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BANG!  Doctor Jaehyun's body collapsed to the floor because of the shot. 

Taeyong looked back, saw Doctor Jaehyun collapsed
with the knife still in his hand, and he then turned to the door, at Yuta who was holding a gun in his hand. 

"Take care of him," Taeyong ordered quickly, then his attention was completely focused on Jennie, he did not feel his palm that was cut deeply, he untied Jennie, and the woman immediately fell into his arms.


When her consciousness returned, Jennie was in the white room, and  she closed her eyes again, never before had she felt so grateful to be in this room. 

Horror still crept over her, imagining the blades flickering across her face, on her body, in her arms .... Ouch!  Jennie felt a lot of pain and looked at her arm, her arm was already wrapped in a very thick bandage, the pain was still felt but more because of Jennie's deep trauma due to her bad experience. 

Jennie sat up, Taeyong saved her, once again.  Why did that man save her?  Is it true that she is considered as Taeyong's special whore?  Because she served Taeyong with her body?  Jennie turned pale, looking away, feeling herself so low. 

The man saved her.  Jennie closed her eyes, imagining how Taeyong was, blocking the knife that was about to stab her with his hand.  Jennie still remembers the flowing blood, and can't help but realize that Taeyong saved her from counting several times. 

Why did that man save her?  It was a question she couldn't answer.  Over the years Jennie has cultivated hatred in her heart, cultivated a deep sense of revenge, with the knowledge that evil Taeyong has destroyed her family.  Well, Taeyong is really bad.  But apart from locking up Jennie, he treats her well .... Does he really think of Jennie as his lover?  Jennie's cheeks flushed at the thought. 

Was all of Taeyong's kindness purely driven by love?  Jennie should have felt insulted, but no, her feelings were warm without her wanting to.  He shouldn't feel this way.  Her hatred was the only weapon against that man.

What if she felt more for Taeyong.
Jennie shook her head, trying to get rid of the feeling that clung to her.  Trembling she felt her bandaged arm, and wept.  Her whole life changed in just a short time, all the plans she had made had been destroyed and she was now slumped here. 

Returned in the grip of that demonic man, and now even owes his life to him.
"Do not Cry".  Jennie jumped when the voice was heard nearby, she turned fearfully to find Taeyong there, sitting on the sofa not far from the bed and watching her.  Jennie harshly wiped her tears and looked at Taeyong angrily.

"It's all because of you !," she exclaimed accusingly

"If you didn't  involve me in your life full of enemies, I won't experience this!" 
"And if you were not easily fooled by the persuasion of the smiling doctor, you wouldn't have been kidnapped easily," Taeyong interrupted sharply.

   "I just want to be separated from you, why don't you let me go ?," this time Jennie shouted frustratedly.

  "I beg you I'm sick of being here ... I'm ..."
"Aren't you happy here Jennie ?," Taeyong  got closer to the bed and touched Jennie's chin with her fingers.  That's when Jennie saw, Taeyong's palms wrapped in bandages.

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