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"Do you think she's ready for me?" Taeyong put on his robe, black silk, and sat on the sofa in his room. A full meal was available to him at the table. Calmly, the man took a sip of his wine, then looked at Yuta, his personal bodyguard and confidant who was standing in front of him with his trademark expressionless face.
"I think she is ready, not to surrender to you, but ready to kill you. She carried a murderous gaze full of hatred." Taeyong smiled faintly at Yuta's answer, "Yes, her eyes were burning, full of hatred," Taeyong took a sip of his wine. again, closing his eyes.
"But you know how I really want to have her tonight"
"Yes I know," Yuta replied calmly.
"Are you going to force her ...?"
"I don't like to force women, you know." Taeyong used to be surrounded by women who surrendered to him. Not a single woman could resist Lee Taeyong's charm. With jet-black hair that was slightly long against the collar, pale brown eyes and his aristocratic face could almost be said to be perfect like an angel.

If only his eyes weren't so cold, heartless and harboring deep hatred, terrifying. Taeyong is like a devil trapped in the body of an angel.
"I want her to surrender herself to me willingly"
'Of course' Yuta muttered to himself. Taeyong's words were like orders to him.


This drug is very strong, and cannot be used for fun. Yuta observed the white powder in a small container in front of him. Very hard, but very effective. And if she drinks it, she will surrender to her master, and please her master. With slow, calculating movements, Yuta mixed the flavorless white powder into Jennie's drink. This medicine will make women tormented, asking for satisfaction. If nothing satisfies her, the woman will feel her whole body burning, in pain. And Yuta is sure, Jennie will ask, even beg her master tonight.
'Tonight that woman will surrender in your hands, my lord' Yuta smiled to himself, waiting for what would happen.

It's been almost an hour that Jennie has been locked up in the room, the luxurious white room, the carpet, the bed, the furniture. This room was made for girls, and Jennie was disgusted at the thought that perhaps Taeyong's previous lovers were also placed in this room.

One of the coldest-looking Taeyong bodyguards, half an hour ago came in, brought a tray of food, put it on the table. Then without saying a word left the room and lock the door back from the outside. And for that long half an hour, Jennie tried desperately not to glance at that alluring tray.

Her stomach rumbled, and she felt thirsty. She hasn't eaten since lunch because she was too nervous planning her revenge on Taeyong, and now she's hit the stone. The aroma of the food was so tempting, the aroma of sweet and savory dishes that were still hot. Maybe if I take a little peek at what the food..... no! Jennie rebuked herself. She won't eat, it's better for her to starve to death than to surrender to Taeyong's power.

But if i just drink, it's probably okay. Jennie gave a thirsty glance at the drink on the tray. Fresh orange juice that looks so tempting. Finally Jennie gave up. She was so thirsty that she felt like she was about to pass out so she had to drink it, or else she might actually pass out. Jennie can't pass out, she has to find a way to escape from this room, this house.

She quickly grabbed the glass and drank it, gulping it down the orange juice because she was so thirsty. The cold stream of
the juice felt so fresh as it soaked her throat.
Without realizing that the glass of the drink was gone, Jennie put the glass down slowly, feeling a little guilty. But she didn't regret it anyway. She felt better.

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