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Jennie backed away uncomfortably. Letting Lee Taeyong into her house was like letting the devil rule her life. But there was no other choice. They must speak, at length. And they couldn't possibly speak in a doorway like this.

Jennie tilted her body to invite Taeyong into her small but beautiful house. Taeyong immediately sat on the brown sofa, looking comfortable, then took off his sunglasses and put on the table.

"What are you planning on your birthday ?," Taeyong looked around the room. "Nothing," Jennie had a strawberry cheese cake in her refrigerator. But that was for her to eat alone tonight. Without Taeyong's distraction. Taeyong looked at Jennie as if measuring.

"I can throw a party for you"

"I don't need a party from you" "Hmm," The man sighed, then when he looked at Jennie, his gaze turned serious.

"You know why I'm here?" Jennie nodded.

"And before you say what you mean, I want to make a new offer for you"

"Offer ?" Taeyong raised his eyebrows, "Okay explain"
"I'll return all the money you ever gave my father"

"Jennie" Taeyong chuckled, " The debt is so large that you might only be able to replace it with your body. No. I refused your offer. And you .." Taeyong's eyes turned sensual.

"You will be my wife in a moment according to the agreement."

"I'm not an item that can be bought casually, and why are you so relaxed ?? It's a matter of marriage not buying and selling company."

"I just want you to be my wife." Taeyong said staring at Jennie who started to get emotional.

"It's been set since the beginning." "Why ?"Jennie could not hold back a sharp voice on her tongue,

"Because you want to make me a substitute doll for Jane?" Taeyong's face hardened when Jennie said Jane's name, his lips tightened.

"Don't bring her into this."

"How can I not?" Jennie held back, but her voice rose.

"It's all because of this face, because of this face is the same as your deceased wife! You can't think of me as her substitute Taeyong! We are different people, and I refuse to be treated like that!"

"I know you are different people," Taeyong stood in front of Jennie, ready to confront.

"Believe me, I really know, because of this kind of feeling, I have never felt with anyone!" The man grabbed Jennie into his arms and immediately kissed her lips. Gently. Not as pushy as usual, His tongue traced all over Jennie's lips and then played with Jennie's tongue, tasting her all out. When the kiss was finally over they both panted heavily.

"Just admit it, you miss me?"

"In your dream, Lee Taeyong," Jennie replied curtly, making Taeyong giggle.

"We are a very suitable couple," Taeyong brought Jennie's body closer to his body

"Hook your feet on mine" Jennie looked at Taeyong anxiously, "What are you trying to do Taeyong?" "Just do it honey," Taeyong's fingers touched Jennie's thigh. Maybe it's time they stopped speaking and communicating in the nonverbal language they were so good at.

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