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The journey was torturous and long. Jennie's body was thrown roughly by Taeyong's bodyguard into the trunk and locked from the outside. Jennie tried to kick, scream, struggle, but in the end she was exhausted and out of oxygen. Realizing that this luggage space was so narrow and stuffy with the oxygen intake that was running low. Jennie fell silent. She tried to calm her pounding heart with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

where are they taking me to?
Jennie waited a long time, until finally the car slowed down. There was a sound of heavy gate opening, then the car started again, slowed down, and then stopped. She heard the sound of the car door slamming. And thankfully, they were coming to open the trunk. Jennie prepared to jump and attack whoever opened the trunk and then ran away.

Oh my God, I hope it's that easy.
The trunk door opened slightly and a glimmer of light entered through an opening that was only narrowly opened. "Jennie ..." Taeyong's voice called her name. Jennie's face immediately turned pearl.

That man knew her disguise from the start! Fuck!
"I will open the trunk door, but you must promise to be calm and not try to escape." There was a smile on Taeyong's face.
God damn it. He must be laughing at my stupidity. "You are in my house, and you need to know, my bodyguards are very unfriendly. I suggest you obey me and come down calmly. for your own sake, because my bodyguards might hurt you if you act stupid.". Taeyong stated calmly.

His house? Why? Jennie closed her eyes in frustration from the information she got.

Taeyong's house was so large in an elite suburban area. The house was fenced with a high fence around it and every entrance was guarded by Taeyong's bodyguards. No one could enter ​​the house without Taeyong's knowledge. Likewise, no one could get out of this house without Taeyong's permission.

"So what is it Jennie? Do you promise to be nice, and I'll let you out humanely. Or you choose to act stupid then maybe I'll tie you in a sack and lock you up in the warehouse," Taeyong's voice outside brought Jennie away from her reverie.
"Why did you bring me here?" Jennie muttered boldly. Taeyong's voice chuckled outside, "What do you think, Jennie? Do you think you could just poison me easily in public? Do you think I didn't know that you've been sniffing around looking for a chance to get your revenge?" Taeyong brought his face closer to hers.
"You've played with fire," he whispered,
"Now it's time for you to burn."
Jennie wasn't ready to wriggle. Besides, it's useless struggling. Behind Taeyong who was standing proudly were several bodyguards with muscular bodies that looked like stones. And seeing their looks and appearance, Jennie knew they would not hesitate to hurt her if Jennie did something that would harm their boss.

Taeyong took a step back, then stretched out his hand in a half bow, "Please princess, let me help you out," he muttered mockingly. Jennie looked at the hand then growled angrily. How insolent of this demon!

Jennie was angry and  pushed his hand away.
She tried to get out of the narrow trunk herself despite a little difficulty because her legs and arms were stiffly folded in a narrow room and traveled who knows how many miles.
Finally Jennie managed to stand out of the trunk, with all her pride. Taeyong watched Jennie from head to toe with a look of contempt, then a smile appeared again at the corner of his lips. 
"Come on, please come in. Welcome to my house," the bodyguard forcefully grabbed Jennie's stiff arm and led her into her house. The front of Taeyong's living room was very grand, with old style architecture that somehow seems modern. The marble floor glistens with ivory, and the large pillars in the living room of a similar color soar up high, paired with shades of red and gold.

Taeyong led Jennie to a large circular white staircase and once again half dragged her up the stairs. They both stopped in front of a large white door.
"You will stay in this room from now on," Taeyong muttered dryly. Jennie widened her eyes, angry at Taeyong.
"On what basis do you decide where I stay. I want to go home." Taeyong's lips still had a smile, but his eyes were the opposite. Those eyes shone with a sharp and cold gaze,
"You can't go home. Now, this is your house. With me" Quickly the man grabbed Jennie's shoulder, and at that moment Jennie realized that he was going to kiss her. As quickly as possible she looked away, trying to rebel, until Taeyong's lips just landed on her temple. Taeyong's grip on her shoulder was getting stronger so it hurt.
"I've decided to have you. And the only way you get away from me is when I decide to let you go, or when you ... Die," with his closing sentence so cruel, Taeyong opened the white door and pushed Jennie in. Then locked it from the outside, leaving Jennie banging and kicking the door hysterically from the inside.


Another update.  I hope you guys enjoyed it.
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