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There was something different about their relationship. Jennie realized that morning, remembering Taeyong's gentle smile when Jennie scurried back to her room when it was almost morning.

Especially Jennie's feelings for Taeyong have changed. It turns out that all this time she was also frustrated by the held back passion, just like Taeyong's.

And when they spent the night satisfying each other, this morning she felt incredibly happy.

This morning because Taeyong usually  goes to work at this hour. Jennie decided to fill her time by exploring the whole house.

She decided to explore the right wing area of ​​the large house, without anyone accompanying her, Jennie walked through the halls, room after room, until she finally arrived at the end of the hallway, with the walls completely made of glass, reflecting the sunlight all over the hallway and the scenery. beyond the glass.

The view of the rose garden creeping up and filling the small garden there. Jennie was so amazed that her heart almost stop beating.

She stood for a long time in front of the garden, then frowned when she realized that the right wing of this house, although it looked clean and well-groomed, seemed almost unused. Jennie turned left, and found a large golden door, with great taste. Being the curious cat she was she opened the door handle.

It seemed hard and jammed, but then after Jennie tried a few times, the door opened easily, with a creaking sound from the hinges that had not been oiled for a long time. The room was dim, because the bedroom window was tightly closed with curtains, it smelled stuffy like it had not been entered for a long time.

Jennie fumbled around the wall and found the switch in the room, she pressed the switch, and a soft yellow light immediately shone on the whole room. It was a room. A very feminine room in soft, almost white shades of pink.

Jennie looked around the room and found something that stunned her. There was a large painting hanging in the room. A very large painting with a very beautiful golden frame. But it was not the size of the painting or the beauty of the frame that made Jennie stunned, but the person in the painting, there was a picture of a woman standing in the middle of a rose garden, in a pink dress and long shiny brown hair, laughing happily, as if she couldn't help smiling at whoever painted it.

The woman hugged her slightly distended stomach, was pregnant. The woman looked so happy ... full of love, and what made Jennie really shocked was that woman's face .... That woman's face .... It was exactly the same as her face.

Oh my God! Exactly the same! Like a betel nut in two. Even though the woman in the painting looked more graceful and more feminine, Jennie firmly believed that for all these reasons, their faces looked so alike! But Jennie was sure it wasn't her in the painting. She has never worn a pink dress, she has never been painted in the middle of a rose garden, and to be sure, she has never been pregnant before!

So who is that woman? Who is she ...?

"You shouldn't be in this area" The cold and calm voice behind her made Jennie jump. She turned her head nervously and found Yuta standing there, staring at her with his usual cold gaze.

"Who is the girl in the painting. Yuta?" Yuta glanced at the painting on the wall, Jennie felt she saw a splash of sadness there, even though she wasn't sure, because when she looked at Yuta again, the man had a flat expression again.

"I can't tell you, Mr. Taeyong will be very angry"
"Please". Jennie interrupted quickly.

"If you don't want to tell me, I'll ask Taeyong directly." Yuta's face hardened.

"You can't do it, I won't let it because it will hurt Mr. Taeyong". Yuta's words made Jennie even more curious.

What's all this about? Is this the answer why Taeyong has kept her all this time? Jennie will pursue that answer from Yuta, no matter what, she stares at Yuta stubbornly.

"Then explain to me who this woman is, why and how does she look like me, and is this why Taeyong kept me?" Yuta sighed.

"Fine I'll explain, but not here, come with me." The man turned around and rushed out of the room, as if being in the room felt stifling.

Suddenly Jennie also felt suffocated so that she immediately followed Yuta's steps out of the room.

"That woman is Mrs. Jane Lee". Yuta muttered dryly, looking into Jennie's eyes deeply. They are now sitting in the sitting room at the back of the house which directly accesses the back garden and is equipped with a sofa.

A pretty comfy sofa and a coffee table that currently has steaming hot coffee on the table. Jennie winced at the information, Jane Lee? Is she Taeyong's mother? But as far as he knows, Taeyong's mother named Yoona Lee.

"Not Mr. Taeyong's mother," Yuta seemed to be able to read Jennie's mind, "Mrs. Jane Lee was Mr. Taeyong's late wife" Jennie was flabbergasted and suddenly felt short of breath, her chest was like being hit by thousands of tons of stones. she felt soo sad. Wife ?? Taeyong had a wife before? And why does the woman look just like her?

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for waiting.

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