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Jennie wake up from a deep sleep, there was a strange pain in her body. A bright light that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Jennie opened her eyes. At first glance her vision was blurry, and she tried to focus herself. Flashes of memories flashed through her mind, she was still locked up here, in the room in the evil Taeyong house.

Jennie frantically sat up from her bed, and the blanket almost fell over her chest. Jennie looked down and realized that she was completely naked under the blanket, what ...

"Good Morning" The masculine voice sounded very close and Jennie turned her head in surprise, The sight before her made her heart churn. Taeyong was there, on her bed, they were in the same blanket. She looked at taeyong's sode of the blacker which only covered from his hip to his legs.

They are both naked! Jennie was still flabbergasted at the scene in front of her. Taeyong lay down arrogantly, clearly naked under his blankets, and stared at her with a look of possessiveness. Jennie frantically pulled the blanket to cover her entire chest, but her movement made Taeyong's blanket sag and almost revealed his manhood.
Shyly Jennie turned her head and was greeted with Taeyong's evil smile.

Jennie's anger immediately emerged when she realized the pain between her two thighs. This man raped me!

I don't know what happened last night. Jennie doesn't remember at all. But certainly, She was already tainted by this cruel devil.
"You really are an immoral devil, take advantage of a woman who hates you so much !". Jennie hissed in anger, still not wanting to look at Taeyong. Taeyong chuckled at Jennie's snarling voice.

"Hate me ?" The man casually stood up, not ashamed of his naked muscular body.
"Look at me Jennie, you left marks on my body, you were out of control last night, like a female cat clawing at me.
And judging from the way you moaned my name, asking for more as my dick slammed in to you mercilessly, I'm sure you hate me." Taeyong said with an evil smirk.
Jennie glanced at Taeyong's naked body standing beside the bed, her face flushed with embarrassment.

The marks were there, red marks on Taeyong's chest, on Taeyong's hips, near his manhood.
Did I do this? "Yes. You did." There was a smile on Taeyong's face.

"With so much lust and hunger in your eyes, you ate me whole, all night." Flashes of the hot romance flashed into Jennie's memory, vague and unclear. But she couldn't remember everything, why can't she remember everything? Jennie remembered the drink Yuta had given her last night, and her disgust peaked when she realized something was mixed in there, with burning eye, overwhelmed by anger mixed into one, Jennie challenged Taeyong's gaze, trying to ignore Taeyong's nakedness.

"I always heard you were mean and cunning, but I really didn't expect you to be that low, using drugs to force the woman who disgusts you into serving you!" It seemed like Jennie's words hit Taeyong's heart because the man's jaw clenched out of anger.

Roughly, Taeyong grabbed his black silk robe and put it on. Then with a sudden movement, climbed onto the bed and gripped Jennie's jaw with one hand. The grip was so hard and painful that Jennie winced. But Jennie refrained from complaining, she didn't want to give him any satisfaction.

"Whatever you say, one thing is for sure, you are already mine. And like I said, everything that belongs to Lee Taeyong can never be taken away from me. unless I let you go ... or I kill you!" Taeyong violently released his grip on Jennie's jaw, making Jennie's body pushed back onto the bed. Then with firm steps, Taeyong stepped out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

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