📌twenty one

386 19 8

Taeyong's eyes lit up when he looked into Jennie's eyes.  This woman looked at him without lust.  Doesn't she know that this request is adding to Taeyong's suffering?

"Okay, turn around," Taeyong growled again.  Jennie never asked her for help, and if Jennie did, it means Jennie was really in pain.  Taeyong's fingers moved to touch Jennie's head, to the silky strands that felt soft on her fingers.  That strand is usually where Taeyong drowns when he reaches his incredibly orgasm on top of his wife's body .... Damn it!  Don't think about it, Man!  Taeyong massaged and as if he hadn't tormented enough, during the process, Jennie kept sighing with pleasure because of Taeyong's massage. 

Sometimes even moaning, just like how she moaned when Taeyong fondled her, and it was excruciatingly torturous.  Taeyong's manhood was throbbing, and Taeyong felt like he was about to explode with passion, his passion for Jennie.  "It is enough?"  "I'm still a little dizzy on this side," Jennie tilted her head, showing off her warm and smooth shoulders, making Taeyong want to take a soft bite on that soft spot over there ... Damn ...!  Shit ...!  Shit ...!  While continuing to massage Jennie, Taeyong swore continuously in his heart, Then when Jennie looked relaxed, Taeyong released his massage carefully.  Very nice.  Jennie is asleep.  Now maybe he'll take a cold shower, or else he'll burn all night in this bed.  Suffering from being insatiable.  No less careful, Taeyong moved out of bed, about to step into the bathroom.  "Taeyong" Taeyong almost groaned at Jennie's call, "What is Jennie ?," Taeyong hissed hoarsely.

"Now I'm not dizzy anymore" There was silence.  Taeyong was stunned for a moment, then realized the meaning of Jennie's words, he immediately lay back on the bed, full of passion.  "Good," he whispered hoarsely and then turned Jennie's body and her her lips mercilessly. Her bubbling passion could not be held back anymore, Taeyong touched Jennie everywhere, enjoying her possession of his wife's body, enjoying how Jennie's soft and warm body tingled in  every touch.  Jennie's breasts look fuller, maybe because of her pregnancy.  Their bodies fused, and Taeyong moved as gently as he could.  But passion was burning through her entire bloodstream when Jennie finally reached orgasm, sending her also freefall into the abyss of deep satisfaction. 


Their relationship improved again even though it was a little stiff. Jennie realized that she loved her husband.  Yes, Jennie realized it when she missed Taeyong when he wasn't there. 

Jeez ... missing Lee Taeyong was the last thing on Jennie's mind, but it did happen.  Nine months have passed, now Jennie's stomach is really bloated and her movements are slow.  Jennie couldn't even see her own knees because her stomach was blocked.  Jennie gently rubbed her stomach, maybe because of this child, maybe because of hormonal changes.  Jennie doesn't know, what is certain is that every time she is around Taeyong, her feelings become warm.  Oh, Taeyong hasn't changed. 

Still the same, so cold and stiff and terrifying to employees and co-workers, and so full of affection in bed.  Taeyong's lovemaking style changed since Jennie got pregnant, even when Jennie's pregnancy got older, the man didn't touch Jennie anymore.  He just gently stroked Jennie's hair before going to bed.  And even though it still doesn't seem like he can accept Jennie's pregnancy, at least Taeyong looks like he's trying to compromise.  Is it true that Taeyong was actually worried about her?  Is it true that Taeyong actually doesn't think of her as a substitute for Jane?  Jennie doesn't know. 

The thought of it all made her chest feel tight.  Reminded of Taeyong's attitude during his pregnancy.  The man was gentle and kind to her, but he always pretended that Jennie's pregnancy didn't exist.  Jennie knew Taeyong seemed to notice her. 

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