. And I wish for the night never to end. Jake guides me towards the middle of the dance floor and a slow song starts to play. This evening is wonderful. He starts to lean closer and closer and our lips touch. My heart is doing flip flops. Until I hear someone shouting my name.



I wake up for my beautiful dream and look over towards my best friend Felix, who's sitting next to me on a bench. I look dreamy up at him with a grin. "Sorry I spaced out for a moment" I apologize.

Guess we can officially say that this will never happen, it will only happen in my dreams. Not only because nobody in this school knows my birthdate, but also because Jake has asked that fake blond bombshell Aria. I bet he doesn't even know my name. 

I sigh and lookup towards the sky. It's pretty safe to say that I am nowhere near that beautiful popular girl of my dreams. I am just a straight A student with no friends. Not cool enough to be friends with the popular kids. And guess I am not that big of a nerd to be friends with the actual nerds either.

I think I need to correct myself; the no-friends isn't exactly true. Meet Felix, he started at our school this year. At first, I thought he was too much of a bad boy to be friends with. But as I got to know him, he became my only and best friend. Guess you can't judge a book by its cover.

For Lori and Aria, it was just another reason to start rumors behind my back hoping he would leave my side. But despite me having an std, a mental illness and so many other things he still stayed at my side.

"What are you dreaming about dork? Are you fantasizing about me in your bed?" Felix throws me a sexy grin. I give him an eye roll. "You wish." He smiles at me, a cocky devilish smile. "You know I am happy to pleasure you." I playfully shove his upper arm. "Casanova you know that your tricks are not working on me. There are girls standing in line to be pleasured by you, take your pick from them." 

Since the first day he arrived at our school, girls have been throwing themselves at him. But he thanked and passed for each and every one of them. What makes him special? Maybe it's his dark personality or maybe it's just the fact that girls find his bad-boy look utterly appealing. Because make no mistake underneath his perfect build, his beautiful blonde messy hair and his dark eyes you can find a dominant, narcissistic personality. It's covered with a leather jacket and lots of ink, but it is still there.

"Nah, I am good." He smiles at me. "I want something real." He stares over the schoolyard as if he is thinking about something. "So, do you have a date for prom yet?" he asks. "You know I don't." I answer, he silently nods. "Okay, I'll pick you up at 8 after your birthday diner." He casually responds while leaning a bit back on the bench. "What?" I stare at him in utter shock. Felix is not the kind of guy who goes to prom. He actually hates that kind of social obligations. "I thought you didn't do prom?" I stammer. 

In that moment Lori walks over, normally she is never seen alone, she is always accompanied by her best friend Aria. It often looks as if they came out of a promotion packet, you known the ones where you buy one and you get one for free. There clothes, hair, make-up and nails always look exactly the same. They are on top of this social pyramid, where I am at the bottom. 

"Hi Felix, there you are I was just looking for you." Lori says. Felix sighs and I snicker. These girls don't take no for an answer. "I wondered when are you going to ask me?" even her voice sounds fake. "Ask you what?" Felix clearly isn't amused by this whole conversation. But Lori isn't going down without a fight. "To go to prom together." She answers. 

Oh god, can she be more pathetic? Felix looks even more annoyed. "I am not." He responds dry. "What do you mean? Not? Baby we would be perfect together I have even bought a dress that matches your eyes." Lori pleads. Felix stares her death in the eyes, a chill runs over my arms. I wouldn't want to be on the other end of that stare. "Look Barbie, I am taking Alex so go bother someone else." He says. Lori's eyes are filled with horror and she walks away.

I stare at him. "You know I didn't say yes." Felix smirks again. "Yeah you did, you just needed a little push." "But Felix going with Lori will make you top of the school. No sane person would pass on that opportunity." He rolls his eyes. 

"I hate these kinds of things, so if I am going, I at least want to have a good time." He winks at me. I am confused, why did he suddenly have a change of heart? "Why did you change your mind anyway?" "Nothing passes you." He answers. "Alex, you are dreaming about this day since the first day I've met you. What kind of lazy friend would I be to not take you?" I smile at him, but I am still not convinced he is doing this only for me. 

"Consider this your birthday present and I am paying for your dress." "You know I can't accept that." I look at my hands. "Alex your parents are struggling, for one night I just want you to feel beautiful." I look at him with raised eyebrows. He quickly catches on to his mistake. "You are always beautiful, no matter what you wear." He corrects himself. "So, does that mean you are going dress shopping with me?" I say with a huge grin. "Don't push it Fox." He smiles at me.

For the last year he has been a good friend. He is the total opposite of me but that has it perks. We challenge each other in different ways. We bumped into each other and started to talk, that was the start of our friendship.

I don't know what next year has in store for us. I have got different scholarships, but for once in my life I am not sure what I want to do. Felix is going back to his hometown, since his year of laying low will be over. So as much as I am looking forward to the end of high school hell, I am not looking forward to lose my best friend.

"What's with the frowning?" he asks. "Just thinking." I respond, avoiding the topic. But he doesn't let go; "About?" I sigh and look at him. "Next year. Do you really have to leave? We can go to college together maybe share a room. I am just not ready to lose my best friend." He pushes his hair back and thinks for a couple of minutes. I study his tense face, so far, we have been avoiding this topic. "I know, but I have to go back." He finally responds. 

"Can I come with you?" I ask. "NO" He almost screams his response, he startled me. He answered way to hard. "I am sorry Fox; I'll think about it Okay? Now go buy a beautiful dress." He puts some money in my hand and stands up. He presses a kiss on my temple and walks away. "See you tomorrow" I look at the money in my hand. That's a lot of money, where did he get that?

I was so lost staring at the money that I am suddenly startled. "Alex a word." I look up, Lori is standing in front of me and she looks not happy at all. "Hi Lori, what do you want?" I ask. "To take Felix to prom." I look at her, this girl has some nerves. 

"So, you're going to politely decline his invitation." She says before I can even answer. I gather all my courage this isn't going to happen. "Lori, I am sorry but I can't do that." She looks shocked at me. "Why not?" "Because I already accepted." I answer. "Then un-accept" she yells and I notice how people are looking at us. 

"Lori I am pretty sure that he doesn't want to go with you." Her head almost turns purple. "No sane person would choose you over me. You better make sure that he will go with me or you will definitely regret it." She storms away and I sigh.

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