Chapter 25 - Johnny

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As we are waiting for Ranger and Wolf the conversation with Rover keeps playing in my mind. 'I am fucking scared of losing you.' 'You have a strange way of showing it.' I close my eyes. 'You need to hold some distance tonight, got it.' I want him to know what he means to me and that no man can change that. 

There's a knock at my door pulling me out of my train of thoughts and Aimee squalls with excitement. Wolf and my father, Ranger are standing there in a beautiful tux. Ranger walks over and hugs me tight. "I don't know if that dress is the wisest choice to wear, but you do look absolutely beautiful darling." He says. I smile at him and turn around for him. I am wearing a long black tulle ball gown with a sweetheart corset and the tulle dances through the air. Ranger holds out his arm and I take it. Together we walk towards the ballroom where the party is held.

As we enter the room I can feel how all eyes turn on us, the place falls silent and everybody is watching us. I can feel myself tense under the attention. "Don't be nervous, you'll do perfect. And the fact that you are my daughter will make sure these men behave." 

Ranger whispers. He looks around in the room. And we walk towards the stage. "You really did a magnificent job." He says. I really did, to cut the loses of this party I planned and helped a lot. I decorated the ball room with a little help from Aimee and we prepared a lot of the appetizers that will be served. "Nobody will know we had a setback." I whisper at him. 

We take the stage and my father clears his throat, suddenly everybody turns silent. I look up at him, it's beautiful to see how he can address a full crowd without even a hint of nerves. He stands there confident and he just radiates power over the crowd. "Thank you all for coming. And I would love to introduce my daughter Lex." I hear Ranger say. I was so busy admiring him, that I did miss part of his speech. I blush and smile at the crowd. Cheers erupts. "She's the one that made this year's edition extra beautiful, so please handle her with care and respect." Ranger adds.

As we walk down, Rover approaches us. His eyes roam over my body and I can see in his eyes that he wants me right now. He hands us both a glass to perform a toast. As I take the glass, I carefully bend a bit so I can whisper in his ear. Softly I say making sure nobody can hear us; "Don't let them get to you, I sleep in your bed and yours alone." He smiles at me and Ranger and we drink together. "Time to make some rounds, Pres." Rover says. "Come 'on love I'll introduce you to the other Presidents." Ranger guides me through the crowd. 

Most of them are nice and the greet me friendly, I can feel our riders constantly watching me as if to reassure me. Ranger and I walk over towards the next president and as my eyes meet his a shiver runs down my spine, dread fills my stomach. He is a beautiful man with a blonde perfectly shaved haircut, but his eyes are deathly cold. His grey suite is tailored to perfection, while his hands are filled with ink and rings. This man beams and breath two things; power and danger. 

I can feel how Ranger tenses on our way over. "Ranger." The man greets us. "Johnny." Ranger answers him. They shake hands but I can feel there's something going on between those two. "Johnny meet my daughter Lex. Lex, he's the President of The Bone Collectors." He has a wicked evil smile on his face and yet the smile reminds me of someone, I just can't place it. 

He takes my hand and places a soft kiss on top of it. "Pleasure to meet you, darling." Johnny says. He addresses Ranger as if I am not even in the room. "So she isn't marked yet?" he asks. I can feel how Ranger tenses. "I think that's her decision" Ranger answers him. "If you don't then maybe someone will beat you to it." Johnny answers with a wicked grin on his face. "She is right where she belongs." Ranger says. "So none of your riders have claimed her yet? Not even Rover?" Johnny asks. This guy is starting to annoy me, but I need to remember what Rover told me. It's all about respect, tonight is definitely not the night to make a scene. "No" Ranger answers coldly. I can sense Ranger is getting angry. "Don't forget your place, you are a guest here. Now if you'll excuse us we need to attend to our other guests." Ranger says and makes an end to this hostile conversation.

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