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Don't forget to vote and comment. I'd announce something at the end.

Doctor Jaehyun drove his car quietly through the traffic jam, then they came to a turn outside the city, towards a quiet street. 

Jennie who had been silent because she was feeling tense on her way, turned around and looked at Doctor Jaehyun curiously.

"Where are we going, doctor?"  Doctor Jaehyun turned his head and smiled sweetly.

"To the house on the outskirts of the city, the place is like a villa in the mountains, you will be safe there and Mr. Taeyong will not be able to reach you" Jennie nodded her head and looked straight ahead, the scenery outside was a forest and a pathway. 

meandering, the night grew darker and Jennie began to feel sleepy.  Finally he leaned her head comfortably on the chair and began to fall asleep. 


Taeyong stared angrily at the nurse who was sedated to replace Jennie in bed.  The two bodyguards who had been guarding Jennie's room stood terrified with their faces bruised from Taeyong's blows.

"How can you be that stupid huh?" Taeyong's voice sounded calm but the intensity of his anger made the hairs of his two men stand up. 

The guards stared at each other, trying to speak but couldn't.  They were guilty.  Yuta as their boss has instructed to check anyone before entering and leaving Jennie's room.  But because Doctor Jaehyun seemed to be used to going in and out of this room freely, they let their guard down and let it go. 

Who would have thought that Doctor Jaehyun was that dreaded Jackal?  Taeyong was still staring angrily at his two bodyguards, wondering what punishment was cruel enough to bestow for their stupidity. 

Jennie ran away, and not just ran, For God's sake!  The woman was now in the hands of the Jackal. 
Yuta came, handed another stack of files, distracted Taeyong.

"It seems that your guess is correct Mr. Taeyong, Doctor Jaehyun's profile is very similar to Jackal's. He graduated from a medical genius, his life is very mysterious, and according to rumors, his mother died by suicide.  He just entered this hospital two months ago, and when we checked his past, everything was blank, there was not a single data about him, as if everything was deleted."

"Search until you can"
Taeyong gritted his teeth.
"Whatever it is, address. His car number, anything to lead us to him. We have to find Jennie, before it's too late".
Taeyong closed his eyes, feeling a moment of tightness in his chest. 

Jennie must survive, even though now it is doubtful, because Jennie is in the hands of a very cruel Jackal.  Taeyong will do everything he can to get Jennie back, safe and alive. 


"Jennie, here we are," Doctor Jaehyun shook Jennie's shoulder gently.  Jennie opened her eyes and found their car
parked in a very beautiful white old villa showered with dim lights. 

Doctor Jaehyun got
off first, then opened the passenger door
and helped Jennie get off.  They walked side by side to enter the porch of the house, when Doctor Jaehyun unlocked the door of the house, Jennie winced and asked.

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