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The frenetic atmosphere made Jennie squint her eyes. She didn't like this kind of crowded and suffocating atmosphere.

She missed her room, a quiet, peaceful room where she could sit and read while listening to faint music. But this very loud music almost exceeded her tolerance limit, she wanted to leave this place , but she couldn't.

"That man, that evil man" Jennie thought.
According to a source, she heard that taeyong would come to this place in a few moments.

Jennie tried to pull down her short black skirt which was starting to feel uncomfortable. This waitress uniform was extremely uncomfortable, with her top exposing her collar bones and the skirt so short that it was as if Jennie was forced to disguise herself as someone she didn't know. But that isn't really the point. She didn't want him to know her, even though there seemed nothing to be afraid of.

They had met only once, during a brief, accidental encounter. At that time, Jennie's appearance was not like it is now, her hair was still long with thick rimmed glasses framing her face, her clothes were closed and polite, so different from now.

Jennie wrinkled her eyes again.
"I really look like a cheap girl". she sighed.
The noise from the entrance distracted Jennie, her eyes searching and there he was! The man was there, with his excited arrival surrounded by tons of muscular bodyguards.

Jennie unconsciously snorted, well, since he's a bad guy who likes hurting people, he must have lots of enemies who want to kill him. Jennie curiously looked closer, trying to see clearly the figure of the man, Lee Taeyong. A figure who is feared in the business world because he doesn't hesitate to crush anyone who gets in his way. Anyone who dares to go against Lee Taeyong will end up in tragic. Like her father, like her whole family. Jennie sighed bitterly.

Jennie's family used to be a wealthy family, her father was a successful entrepreneur in the palm oil conversion sector. Their gardens were on acres beyond the island, and they were very rich. For Jennie their family is a happy family, even though her mother is a weak woman but other than that she is the perfect mother.

Jennie's mind wanders in those happy times, when she, her father and mother gathered together at the dining table, eating breakfast with her loving father and mother. Her father would talk about his experiences on his business trip, and her mother would look at him with adoration. Everything feels so happy, everything feels so perfect.

Until then Lee Taeyong came into their life. Taeyong was attracted by the rapid development of Jennie's father's business and was thinking of establishing a cooperative relationship.
At first, her father was not interested, he was quite satisfied with the business he was running himself. But Taeyong did not give up, in various ways he tried to approach her father. And somehow her father finally surrendered to the power of Lee Taeyong, into the power of the demon of darkness which when gripped would not release him again. Taeyong literally destroyed her family, somehow her father's ownership of the business was just countered, everything was taken by Taeyong and controlled under his hands. Her father had nothing more than a monthly allowance for him and his family.

Jennie's family fell into poverty immediately. Their luxury home was forcibly confiscated, they had to move to a small, simple house. They try to fulfill their own needs, without maids who are usually always ready to serve their needs.

Jennie could bear it all, but not her mother. His mother from childhood used to wallow in wealth, like a king's daughter. Even until he married her father, her father used to treat her like a queen with many maids around him. Her mother was devastated when she was forced to cook by herself with her fragile, unskilled hands - having never cooked in her entire life. And it gets more and more devastated when they get poorer, suffer more.

Finally the suffering was unbearable for her mother, she started getting sick ... getting thinner, crying more often on lonely nights. Then one morning, her mother just died. Jennie still remembers standing next to her father who was frozen staring at her mother's skinny and pale face. Her expression was asleep, and it was sad to realize the fact that her mother was probably happier now that she had passed away. After the death of her mother, her father was devastated. Totally destroyed.

He began to drink heavily, sometimes screaming and crying alone on lonely nights. Until one day, her father drove their car, their only remaining treasure, and crashed into the parapet until the car rolled several times. Her father died instantly on the spot. The police said that her father's blood alcohol content was so high that it could be said that her father killed himself.

Jennie became alone and the resentment that was buried in her heart grew even more after the death of her parents. All of this stems from Lee Taeyong. Ever since that man appeared in his family, everything was destroyed and wiped out. Jennie must take revenge, at any cost, to avenge her mother's sorrow, and her father's futile death. Since then, she's been investigating everything about Lee Taeyong, where he lives, what his schedule is, what his likes are. All this information she carefully collected and compiled.

When Jennie got the information, that Taeyong often spends time with his girlfriend in this upscale club, Azalea Club. Without thinking, Jennie left her job as a kindergarten teacher, moved from her residence and applied as a waitress here. Everything needs sacrifice, Jennie realizes that revenge takes a big sacrifice. Like having to dress up as a cheap woman in a mini skirt and sexy clothes. Sometimes night after night she had to refrain from the torments of uproar and frenetic music, or she had to endure her heart because there are so many flirtatious guys who always thought she was a cheap woman to buy. But Jennie felt that it would be worth the satisfaction she would get later.

The satisfaction of killing the man in painful torment, as he did to her father and mother. she has already put poison, which will not be detected, on the bottom of the glass specially prepared for Taeyong tonight. Taeyong doesn't use the same glass as other people. The glass is exclusive, especially for him to use, and this afternoon while pretending to clean the bar, Jennie sneaked into the special storage area and applied an undetectable poison to the glass. if Taeyong swallowed a drink from that glass that which has been smeared with poison, then all his revenge would be avenged.

Taeyong feels gloomy tonight. For some reason, he was in the mood to beat up someone, or if necessary, kill someone. Tonight he came to the club not for fun, but to find trouble.

Surrounded by bodyguards who are always ready to defend him, even though it was not necessary, because Taeyong mastered several martial arts skills. But when you have a lot of money, it is better if you let someone else do everything for you.

The Club owner himself welcomed him. Of course, considering how much he owes Taeyong. Hurriedly, the fat man led him to the best VIP seat. "You can choose anyone to accompany you," murmured the Club owner in a livid tone. Taeyong looked around with no interest, staring at all the women there who were almost looked like ants surrounding him, with gazes wishing to be chosen.

"Too cheap". he muttered to himself. All the people in this world are cheap and sycophants. Taeyong decided not to choose anyone but his gaze fell on her. The girl who looks out of place in this fancy nightclub. Wearing extraordinarily sexy clothes, but looking uncomfortable in them. Unconsciously a wicked smile appeared on his lips, "I want her to serve me." he muttered, pointing at her.


So what do you think about the story.  I hope you liked it. Anyways thanks for reading. Don't forget to comment and vote.

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