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Her first day in freedom and Jennie was amazingly enjoying it. The tiny house she had rented was still neatly arranged as if it had never been abandoned before. Could it be that Taeyong sent his people to clean the house?

Jennie shook her head and tried to erase Taeyong's image from her mind. She had to forget about the man and move on.

That morning, what Jennie did for the first time was to check her refrigerator and frown when she found the refrigerator full of groceries.

This must be the guy's job, Jennie muttered, refusing to mention Taeyong's name in an attempt to forget him. But Jennie didn't want to let this distraction ruin her first day of freedom.

She took vegetables, beef and eggs. Then she made sauteed meat with fragrant vegetables and eggs, after pouring the fragrant dish from the pan, Jennie poured the warm tea she had brewed this morning into a white cup, and put it all on the table.

While eating her food Jennie turned on her computer. The first thing she had to do was find a job, because Jennie had to survive. As before.

As far as Jennie remembers, she still has savings in her account, not much is just enough to survive for one to two months after deducting the monthly payment of this small house contract.

After that Jennie had to work to support herself as well as pay for her place to live, if Jennie couldn't do it, she would be a homeless person. So, the time to find a job is very narrow.

Oh yes, the second thing she should do is take her savings, maybe later in the afternoon she will go to the bank. Jennie took a sip of her fragrant tea and sipped it with a delicious hot sip. Then start eating breakfast while opening a job search site on her computer. Job vacancies ... job vacancies that are fast and match their qualifications ...

Jennie's eyes move quickly and take notes on some suitable jobs. Her emailed cover letters to some of these companies while she finished her breakfast. When Jennie finished her activities, it was almost twelve in the afternoon.

Jennie remembered that she had to go to the bank, Jennie hurriedly took her small bag and was about to leave the house when someone knocked on the door. Instantly Jennie was alert. He never had friends before. So, it couldn't be a friend who was visiting.

After all, she was in her disguise at that time because she planned to take revenge on Taeyong, not many people knew that Jennie lived in this tiny house.

Was it Taeyong's enemy who wanted to harm her? Jennie shuddered in horror. Then shook her head, trying to compose herself . No, Taeyong's enemy must have taken care of the matter before he decided to let Jennie go.

So, who's knocking on the door right now? Jennie carefully peeked through the adjoining window and found a man in an expensive and formal suit standing at her door. From his appearance, it seemed that the man was a good man.

But looks can be deceiving, right? Jennie still couldn't believe that Doctor Jaehyun who was so kind and always smiling turned out to be a violent psychopath. Jennie grabbed the kitchen knife and opened the door carefully, leaving the chain holding the door,

Jennie looked at the handsome man in the neat suit, frowning. "Good afternoon, you are Miss Jennie? I am Luhan, the lawyer who was sent here." Lawyer ?,

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