📌twenty two

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Who knows how many hours the torturous operation process was and Taeyong sat there with his whole body tensed and in torment. Yuta was still waiting there, while Jisoo had said goodbye, because her son needed her.

Jisoo said she'd come back in the morning. Then came the baby crying. The baby's cry was very strong and loud, as if pumping all the air that was there into his lungs. Taeyong gasped and looked at Yuta, his body stiffened even more. Is that his child's voice? Suddenly the light flashed green, and a nurse came out, calling him, "Mr. Lee Taeyong"

Taeyong was invited into the inner room in the preparation room for surgery, which is the divider between the waiting room and the operating room,

"This is your son Mr. Taeyong, we show it. before she was taken to the nursery "The baby was crying so loudly, as if to protest why he was being taken from the comfortable warmth on his mother's stomach to this world full of distress. Taeyong watched the baby in amazement, that helpless little creature, which had been growing on Jennie's stomach, his flesh and blood, which grew from his love affair with Jennie. The creature was so helpless, and the memory that Taeyong was hostile to him was ridiculous. This boy is his son. The fruit of his love with Jennie. The nurse shows the genitals of the baby, a healthy boy.

And that face, which even showed its resemblance to all the descendants of the Lee Family, then carried the baby into a special room. For a moment Taeyong was still stunned there, then remembered Jennie ... Jennie ... how was his wife? "Doctor," Taeyong called the nun, trying not to sound panic, "What about my wife?" The nurse glanced at the operating room, "Still not conscious sir, her condition is quite stable although we do not know what will happen next time, you can visit her later when she has been transferred from the operating room to my room".

Then the nun left him, forcing him to wait into another tormenting uncertainty. In the past, Taeyong would have yelled, insisted, used harsh methods so that he could be obeyed. He wants to see Jennie right away! Why are the doctors incapable of handling it for so long ??? But Taeyong held himself back. No. They're saving Jennie. He shouldn't bother them, because Jennie's life is at stake.


The  room is quiet, only Jennie and her heartbeat are being monitored. Jennie was still unconscious, and according to the doctor's explanation, her condition is still not free from critical. Taeyong sat there, beside Jennie's bed, watching Jennie's face, who lay dead white. He had been though this before and it turned out that Jane never woke up again. Will Jennie do the same to him?

"You can't leave me Jennie," Taeyong growled hoarsely, "You can't leave me before I let you, our son is waiting there, wants to be breastfed so you have to get up and breastfeed him, help him grow up to be a healthy child ... who ...," voice Taeyong swallowed, realizing that he had said too much. Taeyong then touched Jennie's finger and grabbed her by

"I'm sorry," he whispered hoarsely, "I'm sorry for always pushing you, hurting you, even when you were pregnant with my child, I never paid attention to you as I should," Taeyong gently kissed Jennie's finger ,

"Get up dear, and I will make up for all my mistakes "Silence, only the sound of a heart monitor that sounded regular in the room, Taeyong held Jennie's fingers tighter," Wake up dear, will you have the heart to leave me and our son? You haven't even named him, what will I call him? ? " Taeyong's eyes burned hot. She had never cried before, but Jennie's residence so different from her fiery day made him feel a cold stream creeping up his mind.

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