Chapter 28 - The aftermath

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After dressing we enter the kitchen. All the boys start to whistle and cheer. Rover gets a lot of high fives. I look shocked at him. "Finally" Wolf says as he looks at me with a huge grin. I turn crimson red. They all know we did it? "Are you still able to walk?" he asks with a huge grin on his face.

Boulder walks in and everybody turn quiet. Luckily saved by the bell. "Rover, how many times did you wreck my little girl?" I sigh, not him too. I feel even more embarrassed. I need to shut them down quickly. What if Ranger walked in, I don't want him to hear all this. "Since you all are dying to know. We did it 4 times and thanks to Rover I came each and every time. Now I'd like you to top that." I say as confident as possible. 

All the guys turn quiet and stare from Rover to me. Rover pulls me close and gives me a hungry kiss. His tongue slips in my mouth and before I know what I am doing I answer his hungry kiss. I can't believe myself, being like this in front of all these people. "You are so fucking sexy." Rover says with a husky voice that heats me back up. "Yeah, yeah we don't need to see the rest." Boulder jokes. Wolf walks over and hugs me tight. "Thanks for taking care of my man." He says. "It's a pleasure." I answer a bit ashamed.

Later that day I call my mom to talk about our visiting plans. She is quick to answer on the first ring. "Hi mom" I say. "Hi honey." "How are you?" I hear her sigh on the other end of the line. "Missing you an awful lot." "Me too, mom" And at the same time, I don't want to go home, I don't want to leave this place. I wonder does that makes me a bad person? 

"You sound really happy, tell me what happened?" "Mom don't freak out, but I have met someone." I answer truthfully. "Ooh Alex, I am so happy for you! But what about Felix?" She answers. Guilt fills my chest. "Felix is my friend. I don't see him that way." "Okay honey if you say so." I can hear she is not convinced at all. 

"Mom is it okay if we visit you guys this weekend?" There is a silence on the other end of the line. "We as in you and him?" Mom asks. "Yeah as In me and Rover." "That would make me and dad so happy." She answers. I can hear her grinning through the phone. She must be dreaming about grandkids already and I smile. 

"Can you both act normal around Rover? I really like him. And can you maybe ask dad to go easy on the hundred question thing?" "Honey, normal is our specialty." I snicker. "Yeah that's what I feared. Mom do you remember what it was like the first time when Felix came to our house?" And now it's her time to snicker. "We just gave him a warm welcome." She answers. "Mom, seriously? Dad wouldn't stop about what his intentions were with me. And you kept telling one embarrassing story after another." "Honey it wasn't that bad. You know what Felix looks like, we just wanted to make sure that he had your best interest at hart." I sigh, maybe she is right for a tiny bit. Felix didn't look like the type of guy that would show interest in a girl like me. Maybe if I warn them for Rover, they can already prepare themselves a bit. 

"Mom?" I ask carefully. "What's wrong honey?" I can feel her senses are immediately on alert. "Rover is a biker too. But he has been really supportive and respectfully towards me. He even suggested to make this trip, because he knew how much I was missing you guys." Mom is silent for a minute. "So you do have a type." "Mom" I answer playfully annoyed. "Sorry honey, I was just teasing you. Please tell me all about him." She answers. 

And so I start to tell her how amazing Rover is and how he has been a perfect boyfriend from the start. We talk for almost an hour. "Honey, I can't wait to see you and to meet him. But you do need to let Felix know you are coming over." "I will mom." I say. I know it's the right thing to do. "Love you, bye!" Mom says way to enthusiastic. "Love you too." I answer.

I stare at my phone for a couple of minutes but gather my courage. I dial Felix's number as I try to arrange my thoughts. I need to know what I am about to say, or this call will escalate quickly and seeing him will not end well. Right before I decided to end the call he picks up. 

"Fox?" I can hear his voice and it calms me down a bit. "Hi Felix." I answer. Still carefully because I remember how our last call went. "I am so happy to hear your voice." He sighs. "I have missed you so much." Felix continues. "I have missed having my best friend at my side." I answer. "So we are still friends?" He almost sound relieved. "Yeah we are." I answer, all though I am not quite sure where we stand at the moment or how he will react on Rover. 

"When are you planning on coming back?" He asks. "Actual I am going to visit my parents this weekend. I was hoping we could talk." I wait nervously for his answer, while debating myself if I should tell him about Rover. I decide it will be better to do it in person. "Ok, give me a call when you're free and I'll be right over." I can hear almost how desperate his voice sounds. "I will. Thank you for the patience Felix." "Fox anything for you."

As I disconnect my phone I stare at it for a couple of minutes. I don't know what to expect from him anymore. I don't know what our reunion will be like. A tear rolls down my cheek. In that moment Rover walks in and the moment he sees me he rushes over. "Love is everything alright?" He immediately takes place next to me and wraps his arms around me. "What's wrong? Are you having second thoughts? Did I hurt you? Did I do something wrong? Did I mess up again?" I can see the fear in his eyes instantly. 

I look up at the beautiful man in front of me. I can see he is afraid of losing me. "You are just perfect." I answer with a small smile. "Then why are you crying?" He asks concerned. I don't know if I want to tell Rover that I am crying for another man, maybe if I distract him with something else he will let it go. 

"My parents are dying to meet you." I say as carefree as possible. He looks stunned at me. "You actually called them?" he asks curious. "Yeah I did. We are welcome this weekend. But expect a lot of embarrassing stories about me and a lot of questions from my dad." He smiles and pulls me closer against his chest. "Love, I can't wait to meet them. I can handle the questions, if that means making you happy. And as far as the embarrassing stories goes, I want to know them all." He softly places a kiss on top of my head and I smile. 

Forgetting for a moment why I was crying. "But Love, that's not the reason you are crying." I sigh and fiddle with my fingers. "Tell me." He ushers. "I called him." I softly say. I can feel him tense against me. "My mother said that I needed to talk with him." I close my eyes. I don't know how he will respond to this. "You do." He softly says as he gently rubs my back. "As long as you are sleeping in my arms, I am fine with it." 

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