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Jennie was stunned.  Her twenty-fifth birthday was coming.  How was Taeyong able to know the details of her birthday? 

"Later I'll catch up with you when I'm done here".  A fire burned in Taeyong's eyes, and it was clear that the man was trying to hold back.

"Whatever, see me later in my study," his voice was more like a growl, then turned back angrily.  After enjoying the rain, Jennie went into her room to change clothes and have dinner.  She didn't go to meet Taeyong on purpose, after all, it seemed that the man was just talking randomly when he said he wanted to talk about her birthday. 

And Jennie wasn't sure if Taeyong would be waiting for her.  The man seemed very busy and had a lot to do.  "Why didn't  you meet me in my study?"  the voice in the darkness startled Jennie. 

She sharpened her eyes and saw Taeyong sitting there, in the dimness of his room. 

"Why did you enter my room without permission ?," Jennie shouted in surprise, her hand fumbling with the light switch on the wall, trying to get rid of the darkness that enveloped Taeyong, because the man looked even more sinister in the dim light. 

Jennie managed to turn on the light and the light immediately enveloped Taeyong.  The man sat on her sofa, casually, wearing only black silk pajamas and holding a drink glass next to his hand. 

Jennie glanced at the brendy bottle that came
out of nowhere, which Taeyong seemed to have
poured while waiting for her.  Is the man drunk?  Jennie's heart started beating. 

When he is conscious, Taeyong's emotions are very unpredictable, especially when he is drunk.  "What are you doing here Taeyong?"  Taeyong snorted and glared at Jennie.  "What do you think? I waited for you in my study and then realized that maybe you wanted to annoy me by not coming" Jennie stepped back, glanced at the white door, and tried to get out of there as quick as possible, in case Taeyong acted out of bounds she could run away immediately. 

Taeyong smiled at Jennie's behavior, "You're like a scared rabbit again Jennie, are you afraid I'll do something cruel? Like mixing drugs in your drink, or ... throwing you off the balcony again ?," Taeyong grinned, put down his glass and stood up.  getting closer to Jennie.

  "Are you drunk Taeyong ?," Jennie glanced at the door, it only took a few seconds if Jennie wanted to run away from Taeyong.  She could do it.

  "Lee Taeyong never gets drunk." Taeyong stepped closer calmly, like a lion sneaking out on its prey. 

"And you .... You should have listened to what I told  you, Jennie" Jennie knew there was the point.  That's where Taeyong lost his temper, which is why Jennie jumped up and tried to escape to the door.  She managed to open the door a little, before with a quicker and more silent movement, Taeyong was already behind him, pushing the door shut again before it could open. 

Taeyong pushed her tightly against the door, and to her surprise, Jennie could feel Taeyong's manhood pushing hard against her behind.  She wanted to move and dodge, but it turned out that Taeyong was already holding her on all sides. 

Jennie was scared.  Will she be forced again?  The air started to feel stifling and Jennie started panting.

  "I never make love standing up," Taeyong whispered in her ear with a hot tone that made Jennie's whole body tingle.

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