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Calla POV

Thump. Thump-thump. Thump

The beating of my heart is the only thing I hear as I am crouched down in some bushes watching a herd of deer feed on the grass. Slowly pulling out the axe that was sheathed in my back I twirl it in my hand before finding my grip and waiting patiently to strike. The poor deer herd had no idea what had coming and I eye down my target a slightly bigger than normal  doe. She had to be pregnant does are never that big. Waiting for the hunt to began is hard for some people. You can feel the adrenaline building up inside waiting to be released and rushing through your  body. Some couldn't stand being patient waiting for the right time to strike, and others simply hated ending a life. But me I thrived off the adrenaline build not the rush, I did not wait for the perfect moment I created it, well Delax did. And as far as killing goes its part of nature, deal with it!

Suddenly the deer stopped eating as they looked up in alert sensing some sort of danger, but  it was too late for the pregnant doe. All of a sudden Delax came lunging across the other side of the meadow. The deer seeing the brownish-reddish wolf immediately took off into the woods in any direction they could trying to avoid being Delax's dinner. Delax chased the heard away and made sure the pregnant deer was separated from the herd and nipping at her feet he chased her in my direction. I emerge from the bushes staying in a calm composure I focus my attention on the deer's direction. In one swift motion I throw the axe aiming for the deer's stomach. The deer yelped in pain and fell to the forest floor, it didn't yelp long as Delax bites down on her neck slowly killing her. Walking over I pull my axe out of her stomach, the axe didn't go in too deep so skinning the doe should be easy.

Delax sits down and looks at me as I tie up the doe's ankles getting ready to drag her body back to the village. His tongue was rolled out drooling and he wags his tail. I smile and rub the top of his head and behind his ear " Good boy! ".   Dragging the deer about a mile back to the village I drop it off at the butchers in exchange for my kill he gives me some of the extra scraps and I give him to Delax before he goes wondering off.  As I walk into hall of the village everyone is gathered as dinner was about to be served. This was one thing I loved about my clan we were one big happy family. And I never had a family of my own so the clan meant everything to me. I sit down in my usually seat next to my good friend Hunt.

Hunt was about 17- years old which was two years younger than me, but he was always like a little brother to me. Teasing me and getting into trouble seemed to be his specialty.  Hunt looked at me as I sat down everyone was yelling and laughing with a beer in hand so no one noticed me slipping in. Hunt spoke " Hey cal! How did the hunt go?". I sip my beer and as I am interrupted by a deep voice, a voice I knew all too well. " You went hunting again by yourself?!" I didn't have to look to know who had spoke it was Ren.

Ren's POV

I looked at Calla waiting for her to answer. Sure it was wrong for me to listen in to her conversation, but the truth was I had been looking for her all day and I couldn't find her in the village. And now she just appears in the hall for dinner. I hated when she went hunting by herself it was dangerous. She could have gotten hurt or been attacked and kidnapped. Or some sick fuck could have followed her out there and had his way with her. I clench my fist at the thought of someone touching her, but I was interrupted by her soft spoken voice  "No, Delax was with me. So calm down Ren I can handle myself." I roll my eyes and takes my seat at the end of the table next to my father, Marcuis Ubba. As he sits the food is brought out and everyone grabs what they can fit on their plates and feasts. But I wasn't done with Calla yet, she need to understand that the woods aren't safe. It didn't matter how good of a warrior you were. " Delax is a wolf! He can not protect you from someone with trained skills or even a group of people! Why can't you listen to me?!" My voice raised louder than what I wanted to and my father heard me.

" Ren stop telling Calla how to live her life. I've seen the girl take down men three times her size. She is capable of fending for herself. Now that wolf is hers! She raised him, Delax would give his life to protect her. His more loyal than some of the damn dogs running around here!"  He finished his ramble and I mumble and stuff a chicken leg into my mouth. Father never took my side on anything when it came to Calla. She was the daughter he never had and it didn't help that her father was my father's best friend. So he always treated her like a damn princess. Calla ruffled my hair making a mess of its dark curls. She only did that to irate me. I wanted to be mad at her, but I couldn't she was my best friend. So I smiled and dinner with the clan went on as usual.  Everyone eating and drinking and singing through the night.

I see down at the other end of the table a cute little blonde girl about my age. She kept looking my way, but would quickly turn away when I looked at her. I smirk  as my thoughts get dirty thinking of all the ways I could deflower her. I hear Hunt and Calla laughing at something and I turn my attention to them. " What's so funny?" I look at the both of them  not sure what they were talking about. Hunt spoke " Oh just you and Emila eye fucking each other." Hunt starts laughing again and before I can speak Calla spoke her voice filled with annoyance, but I don't understand why. " Oh he wasn't eye fucking her, his thinking when and what ways he can." I wanna deny that, but I can't cause its true she knows me so damn well. So instead of lying I nod and get up " See you guys for training in the morning." I started walking away towards the door when I hear Calla mumble something under her breath. I couldn't catch all of it but I think I heard the word slut. But I ignore it knowing Calla would never be jealous of one of the girls I slept with as we were nothing more than friends. That's as far as we have ever been. As I get to the door I motion the blonde girl, Emila I think her name was to follow me. She gets up and leaves with me and I smirk watching her round ass walk in front of me. Leading me to where she wants to be deflowered.

Author's note: Hey Guys!!! Hope you enjoyed my first chapter on my very first story. If there are any errors please feel  free to leave  a comment so I can fix them. I am trying my best to bring something creative and new. I work two jobs, a full time college student, and volleyball player so. I should be updating the book every week so next update should be out October 29th! Maybe even sooner and possibly with multiple chapters.

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