College Princess| Chapter 1: Once Upon A College

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Here's the first chapter for College Princess. If you like what you read, check out the actual book to continue the adventure. Have fun and Read On!

My friends and I were cheering as lunch came around. It was the end of our first college week and we've studied long and hard to land in the same college. Even though most people dreaded school, we all knew we were one step closer to our dream jobs. It also didn't help that we've heard rumors about a new royal family being chosen. As much as every little girl dreamed of becoming a princess, Harumi left a mark on the royal name itself in Ninjago City. 

"Fuck being royalty. I'd rather bash the head of the idiot thinking that another royal family figure head is such a good idea. If any of us were forced into the throne, we'll run away." My friend Stephanie states. Carly nods her head while my brother Oliver sighs. 

"Just because of what happened the last time we had royalty, doesn't mean you should assault the person calling the shots. Y/n wouldn't give up the chance to have other people clean up after her." He snickered.

I swat his head in annoyance. "And I don't want to be forced to 'smile and wave' like all royal figure heads do. I was to get (dream job) and if I became a princess, I'd tell them to fuck off and let me create the future I want. Royalty life is the same routine everyday. And I don't want that." I stated.

"Another thing that'll happen is the ninja meeting the new royal family. If my family was chosen, I'd use it as a chance to meet the ninja and throw the best college parties ever! Can't keep me away from the outside world because life ain't easy." Carly cheers.

I chuckled while glancing around the courtyard. Oliver follows my gaze and we both find Lloyd Garmadon, the Green Ninja, sitting under the tree napping. Stephanie and Carly shove me in his direction. "Go talk with him. You know this may be your only chance to get close to your favorite boy." Carly squealed.

Rolling my eyes, I walked up to Lloyd and sat a few feet from him. "You and your friends were pretty loud for a private conversation." Lloyd states, eyes still closed. "I'm sorry about them. We tend to get loud the more we talk about a certain subject." I apologized.

Lloyd sat up and glanced towards me. His vivid green eyes were as beautiful as nature itself. "Is college fun?" He asked. Breaking out of my trance, I realized his question. "In some ways. It depends on what your goal is for your major. Did you not go to school?" I asked in return.

The blonde shook his head, a frown dawning his precious face. "You remember when a ninja hunting dinosaur was revived and destroyed a comic shop?" I nodded. "I remember walking past Mother Doomsday with my brother a few days after it had happened." I commented.

"My friends were turned into children and couldn't use their elemental powers to protect the people stuck inside. When my uncle Wu arrived, I risked my childhood to grow up that day. I haven't been in school since before I met my friends in Jamanikai Village." He explained.

I frowned and leaned against the tree. "Even if you became a ninja, you should have been given at least some education. Maybe I could tutor you." I suggested. Lloyd's eyes slightly brighten and I could tell that he wanted it but, something was holding him back from accepting.

"Thanks for the offer. But I'll be pretty busy with saving Ninjago and meeting the new royal family soon." He sulks. "Well, if you ever want to learn something, send me a message on the school blog. I basically run it with a few other students. We give the day to day life here and sometimes we use the message boards to help each other out on assignments. Even though I joined during the summer, I've learned a lot before being here for a week." I state.

Lloyd stands up and I follow suite. "Not many people talk to me like a normal person. Thanks for these few minutes." I grinned. "No problem. Just because you have the title of a hero, doesn't mean that should be the only thing people see in you. I may look up to you and your friends for saving Ninjago time and time again, but I'd rather get to know Lloyd Garmadon over the Green Ninja. You're both but people don't choose who you get to be. Only we have the power to pave our future." I state.

Lloyd chuckles before his phone beeped. "You sounded like my parents and uncle Wu trying to give me advice. Anyways, I've got to go train. I'll see you on the flip side." Lloyd says, waving. I waved in return and felt my face heat up rapidly. 'I hope he didn't see my tomato blush.' I thought.

After joining back with my friends and brother, we continued to finish the school day. By the time we were in our last period, I started to hear whispers among the students. "There's royal guards out front. Maybe the new royal family has been chosen." One student said. "I feel bad for whoever was the lucky winner. Not exactly something anyone wants for a title nowadays." Another added.

On and on, the whispers and rumors started to float around. Once class was dismissed, I booked it towards my dorm, finding guards just outside of it. And I was still pretty far from it, so I haven't been spotted yet. 'Fuck. If I have to run away while dragging my brother and friends with me, I will. There is no way I'm going to be trapped in that shit lifestyle.' I thought.

Pulling my hoodie over my head, I sit back under the same tree Lloyd had been and texted my friends to make room for me in their dorm. Hopefully Oliver hasn't been taken in for the discussion. I get a reply saying that they've been ready since Oliver was already there with them. 'Good. We're safe this time.' I sighed in relief.

Knocking twice, I open the door and find the three marathoning a show. "Did they see you?" Oliver asked. I shook my head as I closed the door swiftly. "I was about to scream my head off but I didn't. Have Mom or Dad messaged you yet? I've got nothing." I stated, pulling my hoodie down and showing my phone. He shook his head in return.

"I think they wanted to tell us in person. But us twins aren't about to lose our college education so soon." Oliver chuckled. "They'll find you two eventually. There's no where you can hide. Especially at school." Stephanie mentions. "I mean, I think having a princess and prince as friends isn't so bad. Imagine all the things we can do! I kind of wish it were me now." Carly whined.

I groaned. "You don't want this. No one in this city want to have another royal family because of Harumi and the Sons of Garmadon. What I said earlier still stands. Fuck royalty. Come after me and I'll tell them to get out of my life." I state. I slumped onto the couch and felt tears slowly streaming down my face. I couldn't believe how my life got to this point.

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